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Messages - Redlinelies

Pages: 1 ... 290 291 [292] 293 294 ... 297
Discussion Board / Re: Your favorite online game?
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:57:37 am »
I haff played alots of gamezzz. But I donnoz about fav anymore. Trackmania(before the last update), Cod4, Css. Those ai like howeverz! :3

When you say, "Run on low settings," what do you mean by that?


When I click on ATI Display Driver it won't let me uninstall it.

I've also got:
ATI Softwar Uninstall Utility
ATI Control Pannel
ATI (R) Radeon IGP 345M Graphics Control Driver for Microsoft(C) Windows(R) XP
would uninstalling either of those help?

When I say lowering the settings, I simply mean to change the settings to a less demanding option for your computer. Turning off shadows, water reflections. Lower Screen resolution inside the game etc.

Well, as mentioned, the name can wary from computer to computer. However, In your case I think you are supposed to run ATI Software Uninstall Utility. It will remove both the control panel for your graphics cand and the drivers to run it. But try the other options before you actually decide to remove everything and install new ones.

Well, I can't find ATI Catalyst install manager in Programs and Features. I've checked and double checked, but it isn't there.
It can wary from computer to computer. look on what I replied to rose. But if you don't see anything ATI related at all. You might not have Any drivers on your system for it right now. Hard to tell for me.

I had this problem, so I even went through and searched my folder for anything ATI. It was a no go, so I just installed the appropriate download anyways, and it turns out that it contains all the files Red it talking about. I guess some computers dont even come with it? I haven't had a single error from it and when I reinstalled FH it ran without the errors it had before. My water is still white till I take off the reflection and my characters are still white, but it did take care of several other exceptions and errors I was experiencing. So if its not there the computer might just not have it and its safe to download.

As I said though, things are still white so this fix didn't cure it. :/ Thanks for the updates though Red! Cheesy

I'm sorry you are still having problems. You should try to fiddle abit with the ogre.cfg and ingame settings. However though. Shell wrote about that some might have the problems because of the FBO extension. You can always try this
Maybe it helps in your case aswell. Haha, and you're welcome. :3

i am learning that FH's survers are down but when will they come back up? i really need help because i just got FH but when i logged in it said "failed to connect to front survers" what do i do? please could anyone reply.....
Josefine, this is the 2nd topic that I see you post in regarding the server in wrong thread. That problem you have is normal since the servers aren't up. You have to wait.. And please read the other threads about the server status and I'd be glad. Thanks

News Archives / Re: Signatures
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:39:23 am »
is the FH's survers up yet?

Wrong topic to post that in. And there's several threads which gives you information about the server status.

News Archives / Re: New Stuff - 11/1/11
« on: January 10, 2011, 02:51:20 pm »
I don't want to sound snoopy or anything [nah xD] but do you guys pick active people and ask if they want mod position? You use application form via PM or something, or just people you know that want to help with the forums? Just wondering, really... xD

The Karma thing is what worries me a bit, I have seen it being abused on many forums, and being deleted. I don't like it much myself, because I don't like judging people that way, or people judging me. But still, I will wait and see, I suppose... ;P

Thanks for the new stuff, staff! =D

Right now we don't have any sort of application for being a mod. But I think mods are choosed if they are trustworthy, know they are able to actually add something but also willing to help in general.

Maybe there will be some way to apply and show intrest in the future. But that's nothing that has been decided.

Hmm, about the karma thing. Yeah, I have experienced such things aswell. But it's a nice addition. And as mentioned if it's being abused. It will be removed. So then it wouldn't be fun for anyone. yarp!

Introduction / Re: Hello^^
« on: January 10, 2011, 05:44:15 am »
Hewwo april.

Nice tew see someone ai nu.

News Archives / Re: Presets on the Server?
« on: January 10, 2011, 04:38:32 am »
How do you create a download to send to your friends so they can see it?

Easiest way would probably be if you uploaded it to something like sendspace or mediafire. Then gave the link to your friends.

