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Messages - wolflinklove

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Species / Re: The Cagons
« on: August 21, 2015, 06:55:32 pm »
Updated with explanations of the Cagon's Abilities and Powers along with a few other new Mutations and how the Cagons speak!

Species / The Cagons[Updated 8/24/16]
« on: August 08, 2015, 04:12:18 pm »
The Cagons

Please ask me to use this species before simply making the Character!
I don't want it to get outta hand!

General Info:

Cagons is a species that's a mix of a domestic Cat and a Dragon. They can be very small and very fluffy or really tall and have little fluffy tufts of fur here and there. They're normally range in colors and markings like the average cat species would. They love to snuggle everything that they see as a good friend but when they're encountered in battle, their whole personality would change from being cute and just a big snuggle bug to attacking anything that they see as a threat.

How The Cagons Speak:

Most Cagons normally communicate by making chirping noises or purring noises(when happy) the sounds of the chirps can always be different depending on what type of mood they're in and it depends on their vocals, their chirps can always be different depending on how low or how high their own vocals are. Certain Cagons that have learned how to speak in actual words(Very rare but they can learn) and will no longer speak in chirps and will normally talk like every other creature does. Although, special Cagons still chirp yet can manipulate the sounds of their chirps so they sound like they're saying actual words but in reality they're not, and still chirpin' away, their fellow Cagons can still understand it really well.


The average Cagon normally has one dragon breath and one unnatural ability, the Breath of the Cagon can range from any element(Or whatever the Rper thinks up) and the Ability can range from Enhanced vision to Heat Sensory(Anything else can be thought of by said Rper).

Kit Stage(1-10 months):

These are normally very small cats, they don't have their horns yet or their wings so they are just a mass of cute fluffyness waddlin' around the area. Their pelt color and markings range depending on what type of cat they were mixed with.

Adolescent(1-5 Years):

Their wings and horns just start to show up and their claws start to grow in size. Their scales start to normally come in around this time and is usually on their front legs and paws, hind legs and paws, and their bellies. Rarely does the scales from their bellies go up their neck and stop on their chin. They always stop on the Cagon's chest.
Genetic mutations normally show up at this time but is hard to see.
This is also the time when they figure out their Abilities and Powers.

Adult(5-24 Years):

Their wings and horns finally grow in finally, claws full size(Depending if they have a mutation or not to make them smaller or longer) and their scales are all in. Their markings normally fade to match the pelt or brighten up to stand out. The color of their wings vary depending on the parents of said Cagon. The Cagon is still fluffy even at this stage.
They also teach themselves how to fly when they go off to leave to be on their own.

Elders(24-27 Years):

Their wings normally start to get holes in them around this time due to the wear and tear and stretching all the wings did before when they were are their prime. The Teeth and claws of the Cagon normally fall out, if the teeth or claws do fall out(which is rather rare to happen) they will normally seek for help of others to hunt and shelter them since they can no longer protect themselves.

Known Mutations:

- Larger wings(Fairly common) - The genes for the wings get all mixed up and start growing larger when their an Adolescent.

- Heterochromia(Common) - When the eyes start to get their color as a Kit, they turn into two different colors instead of two of the same. Normally found in certain Cagons. Really common to see.

- Dwarfisim(Semi-common) - When their an Adolescent, they start to shrink down to normal, Domestic Cat size.

- (Unnamed)(Very Rare) - When their an Adolescent, the start to grow much larger then the average Cagon, growing to a medium sized dragon's height. In very rare cases, they sometimes grow even larger then expected.

- Elongated Teeth(Semi-Common) - Their teeth start to grow longer when their a Kit and start to grow longer so the tips of the canine teeth are outside of the mouth. In rare cases, the teeth will grow longer so that the teeth will grow to their chin.

- Feathered/Furry Wings(Very Uncommon) - When the wings start to finally grow, they will start looking more fluffy and more feather like then how the wings of a Cagon normally looks.

