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Messages - IndigoCloud

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Forum Discussion / Re: Favourite Roleplay?? Please answer!!
« on: February 19, 2014, 07:02:15 pm »
Wow, thanks for the amazing advice, Oakfrost ^^ I'm sort of leaning towards making a Human Roleplay at the moment. I'll be sure to join your roleplay if it catches my eye :3

I will note your helpfulness in the roleplay once it's been made <3


Melody Henderson
There is an element of beauty to everything. Just not everyone sees it.

The dim light of the morning seeped through the windows, providing just enough light to tempt Melody out of her doze. These days, no one ever slept deeply unless they wanted to be haunted by those nightmares fuelled by the hell they were living. Melody abruptly sat up, rubbing the remains of sleep from her eyes and blinking a few times to let her eyes adjust to the scarce light. She stole a quick glance to her watch, rolling her eyes as she realised it was only half six in the morning. She ran a hand though her hair before standing up, listening to the cracks that came from her tired legs. After a while of trying to tame her long hair and washing away some of the never-ending dirt from her fingernails, Melody slipped on a tight grey tank top, a pair of her usual black skinny jeans and shrugged on a black hoody. She fingered her necklace -one of the only things she had left from the old, peaceful world- as she stepped into her black hiking boots. The young woman took a second to gaze out of the dusty window pane, letting the soft colours sooth her active mind. She stood for a second, dwelling on the fact that this sunrise could be her last, before walking out of the room and into the living area.

Melody smiled in greeting towards the few people that were up, digging her hands deep into her pockets. She sighed as she looked outside through another of the windows. She needed a chance to get out of this place for a while, it was beginning to get on her nerves with the repetitive routine day in and day out. Her ears couldn't help but pick up the conversation between the two guys behind her. "I need another Supplier for this one, though." These words caused Melody to turn her head slightly more in interest towards their conversation. "Well, it won't be long before everyone's up," She recognised the voices to be Carson, one of her fellow Suppliers, and Thomas, a Marksman. She grinned and spun around, "No need to wait, I'm up for it." She announced, looking down at Thomas, the good-looking one, and then back towards Carson. "Well that's fine with me, Melly." The blonde replied, using Melody's common nickname. He turned his gaze down to Thomas, "Are you alright with that?" He asked. Melody bit her lower lip, this was the perfect opportunity to escape the confinements of the base, her sanity pretty much depended on it.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: /:/ Last Hope /:/ PG-13+ /:/ REMAKE /:/
« on: February 17, 2014, 09:11:21 pm »

Melody Henderson
"There is an element of beauty to everything. Just not everyone sees it."

Melody Primrose Henderson




20 years old.

~ Intelligent
~ Laid-back, but not careless.
~ Humorous.
~ Strong-minded.
~ Flirtatious
~ Unpredictable

Melody is not a girl you could easily forget. She has long brown hair cascading down her back in loose waves, containing natural blonde highlights in the summer. Her eyes are green, framed by long dark lashes and thin, precise eyebrows. Her lips are a lovely shade of pink, hiding a row of perfect pearly white teeth. She is of average height, standing at roughly 5"5 and has a slim figure, making it easy for her to sneak around if needed. Her complexion is flawless with a very light tan, complimenting her dark hair nicely. Melody tends to wear dark skinny jeans and loose shirts or hoodies, whatever she is comfortable in.

~ Hand-to-hand combat.
~ She has a charming way of words.
~ Stealth
~ Speed
~ Melody is a very talented swimmer.
~ She isn't very good at using a gun
~ Melody has a soft spot for the ones she loves.
~ She usually acts before she thinks.
~ She doesn't like to admit she needs help.

None, at the moment.

Relationship Status:
Melody is currently single.

I will be adding bits and peices to this as the roleplay continues, so please check from time to time!!

Forum Discussion / Re: Favourite Roleplay?? Please answer!!
« on: February 17, 2014, 05:45:50 pm »
Thanks for the help, Hackers!! I've seen that Rp a few times and it seems really interesting! <3

Forum Discussion / Re: Favourite Roleplay?? Please answer!!
« on: February 17, 2014, 04:05:28 pm »
I used to be like that too, but then my game kept on crashing so I turned to the site for help. I sorta killed two birds with one stone and stumbled across the Forum Roleplays and...yeah xD

Anyways, that's completely fine, FH has given me a chance to improve hugely on my roleplaying skills and I'm sure it will give you the chance too, honey! <3

Forum Discussion / Favourite Roleplay?? Please answer!!
« on: February 17, 2014, 03:28:00 pm »

I have a very important question for all of you floofs, which may require maximum thought. Just kidding, it's a bit of a no-brainer, actually.

