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Messages - Ruby1234

Pages: 1 ... 235 236 [237] 238 239 ... 242
Forum Games / Re: The random explaination Game "Oh noes"
« on: May 24, 2011, 02:35:27 am »
Because pigs fly.

Why are bananas yellow?

Forum Games / Re: The Game Of Pokemans
« on: May 24, 2011, 02:33:10 am »
Go, Chuck Norris!

Waitwut? xD

Forum Games / Re: ^,<,V
« on: May 24, 2011, 02:31:53 am »
^ Green

< wishes she had gummy bears

V Do you like pie?

Forum Games / Re: 1000 Ways To Get Kicked Out of Walmart/Kmart
« on: May 24, 2011, 02:12:51 am »
Some ways to get kicked out of Walmart:
1. If you can, write, "I see dead people..." on all the typewriters.
2. Put a Dora the Explorer doll in the middle of the store and whenever someone tries to pick it up, jump out and shout, "Swiper no swiping!"
3. Unwrap all the chocolate bars saying, "I gotta find that golden ticket!"
4. Throw Skittles at everyone that walks by and shout, "Taste the rainbow!"
5. Go to the baby section and open a box of diapers. Whenever someone walks by, hold a diaper up to your waist, as if seeing if it'll fit you.
6. Put on a Darth Vader helmet, and when ever someone walks by, insist you are their father.
7. Ride a little pink tricycle around the store saying, "Arg! I'm a pirate!"
8. Pretend to pick your nose in plain sight of a camera.
9. Play a game of soccer, basketball, or baseball in the middle of the store.
10. Follow a random person, and when they pick up an item, jump out, snatch the item, and run away with it. Repeat until you have a cart full.
11. Go to the radio section, turn the radio on full volume and run.
12. Dress up as a clown and follow a person around. Whenever they look back at you, slowly look them in the eye, slowly smile, and give a slow wave.

Forum Games / Re: Choose your fate...
« on: May 24, 2011, 01:51:20 am »
Just call him Bob. xD

Forum Games / Re: Never ending story :D
« on: May 24, 2011, 01:49:14 am »
The wolf fights back with a...

Forum Games / Re: Funny Picture War!
« on: May 24, 2011, 01:20:19 am »
What is that pony show???

Forum Games / Re: Count to 1000
« on: May 24, 2011, 01:15:04 am »

Forum Games / Re: Never ending story :D
« on: May 23, 2011, 10:35:51 pm »
The lion attacks the wolf, using its...

What does the term Bullying mean to you?
Bullying is when someone physically or verbally hurts one.

Have you been bullied in the past?
Yes, but not more than a few times

If yes, do you know why?

Have you bullied in the past?
Yes, but in good nature.

If yes, why?
I love to make anything a joke.

Why do you think others bully?
I think they do so to appeal to a group of "cool" beings.

Why do you think kids feel better when they bully others?
They get some sort of satisfaction out of it.

Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers actually helpful? (In General) Are the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers helpful in your schools / schools around you? (In your area)
There is a fine line here. In some cases, the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers, tell you to stop, and it ceases there, but when they are away, it resumes, or it's taken to someplace else. On the other hand, sometimes the administrators / school disciplinary / assistances / teachers tell you to stop, and you do, then the next day you forget all about it.

Are parents doing too much or too little to help?
Depends. Some parents have no involvement in their children's lives.

Can violence solve violence?
Not. Ever.

WARNING: The following two questions may be considered sensitive to some!

Do you have any helpful ideas that may reduce bullying / suicides due to bullying?
Suicide won't make anything better. And reduction of bullying seems nearly impossible.

Do you know of anyone who comitted suicide due to bullying?
Gladly, no. I hope it stays that way too.

End of sensitive questions (Depending on who you are / what you've gone through)!

Have you seen others being bullied? 1. If yes, did you help? If you did not, why? If you did help, how did you help? 2. If no, why not? Do you regret not helping?
I've seen plenty of bullying. I usually help. I go over there, tell them a few jokes make 'em laugh, make it all hahaha, and they forget about it by the end of the day.

Have you seen a good friend get bullied?
Nope. Not yet.

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