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Messages - Redlinelies

Pages: 1 ... 288 289 [290] 291 292 ... 297
To be really honest, it wouldn't hurt updating your card. I think someone had the problem with a dissapearing mouse cursor and it worked properly after they updated the GPU. It's deffently not because the server is down, I can tell you that and be 100% sure.

But if you don't want to try it I'm not going to push you into doing it.

The card isn't completely new however. Driver updates sometimes comes monthly. Even though some games run fine, it doesn't mean that every game will. I think the game had some changes compared to IT so it probably doesn't render some things in the exact same way.

Sticky is here for people that want to try every means possible to get it working and need a helping hand. :3

I'm not sure about another way to fix your problem at the moment except the ones mentioned.

Game Discussion / Re: Help Me Name Him!
« on: January 17, 2011, 04:13:32 pm »
Swirl  t b h

News Archives / Re: Almost an Update
« on: January 17, 2011, 05:24:55 am »
One beeg happeh family xd

News Archives / Re: Stolen Art (IMPORTANT)
« on: January 16, 2011, 09:07:00 am »
In that case, yes. But then again, the actual artist can quetly contact the "thief", ask their reasons for the use, and nicely ask to take down. At least, that is my way pf sorting theft issues. I do not enjoy everybody bashing the poor person. While they did a bad thing, they still have their reasons. Talking out nicely always is better than bringing up the fire of hate.

Ofcourse. But I think in most cases the artist actually asks first. And if that's not enough, then they can turn to a mod to help them out. Cause if this rule says bash on everyone that uses someone elses art. Then I got this whole rule wrong lol.

Are you sure about the TLKFAA though? I think it's rather wide throughout youtube and DA aswell. But yarr. A result from calm conversations is just what's needed.

However though, I'm probably about to talk more about the rule than I actually know. xD I think I got my own view out of this atleast.

News Archives / Re: Stolen Art (IMPORTANT)
« on: January 16, 2011, 07:29:45 am »
I understand you crash, And I don't feel that you added any flame to this topic.

However though. I think the main reason why it's there is because some art are directly from the games or related to it. And alot of people know eachother in the community. I agree it can be silly. But if some member drew some art, it gets used here on the boards by someone else. And they don't like it. I think they should have the right to have control over their art atleast here. Atleast, that's why I belive the rule was made in the first place?

We are not trying to have some sort of "Stop the art stealing on the interwebzz" policy. :3

I think it might be easy to read this rule overweight to one side =

If you don't like people using art without permission and see someone saying the rule is weird. It might be easy to think they just don't care. Or if you think that this rule is silly and see someone post that they think art theft is serious. It might be easy to think they are trying to prevent something that's impossible to control.

As long as you keep your manners while talking things out there will be no problem.

I do think this rule is abit weird. But it's there and I will have to follow it. But it's not like I feel that I need to worry about it personally if it's there. xD

Art Gallery / Re: Hamilton's Art
« on: January 16, 2011, 04:59:27 am »
*Tries to grab the orbs* :U

Arr, oh well.... Some powerups just don't work on this computer D: haha.

Nice ones. Can almost imagine them rotating and making a zoom sound. Character wasn't that bad either. Gewd gewd

News Archives / Re: Stolen Art (IMPORTANT)
« on: January 16, 2011, 03:57:15 am »
Don't bash me for this, but this is my opinion, (not that i have any interest in stealing anyone's art, i have my own imagination) but.. when you make something and put it on the internet for the entire world to see, chances are, your idea is going to be 'stolen'. It's kind of hard to stop people from doing this, because if someone has a good idea, someone else going to take it..That's just how the world goes 'round.. If people don't want their art stolen, they shouldn't post it on the internet.. that's just how i feel :/


And I 2nd that, and it was like it was taken from my head. If someone steal your art or any other sort of work it might be lazy and it wont get you respected exactly if people find out. But it's not like we can stop the art stealing completely.

However though. If someone actually report to the mods about stolen art and it turns out to be true. We'd have to contact the people since the rules says no art stealing.

To be honest, this is abit of what goes around comes around if you ask me.

No estimation on that, but the forum will let you know when it's working properly...

Discussion Board / Re: Male or Female?
« on: January 14, 2011, 11:38:24 pm »
You are not alone tawny. We are a few actually. Just need to look around abit.

News Archives / Re: Competitions
« on: January 14, 2011, 09:08:41 pm »
Gewd wiff competishunz! Just remember to keep it friendly :3

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