- Extra Fur(Semi-Uncommon) - The fur of the Cagon starts to grow longer then normal and is normally the reason due to them adapting to more colder regions.

- Small Wings(Rare) - When the wings of the Cagon start to grow, the barely grow and wind up being very small and unable to be used in flight, this can kill a Cagon when older if they lost their family, travel alone or anything else. If the Cagon grows Small wings, it can die without help from other creatures or other Cagons. A Cagon's flight is very important to them, without it, they're helpless.
(Yes, they do still have claws in teeth but Cagons rely on Flight often for other reasons such as hunting, fighting, ect.)

- More Scales(Very Rare) - When the scales of the Cagon start to come in and become all shiny, there appears to be more then most would expect on a regular, not only do they go up to the chin but they start to grow on the tail and in other spots aswell.

- Eyeless(Rare) - This, in certain cases, can be deadly if the Cagon isn't use to it. Being that they rely on sight to see their prey, were they are going and so much more, without it they're helpless, if the Cagon was young and learned to cope with this mutation can live a long life with other creatures for help. If they were not able to cope with this they'd wind up doing something that could be deadly without them knowing...

- Furless(Semi-Rare) - As a Kit, when they start to get their fur in normally(They get their fur at 2-3 Months of age) the mother will normally realise that the little Cagon that's suppose to be a fluff ball doesn't have any fur like the rest. As it is not deadly in any way, the Cagon will have to stay with some heat sorce at night time to make sure they keep warm and don't die of Hypothermia since it gets rather cold at night.

- Tailless(Semi-Uncommon) - When the Cagon is first born, the tail doesn't grow at all. Normally, this Cagon will fall over more often then most being that the tail is their sorce of balence. It doesn't harm them too much so the mother shouldn't have anything to worry about except a few scratch marks or bruses from them falling and hurting so much. (I'd advise them to avoid climbing anything.)

- Scaleless(Rare) - When the scales normally start to come in, they will not grow and instead will just have fur and look similar to a modern day domestic cat with wing. This will usually come with the Small Wings mutation since this Cagon probably has a bit more Cat in them then Dragon.

- Melenisim(Rare) - Everything on the Cagon begans to get darker as it ages due to the pigmentation in the skin over producing and slowly makes it jet black. The scales, fur, wings, everything starts to go either dark gray or jet black. That includes the eyes. When they have this mutation as a kit, the kit will normally be a dark gray then as it ages it starts to turn darker.

- Wingless(Rare) - When Cagons start to get their wings and start to learn how to use them, this Cagon will not grow wings and cannot fly, when the get this mutation they normally stick with others from the same species, they have to rely on them to get them food at times too.

- Double Ears(Rare) - As a kit, the ears of the Cagon appear to be morphed but as they grow and get older the morphed ears will start to split into two. Generally the front ears are smaller than the back ears.

- Webbed Paws(Semi-Uncommon) - Once the kit is born the small amount of webbing between the paws(Instead of mainly going away) starts to appear more and the paws of the Cagon become webbed(Very similar to Otters' feet almost but more cat-like).

More Mutations to come later! Or when I think of more!

Cagons' Max Wingspan and Height:

Max Wingspan: 3.34M

Max Height: 4.17M

More to come!

If you have any questions about the Cagon Species feel free to drop the question and I'll answer it as soon as I can!

Known Cagons:

- Nalin (Me, The Creator of the Species)
- Ferra (2nd Cagon, fellow member of Yugure)
- Soleil (3rd Cagon)
- Kat (4th Cagon)

That's all the current Cagons that have been verified by me so far folks! I hope to see more Cagons soon!


Other Games /
« on: June 24, 2015, 01:03:07 am »
Wow, I cannot wait to see what this game will turn out to look like.

I'll definitely be joinin' both on the forums and when the game is released.

