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Messages - Tripwire

Pages: 1 ... 25 26 [27] 28 29
Game Polls / Re: Paw pads
« on: January 18, 2011, 10:59:59 pm »
I am a failure with presets :P so if they were in character edit it would be best haha

Finished Maps / Re: Tiggs Maps
« on: January 18, 2011, 10:57:15 pm »
the waterfalls in tiggland are pretty :3 I must learn to master mapmaker!

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: 4 Siblings; ADOPTED
« on: January 18, 2011, 10:49:34 pm »
OOC: I liked it, maybe a stepfather could come in later if Marna gets a mate :)

Awiti had a puzzled look on her face after her mother had spoken the words about the eating order to her.  She picked herself up off the ground and shook lose all the dirt and debri which had clung to her fur as she napped. Small cluds of dust formed around her body as she shook her pelt almost completly clean, using her tounge to get anything else off that was bothering to her. After one long stretch Awiti headed over to the antelopes body and took huge bites hardly taking time to chew, thats when she  heard Runo ask thier mother where she had been the past couple of hours.  She immediatly stopped eating looked at thier mother in distress and confusion. Where had she been this whole time? Awiti's eyebrows raised in curiosity as she waited for thier moher to respond.

During this pause Awiti's mind started racing to the past and how thier mother had raised her and her siblings with no help at all. While thier mother Marna had taught them each important values and the basics of life, Awiti couldnt help but long for more. Runo had been the closest thing to a father figure she had all her life and this troubled her greatly. How could the pride expand if Runo declined being the dominant male, or even worse what if somone chalanged him and tried to take over this family pride. Awiti  became troubled as these thoughts would not leave her mind.

She's very pretty! :D daww I think we have a momma ^^

Game Discussion / Re: Bugs
« on: January 17, 2011, 12:23:54 am »
my mistake thought it was a thread for bugs in general. :P I need to read the first post. -scampers to general problems post-

Game Discussion / Re: Bugs
« on: January 17, 2011, 12:12:04 am »
My bug is that when i let my nephew run around in watermill he runs at the top of the hill and then he runs toward the invisible wall and he goes under the map and the cat starts lagging and flipping out. I have a video but if doesnt show how he does it only the character flipping out and being stuck floating uner the map

News Archives / Re: Stolen Art (IMPORTANT)
« on: January 17, 2011, 12:05:28 am »
very true theneon but making art like somones and stealing thier completly are a little different. I personally cant draw very well but I wouldnt appreciate somone using my art as thier own and getting complments  about it that dont belong to them. =/

News Archives / Re: Stolen Art (IMPORTANT)
« on: January 16, 2011, 07:06:15 pm »
The links were not working for me, but I mean I have a character named Awiti who I have used for many years and now on this site someones username is awiti so long as thier character doesnt look like mine I dont see why the same name thing is a big deal? I don't think stealing art is good but if the original artist is credidted(sp) or asked to use it maybe we shouldnt jump to comclusions so quick folks =/

Adding on to what other people have said, you may never be able to get into a particular map and with 4500+ players the limit would have to be huge and there may not be enough maps yet to divide the load equally :x

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Cub; Teen; Adult; Veteran.
« on: January 16, 2011, 08:01:12 am »
I think markings would be cool for a older cat, maybe like crows feet or wrinkles on thier face to show some age as a marking would be cool though =3 and no teeth but gums instead for older cats.

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