I am wanting to create a roleplay that will be long-term, popular and literate. I was thinking of creating a thread asking what kind of roleplays you guys and girls want to see right now. But, I thought that was a bit too specific. So, here is my question:

What forum roleplay have you enjoyed the most?

This is quite a simple question, so don't be afraid to answer it. You can just tell me the name of it and whether it was a Human Roelplay or whatnot. Or, you can describe what it was about, what you enjoyed, if it was popular or not, or maybe you could even be so kind as to provide a link for it. There are only a couple of conditions to your answer, though. It must be a forum roleplay and you must include the owner of the role play's name to give them credit to their lovely work!

I will read every one of your answers and take it all in. I will pick a few of the most common types of favourites and twist it here and there, then create my own roleplay! Don't worry, your name will be included if you provide an newer very close to the roleplay I have created.

Thanks for your time, floofs! Mwah, love you all!

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Adrift|Open|No longer Accepting
« on: February 17, 2014, 09:42:18 am »

April Fielding
April turned her gaze back to Manasa, smirking, "Guess that's where I get my good looks from then, huh?" She teased, nudging him with her elbow. She reached over and picked up one of the shots, handing it over to Manasa, "Drink up." She grinned, leaning back against her seat. She listened to Devan's story, her eyebrows lifting slightly in surprise. "Miaow." She muttered, breaking the brief silence.

The blonde glanced quickly down at the shots, then behind her towards where Andrea was swimming. "I'm going for a swim, someone else can take mine." She announced, standing up and heading towards the ladders. She stood at the edge for a second, "Is it cold?" She asked. April didn't mind water, in fact she was actually a very talented swimmer, but she was used to swimming in heated swimming pools. Not the open sea.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Adrift|Open|No longer Accepting
« on: February 16, 2014, 12:08:06 am »

April Fielding

April slipped her sunglasses up so they sat comfortably on top of her head, revealing her light blue eyes. She raised one of her perfect eyebrows as Andrea declined the offer and shrugged her shoulders, turning back to the group. Her eyes sparkled as she chuckled at the others' eccentric relationship stories. She took a deep breath and thought for a second, "There was this guy... He dated me because he was obsessed with my mom." The blonde grinned, "It didn't last long." She added, looking out at sea and watching the waves rocking the boat gently to and fro.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Adrift|Open and Accepting|
« on: February 14, 2014, 02:17:29 pm »
I love Aaron Tveit, he's so beautiful :3

April Fielding

April's foot tapped rhythmically against the wooden deck of the yacht as the music coming from her ear buds played loudly. She was lying down and soaking up the sun, humming to herself and wearing just a blue bikini. Her sunglasses blocked out most of the sun, but she still had to screw her eyes to block out most of the light. She had left home with a quick goodbye and a peck on the cheek from her mother, which had made her smile. Her mother wasn't one for making a big fuss of things. When her dad had left when she was only thirteen, her mother took it all in her stride.

For the expedition, April had packed a large selection of bikinis, loose shirts and shorts. She had also brought her essentials, such as: her toothbrush and toothpaste, her hairbrush, tanning sun cream, her phone and speakers and her beloved guitar. A small section of her bag was also full of things they may of needed in case of an emergency including a first aid kit.

The faint hum of voices caused April to sit up and take out her ear buds, silencing the music. She jumped up and went to sit with the others, sitting down with her legs tucked carelessly by her side. "Sounds fun." She grinned, chewing on a piece of her bubble gum. She shook a piece of hair out of her face, taking a brief moment to inspect her light blue painted nails. Thank goodness, they weren't chipped. She wasn't one for painting nails, she often lost patience and ended up smudging it everywhere, but this time she had made an effort.


Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Adrift|Open and Accepting|
« on: February 13, 2014, 05:35:50 pm »
Thanks, can't wait to start!! And good idea <3

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