Game Help / Re: my game quit workin!
« on: December 25, 2014, 02:37:18 am »
It could be a possible Virus.
Though, it does sound like both a bad connection to the Server.
Every now and then, most people will Crash since they loose connection to the Server.
I don't believe that it's the Adobe Flash Player.
Nor do I think it's the meshes that ye got.
Try scannin' y'er computer f'er any viruses with y'er Antivirus and try to fix it.

Request a Preset/Marking / Requesting a Preset!
« on: December 10, 2014, 11:29:39 pm »
Well, lets get down to business and cut all the chattin'.

Preset Name: CrimsonRose/Star
Preset Number: Preset 8
Two-sided?: Yes
Transparent?: Nope!
Eyes(How I'd like them to look):
Extra: If you can, make the front paws white. For the eyes, use the Contracted Slit please. Also, if you could, make a mane so it matches the color of the Cat.

I think that's all. Thank you if ye accept it! I'm actually not the best with presets so far. x3 Just a skill I need to work on nowadays. This preset will be used f'er an Rp. I plan to give out a Download link so people will be able to see how Crimson actually looks.

Game Help / Re: Needin' a wee bit of help with somethin'
« on: November 02, 2014, 01:25:18 pm »
Yeah, sorta forgot to do that. Heh heh. My bad ;) Thank's f'er y'er help though!

Game Help / Needin' a wee bit of help with somethin'
« on: November 02, 2014, 03:04:08 am »
Alrighty, I know, it's been awhile since I've been rather stumped with somethin'. xD But anyways, I just recently got a mod that made Night or any other areas seem darker. I've been glancin' about on how to get the Original look of FH back or atleast enable the mod for awhile. I'm not the biggest fan of Shaders so probably somethin' that just gets rid the shaders. Anyone with knowledge of mods, feel free to help out!
Mod: Mura the Mink's Realistic Night and Day Mod.

Request a Preset/Marking / Needin' a Good Preset Maker!
« on: October 21, 2014, 09:20:33 pm »
Alrighty, I'll be postin' the pictures soon. I need time to sketch out on what I want the markin's to look like.
This is what Wolfer looks like(In Game) and what I want most markings to be shown mainly(Or at least incorporated into the Preset):
Alrighty, on to the Markings. I should have them up in a few but f'er now, a List:
Bottom Jaw(Bone wise) showing
Right eye and fur around the eye missing(To give it that Zombie looking effect f'er Halloween  ;))
Rib cage(Right side) and the Ribs to show
Half of the tail to be a skeleton
Left Ear missing.
Yes, I want this to have the Default Textures/Shading. It should be Two-sided.
Hope that's not much to ask! Sorta haven't done a Preset in a few Years so I can't really make it that well as I imagined.
If the Picture doesn't show up, Wolfer's just white with black stockings and black ear rims, she's got a black mane and teal blue eyes(Basically all ye need to know f'er the body wise).

Game Help / Re: Two things
« on: October 11, 2014, 12:27:32 pm »
1. You may have y'er Preset's head a bit too small f'er the Textures to work correctly, have you tested them out yet? It could just be a bit of an error that shows up with Gimp.
2. If it's Creatin' an Object issue, here's a link that'll help ya:

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / VoidClan
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:01:25 am »
We're back and better than ever!
We're Literate,Active,New(ish),Realistic,Tagged,Mapless,Siteless,And Neutral.
The whole Clan lives and acts as if they were all family though, when we go into battle that's a different story...
Do you think you're tough enough to withstand the bloody battles we go through or would you fall at the sight of our large numbers of Cats?
All High Ranks That Are Still Open:
Secondary Leader: ???(Open)
Third Leader: ???(Open)
Head Deputy: ???(Open)
Secondary Deputy: ???(Open,Chosen by Secondary Leader)
Third Deputy: ???(Open,Chosen by Third Leader)
Clan Theme:

We're a Great Clan and we await your arrival!
If you have any Questions whisper wolflinklove in game or chat with me when I'm on EndlessStar!
Also, if you wish to become any of the Open Ranks you must be Active and Literate as best you can.

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