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Messages - Viinca

Pages: 1 ... 22 23 [24] 25
Species / Re: .:Johari Mzimu:. ~The Jewel Ghosts~ [With Pictures!]
« on: January 04, 2012, 08:27:35 am »
Wow, these fellas are sure handsome!! ^^ Nice species

Here are a little more pictures, this time of the group itself C: There are many, many more. Believe me lol.

Note: these images were touched up with Gimp, the sky ain't really like that ;D The pride however, is even smexier.


Game Discussion / Re: Your Opinion on Cross-gender RPers?
« on: January 03, 2012, 04:00:15 pm »
Fh is supposed to be a break from real life, so who cares if it is topsy turny, what matters is the imagination you put in it. If we can even imagine a roleplay fight for example, what is so different? I may be wrong, but in most RPs there are more girls than boys, like in prides (which does make this realistic, don't get me wrong) you will find more lionesses than lions.. If girls sticked to girls, there would probably be not many lions around, just very few..

Game Discussion / Re: Roleplay Fights are FAIL
« on: January 03, 2012, 03:39:50 pm »
To be fair, this often happens in the short term mapless RPs, when players mix with people they don't really know. This rarely/never happens in RPs you are familiar with because you more or less have a plot to follow and you expect to fight people or that people would want to fight you. I do enjoy a good fight, to be fair, it can be fun and not necessarily creates drama. It's a matter of taste and preferences, but you are right about the godmodding fights. I don't see how that can be fixed though, maybe bringing in a 'fight mode' like there was on IT? It's up to Kovu, and for now I don't think they are planning to do it, but why not? It could be fun C:

Game Help / Re: Feral heart is taking forever!
« on: January 02, 2012, 07:22:52 pm »
Everyone is having this, the users went from 600 to now around 150, so people logging off can't get back. Tried logging on two other computers, same thing. Grr, let's hope it's just a connection problem for tonight and nothing more :/ As soon as the number of users rises, I'm back on! I don't want to see it go down to nothing D:

Character & Roleplay Tutorials / - RP Recommendations -
« on: December 23, 2011, 09:22:22 pm »

Screenshots / Re: Fun Times in FH :3
« on: December 07, 2011, 08:21:09 pm »
So adorable XD This isn't over..

News Archives / Re: December Update 1/12
« on: December 07, 2011, 07:06:52 pm »
Same here, it's impossible to log onto Fluorite, unless you create a new character. It must be the server that's getting fixed, something like that?

Characters / Tasha, brave she-wolf of Kuzimu City. [pictures included]
« on: December 01, 2011, 01:24:19 pm »

She lives in Kuzimu City, or to be more precise, she was abandonned there like all the other creatures of the city, to fend for herself.

Her pelt is as dark as a raven's back, her eyes an aqua-marine blue. Her favorite past time? Rooftop juming and playing treasue hunt games with her friend H Lector, a re-assembled and dangerous creature. Since the finer food is clearlt unavailable in Kuzimu City, the roting corpses and bones laying around the streets would do for a meal.

Her worst enemy is Kusy, robotic killer wolf, with whom she enjoys the odd fight.. You know, just to clear the mind.

But her dream is to find the Zimas pack, the last surviving wolf pack of Kuzimu City's forest, and run free with them, away from the city, and the insane Bulus creatures there. Before it's too late.

Alright, the new version (a little lazy to upload picture since not much changed) doesn't have the blue markings, and the pelt is darker and more realistic (and I'd like to be in the first pack, if possible.). Not sure what breed this could be so I'm sticking to mutt.

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