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Messages - Crusoe

Pages: 1 ... 23 24 [25] 26 27 28
Game Help / Need help making a mod!
« on: October 07, 2014, 10:29:29 pm »
Currently I'm making a music mod for Feral-Heart and I have a couple of questions.
How do I upload the files to a site like Media Fire? What kind of audio file formats does Feral-Heart use/recognize?
What destination would you put the audio in?

Ask Me / Re: Ask acrylics the paint splodge ovo
« on: October 05, 2014, 07:19:41 pm »
I think the best 2 games in my opinion that had the most up to date visuals have got to be, Doom 3 or Half life 2. I would say PC/Mac/Linux have the best graphics.

What free to play game do you think has the best graphics?
What genre of games do you like?
Do you like Vines?
If you had the choice to buy a soda company which would it be? Pepsi or Coca Cola?
What do you prefer, Impressive title servers or Feral-Heart? (You are allowed to make a pro/con list on this one)

Ask Me / Re: Ask acrylics the paint splodge ovo
« on: October 05, 2014, 02:57:18 pm »
I like Windows 7 Ultimate and Linux, I like both Android and iOS. One time my friend showed me Impressive Title but I wasn't that interested in it but now I regret my decision.

Do you have a favorite Impressive Title server? If so what is it?
Do you play piano? :D
Do you play violin?
Do you like building custom computers?
What game do you think had the most up to date visuals and source code in 2000-2006?
What do you think has better graphics? Playstation 4 or Xbox One?
Do you have an Xbox One? If so what is your Gamer Tag? (Yep my dad wanted to get an Xbox One and we got one)

Ask Me / Re: Ask acrylics the paint splodge ovo
« on: October 05, 2014, 12:56:00 pm »
When I first started out, the game-play in my opinion was really hard to control, but the trick was that you would have to get used to it or tune down/up some of the setting's.

What is your favorite Operating System?
Android or iOS?
Have you ever played Impressive Title?

Ask Me / Re: Ask acrylics the paint splodge ovo
« on: October 04, 2014, 01:40:49 pm »
Trouble making is something I can do at any time, And I have a good way to get away with it. :D
I prefer old school rap instead, Idk why but I just like the beats they have (I really liked Something 2 Dance 2 by N.W.A).

Do you have a favorite artist who makes dub step songs?
Have you ever played Half-Life? If so do you like it? (Please say yes or you will ruin my life XD)

Ask Me / Re: Ask acrylics the paint splodge ovo
« on: October 04, 2014, 04:38:41 am »
Do you make presets? If so what do you use to make them?
What do you prefer, Trouble making or not be noticed?
What is your favorite dubstep song?
Do you have a favorite rap group/artist? If so what kind of rap do you prefer, current decade or old school?
Do you like rap with electronics?
Do you spend more time in game or on forum?
What is your favorite video game and why?

Member Bio & Journals / Crusoe's Journal
« on: October 04, 2014, 01:27:33 am »

Member Bio & Journals / Re: About Snapple
« on: October 03, 2014, 11:27:05 am »
Very nice and interesting bio Snapple! I also play the piano, but I don't play the cello. I play violin

Forum Discussion / Re: This bothers me...
« on: October 03, 2014, 02:01:27 am »
It REALLY REALLY scares me when someone calls themselves retarded. "People sometimes really need an inspiration to let them see that no matter what they call themselves or what they think of themselves, they truly are an amazing individual and have talents that others may not have. Even if you are disabled you are capable of reaching amazing goals in your life. As long as you stay positive about you and your life you can be at the top." -Sergey- (Me of course)

Ask Me / Re: Ask The God of Chicken Gods
« on: October 03, 2014, 01:51:11 am »
Where do you think you spend more time? On fourms or in game?

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