I don't have anything in my control panel that says Programs and Features...I only have these:

Appearance and Themes
Network and Internet Connections
Add or Remove Programs
Sounds, Speech and Audio Devices
Performance and Matinence
Printers and Other Hardware
User Accounts
Accesibiltity Options
Security Center
Date, Time, Language and Regional Options

I attempted to look in the Add and Remove Programs area, but the ATI thing you mentioned isn't there. What should I do?

Sounds abit like the control panel is set to another view. I "think" That if you look on the left when inside the control panel, there's something called "classic view". If you'd change to that you will probably be able to see "Program and features". If not. Well look for something called. Programs And under it there should be something with the name uninstall program. It should bring you to a list with most of the things installed on your computer. Some maybe in your case Add or remove programs.

The window should look something like this

I do not know.. If I should make a new post about this or I should just use this for a reply. But  to say for instance what happens if you have a game Graphic card that does support your computer/laptop anymore? Like for instance.. My laptop is a Windows XP Home edtion # 3 and the game card graphic is an "Intel" Intel does not support my system anymore and when I went to update the graphics for it.. Intel only had 2 updates for me to use and it was an 2007 and a 2005 update. So would it be ok, if I just unistall Intel (R) Graphics and install the ones that you had posted up on the link? Or should I just forget the whole Ideal, because the computer has a diffrent operating system.. and installing something like that can mess up my whole laptop?  Undecided I am kind of new at laptops and so far I have bad luck with them >_< so I thought asking you would be a better Ideal before I "kill or destroy" the laptop.

I am sorry for the bad grammer I am still learning  Tongue
I'm not completely sure how you meant this. But I think I'd stay away from trying installing if I were you. You need the right drivers for the right graphics card you are using. Installing something else would not help. Not even sure if it would install at all. I suggest the same as shell did.

If there's no new drivers for the components you are happening to be using. Try that instead.

I have the same problem as Jela above with nothing in the control panel that leads to what your talking about. Your a genius already Red, thank you so much for this help already. Now if you can help us out with this last challenge you will my absolute hero. Cheesy
My bad if it doesn't. Sometimes It can get abit off if there's another OS or as in my case, trying to translate some stuff over to english. Try looking for eet wiff the stuff I wrote on her post. Maibe that helps

Help Guides / !! Before you ask for help !!
« on: January 09, 2011, 05:52:56 pm »
The Help Boards

If you are in the help boards its not surprising if you are looking for some sort of help with the game or forum. A good thing to think about before you ask a question, is that you scan through some of the earlier thread Subjects. Maybe you can find a post about the same problem you are having, and maybe even a solution in it. There's a search bar positioned on the top right side of all the threads, write something related to your problem there, and it will scan posts and threads. But remember!

All game related help in the "Game Help" section and the forum related help threads in the "Forum Help" section.

Another thing to think about is that when you post a new thread. Try to explain what the problem is about in the Subject, not only something like "It's not working" or "Help". This way it will make it both easier for you, and the ones that try to help you to achieve better results in less time. :3 Just keep in mind that you are in fact asking for help here, so you must be able to receive that help and swallow your pride. There's not much point in posting a help thread if you're just going to tell those who try to help you that they're wrong.

Also take note that IN GAME BANS are NOT meant to be discussed on the boards, please refer to a mod/admin in pm form if needed.
A help thread for fixes when it comes to the most common issues can be found Here

Thanks for reading!

Introduction / Re: Hello, need a mesh made?
« on: January 09, 2011, 12:28:59 pm »
Oh nice. Pplz that halp wiff stoof ai laik. Haha Got 3dmax on the computer in school, and I can't say I like it. I think some of my friends use blender though!

Played some TF2 aswell. Though I never got that much into it. Scout is much funz thu.

Hmm, I'm planning on starting a big map project soon. If I come up with something special and you still are around I might ask for halpz. yarp!

Anywais, welcome

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