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Messages - BloodWinsAll

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Game Help / Tried everything for Height Map help...
« on: July 06, 2020, 05:53:40 pm »
Alrighty, so I've been making height maps for several years now and usually don't run into a problem. It's finally happened though and I need some assistance from the lovely FH community so I don't lose the last of my brain cells trying to figure out what's wrong. Maybe a fresh set of eyes will notice something I didn't.

These are private maps so please ;; do not copy/trace/steal them as I've spent literal days on them but:

This is the original height map that works and we use it for the group now. It's 513x513, grayscale, one layer, and .png

Members started commenting on the big black ocean spot that could be used to expand the islands and so I went back in to edit the height-map under a different name:

So finished this and adjusted the masks and hopped into Feral Heart. Now it might be important to note that I use two computers for maps because I don't have room for an art program on my PC so I use Photoshop Elements on my Mac. Hasn't been a problem until now.

Anyways- after attempting to just load in the terrain on its own it crashed. Okay, that happens. I double checked the size, mode, and layers and it was 513x513, grayscale, and one layer. Crashed again.

Okay well lets see if its just a this map problem or something in FH broke and I need a fresh install. I installed several free height maps from the community and they all loaded in fine [might be important to note I can still open the previous version in Map-maker just peachy].

Since that all worked out dandy I started checking the height masks and those load in perfectly fine too.

So as you can see the mask works perfectly and I loaded in the old terrain just to  make sure [once again] that it wasn't all my heightmaps that were broken. I'm at a total loss and read somewhere:

This thread fixed its issue by putting the image into gimp. Well I don't have gimp and I hope this isn't the only solution to this problem.

All help is appreciated ;;

Game Help / Re: Custom map problem
« on: June 28, 2020, 08:36:44 pm »
To add onto Dark_Heart's suggestions the portals are really really hard to see and the first few portals will appear right next to the wall as soon as pass between the double rings. If you need help locating where I'm talking about feel free to shoot me a PM and we can schedule a time for me to help you out In-game in real time.

Game Discussion / Re: What one thing makes your characters the same?
« on: June 25, 2020, 06:03:10 am »
One thing I've noticed, especially more recently since I've started rping more, all of my characters carry a little bit of the leadership quality I have a hard time suppressing in them. They desire to help and lead those smaller/younger/weaker than them.

Also I swear they are all brown LOL

Rather than log them out, wouldn't it be better to simply attach an "afk" label above the player's head or at the end of their name tag?

I'm more on board with this. It's like WoW and doesn't log people out who are tabbing.

Game Discussion / Re: "Plotted" Roleplay Groups
« on: June 24, 2020, 10:14:19 pm »
I might try it sometime, then! :3 You guys sound quite nice to play with. Out of curiosity though, does anyone ever use a bit of randomness to determine the outcomes of RPs, such as stats and dice like a tabletop game? Or is it always freeform RP?

Actually yes- My group [Salvos] for instance uses dice for rp scenarios for daily/mundane activities so they are more interesting. We use them for patrols specifically and it can determine the success/fail rate and also if there are any enemies+# of enemies. It's a new thing and some groups are trying to implement it so I strongly suggest making use of it as people do find it interesting and it removes the need for an admin to be online 24/7.

I personally am of the opinion that as long as people are online let them be. Plenty of people are "afk" by chatting in private chats, working on bios, presets, groups, or just by watching the chat go by. It would be kind of annoying to be working on a preset or something and every hour or so toggle back in just to keep your spot- I personally have multiple tabs open and just watch the chat as I'm working on group related stuff.

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a Member of the Season posts!
« on: June 24, 2020, 05:56:06 pm »

In the grounds recruiting right now!

Offline the recruiter but still available at .BloodWinsAll. or discord for invite

Forum Games / Re: Word Disassociation
« on: June 20, 2020, 05:31:43 am »

If you want to use two accounts you have to either a) use two different browsers or b) two different devices for the Play Game Tab.

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