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Messages - rainbow lion

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o3o Also, Moath I started on Earth. x3))

     The orca turned around a corner and her eyes widened. It was a vast coral reef full of various sea life, all under the ice. Whistling with glee she quickly went into the schools of fish and started to eat up tens of fish at a time. Angorra thought, Maybe I should stay here... But didn't hold onto the idea for long. Her heart was set firmly on Mayarie.

     The timber wolf's ear soon perked up again. The rumbling had stopped. Opening one golden eye he lifted his head. It was as calm as ever. One of the other wolves started to lift to it's paws. Moath growled in fear it would attack him. It's eyes were blurry and confused as well. Deciding to let it clamber to it's feet he rested down again and tried to calm down his furiously beating heart.

     The orca drifted around the frozen waters, her skin feeling frozen. When hunger felt it's way to her she decided to look around. Maybe they relocated her north? It was similar to when she lived back on Earth with her mother. She planned on resting from her journey back to Mayarie. Submerging deeper she looked around sunken icebergs and giant Pillars of ice. A purple star fish slowly moved away. Quickly she snapped it up.

     Moath's vision was blurry. Groaning his stomach was on a hard cold surface. A low rumble came from the outside of his prison. He was in a small room with metallic walls and floors. A few other wolf pelts lay in a heap. They smelled similar to the pack he smelled a few hours ago. Wait, how long was a few hours ago? Had it been days? The dull rumble blew out into a deafening roar. Howling in fear he collapsed on the ground as tremors shook the room

Moath is going to space. :3))

     Angorra whistled in sadness as she floated underwater near the surface. It was very cold here. Why had they relocated her? Was she not where she was supposed to be? Her tracking device still beeped slowly. Deciding to swim in a dirrection she swam for a few miles. After a few hours she noticed her tracker started to beeped faster. Maybe the closer she got to Mayarie it would beep faster! Speeding off in the same direction she planned to travel back to Mayarie.

     Moath trotted through the Earth's forests. He was scouting. A few hours back he detected a nearby wolf pack. He planned to avoid it because it smelled of many wolves. The lone wolf kept walking. A star ship flew over him, heading back to the pack. He knew some of the wolves were disappearing after a star ship appeared. He guessed it was heading for the wolf pack he scented earlier.
     As a sudden shadow rested over him he looked up in horror to find it floating over him. Gasping he broke into a run and fled, only to be caught by a net that was shot from the star ship. Shrieking he flailed, trying to get out. Some humans came down and poked something into his fur, then his skin. Moath tried to howl in pain but he was soon sleeping, unaware of the humans bringing him back up to the star ship.


     Angorra woke, she thought she was back in the waters of Mayarie but she was in the container still. Getting bored with the swish of water she started to swim in circles again. Then a bang echoed through the space, followed by a splash. Were they back in water? The door opened and let in a giant whoosh of cold air. Diving back under the water for warmth she whistled with fear.
     The cage started to lurch forward, making her slide out into the cold water. Flailing she screamed back to the ship, watching it leave. She was in a place full of cold and giant floating icebergs.  Whenever she tried to slip her mouth out of the water it was buffeted by cold winds. Her tracking device beeped slower and duller than ever.

What if you found a giant weta in your salad? o3o Also, I have a second character! :3))

Name: Moath
Species: Timber Wolf
Info on Species: It is a subspecies of the gray wolf
Gender: Male
Family: None, he was a lone wolf on Earth
Appearance: He has rusty fur and a black tail which is unusual for a timber wolf. He has a paler underbelly and yellow eyes with flecks of orange.
Personality: He has the most common personality of a lone wolf, uncomfortable around other wolves, shy around humans, and a small disliking for packs.
Island/Location: Serrepia

Also, do you think I should make it a few hundred years later in the time period? ^^


     She stopped swimming in circles and was suddenly tired. She was stressed and confused why they would want to move her. Resting she kept her blowhole above the water. Soon she was sleeping but with one eye open, to keep watch if anything new happened. Angorra's body swished with the water as the ship carried her hundreds of feet over the air with her as it's cargo.

Accepted! ^^ Thank you everyone for joining!))

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