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Messages - Chunky_Squirrel

Pages: 1 ... 257 258 [259] 260 261 262
Site/Forum Help / Re: Read and Answer!
« on: June 04, 2013, 11:45:54 am »
Nope. It does not work. I need a vedio clip on how it's putting, or some image's.


Site/Forum Help / Read and Answer!
« on: June 04, 2013, 06:58:38 am »
How do you make a pic work in a post and in a signature? I know photobucket is the best, and tinypic too, but it does not work for me, anything else whum can help me, please?


Oh, i see, thanks anyways. :)


Request/Find Meshes / Re: I need meshe's!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: June 03, 2013, 03:00:27 pm »


(Okay, i did "!" these one's on pourpes so people could replie :D )
The link you gave to the priderock, say's "File Deleted or Ivalid" :-/
So Could you give me or find me another link of the priderock? Please. :)


Okay, so i need some she's for my lion map that i'm making, so here's what i need:
Dead Animal Skeleton's.
Dead Tree's.
Realistic African Tree's.



Request/Find Meshes / I need meshe's!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: June 01, 2013, 08:00:13 am »
Okay, i need skeleton meshe's, and a priderock, plus dead tree's, and that's all.


Game Help / Need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: May 30, 2013, 05:04:07 am »
I need help with a portal. Could someone tell me how to make Cape of Distant Worlds work, when you enter the map and want to come back to Cape? 
If yes thanks!


Game Help / Could someone help me?
« on: May 29, 2013, 09:12:14 am »
Could someone tell me on how a portal should work for Cape of Distant Worlds portal?  :-\
Anyone? Anyone at all?  :-\



Request Maps / Re: _TAKING_map requests
« on: May 28, 2013, 03:43:06 pm »
Map name/Display name: The Last Generation
Unrealistic or Realistic:Realistic.
Date/time u want the map be finished(u should answer like that for exaple: Date 12/12/12 or in time:2 days):Well, if your busy and all, you can take a week, or how much time you want. But if your free, and a fast map maker, it would be cool, if yah make the map in 1/2 days.
Other:(here u have to write something like that: I want the map to have Big pride rock...etc):I want the map to have Four Clan camps. A meeting place. Human's house's/house. A big lake, and a lake's that seperate clan camp's territory's.
 Forum User:TheDarkRider
 Game User:ShadowNightmare

Thanks! :)


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