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Messages - Redlinelies

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Maybe I have completely missed how bandwidth and servers work.

I thought It would be the same amount of bandwidth that needs to be taken care of for the server if every single player was in one map, as if they were scattered all over the place but I was wrong. lulz.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Bunch Of PvP/Leveling Ideas
« on: January 14, 2011, 06:04:16 am »
I like some of the ideas in there.. But I personally dislike the idea of having levels in the game.

It would not be the same thing to play it, and it would probably turn into something which people always want to become high level. Something of a status thing. Abit like items sometimes had in IT.

I just think leveling would make a bad impact to the game. If you like to level a character and make it strong, then there's alot of other games out there just about that. I like the simplicity of the game, and you never feel like you have to do anything.

Sure, if there was some sort of level system in FH, people don't have to try to go up in level. But it's not only that you'd be low level character if there was. But also that 50% of all the talk inside the game would be about levels and skills. The fun and creative part wouldn't be as big anymore.

A really big no thanks for levels.

Discussion Board / Re: 2012
« on: January 14, 2011, 05:46:04 am »
They also said computers were going to come alive and destroy all of our technology (and us) in 2000. Anyone remember Y2K?

Since your card is 6150 You need to look in the "6 series", then you'd be able to find GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 in the product tab. Simple as that :3

Depends what OS you are running. But I belive Windows have fairly the same all around.

I don't have an english computer around but arr. Right click the background on the desktop. Then choose the one at bottom.

In XP it's called properties. Maybe it's called the same in vista and 7. But either way. It's thar.

In xp choose the tab ""settings"". And there you have it. In vista you have to choose display settings. I think it looks about the same in windows 7. It shouldn't really be that hard to find.

Discussion Board / Re: 2012
« on: January 13, 2011, 04:40:56 am »
The people themselves decide how much big of a deal they want to make out of 2012.

So yarr.. If you belive in it. Something special might happen and you think it's because of end of wuurllds. But it's not like we had earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, flooding, massacres, wars, people dying from viruses etc. Before the year of 2012. Right?

Art Gallery / Re: My art
« on: January 12, 2011, 06:28:16 pm »
ohh, chu be gewd rakzor.

Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: January 12, 2011, 06:24:57 pm »
c-c-c-c-combo breaker

Presets & Markings / Re: Just presets. Request closed
« on: January 12, 2011, 05:28:32 pm »
Things like this just makes me sad. This thread was reported by a user. And no wonder. Some really innapropiate behaviour was going in this thread. And it's deffently not accepted here. I read it all and tried to make some sense out of it. But if any of you guys that had a finger in this reads this, please try to understand.

By all means Zeberius. You have all the rights to do as you want on your thread. But the way you took some of the posts isn't the right way to go.

It's really great you offer free work like this. And it's really kind. But this is a big forum, and we need to be understandable towards eachother. Presets is wanted from pretty much anyone. So ofcourse alot would want one if you say you make em after request.

So yeah, about the thread.

I'm not fully sure how the post that "seemed" to have started all this was. But some of the replies aren't just necessary.

This goes out to everyone here. This is a big place. And we need to show respect to eachother. A thing some of you DIDN'T show here. And sure, you can get abit ticked of from someone. But it doesn't give you the right to push the other one into keeping the fight going on, like there's some sort of fight club. You also need to be able to understand, work takes time, and in some cases it's fully up to each and everyone how much they want to work, and what they want to work on it.

Tasha and Xava are right. This isn't the answer. And everyones voice are meant to be heard.

To be really honest here, there wasn't just one person who was being abit immature. And there is no good/bad guy in this. Atleast as far as I can tell. Not picking any side.

This is deffently not something to start fighting over. And I really hope using the insults that got thrown around made you guys any smarter.

If you need to get something said. Please do it in a nice manner. And try to prevent things like these from happening.

Me, and rest of the staff hope to not see anything like this around..

Media / Re: My Videos
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:15:47 pm »
Yay, 2 morez! Thu I already knew about rakkeh. <-Sub her guise, she needs luff.

And hewwo to yew snalf. *Waves like crazy*

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