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Messages - IlLupoItaliano

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@Tangle: Why thank you ^^ And you will forever amaze me with your creativity, as well as preset talents.
Ah yes, I suspected his number would be a little too high up or taken. Therefore, I am bumping him down to subject 23(which was actually my original choice xD). As for his preset, I will put up a link as soon as I can make one and come up with a concept/idea on his looks based on his species and personality  :D

Can't wait to see the final of the maps!

[Image Not Available...Yet!]
Name: Subject 18; Tobias (Hopefully his number is acceptable. Will change if not.)
Age: Unspecified; Most likely an adult.
Species: Subject 18 is a an overall mix of species that he has been experimented with over the years. His main bloodlines lay with the jackals, yet he has been mixed with several other canine and feline species, but they have tried some herbivore species such as deer.
Experiment or Free: Experiment.

Personality: After years of being tested on an mutilated, Tobias has turned into a quiet soul who will not speak unless spoken to. Memories of the past only bring pain to his heart and hope for the future, though he only knows it will get worse. He is no longer the frightened creature who whimpered every night wanting out, he is now the brave heart who will not take failure as an option. Don't let his quiet self fool you, as he probably has already learned more about you than you think, just by observing. Something he has gained skill in over the years spent in a cage.

Brief history: Tobias was born in the outer deserts of Egypt, living life as any jackal would scavenging the land for any possible sign of food. His days as a young jackal were filled with adventure as well as curiosity that no one would ever understand. He was lectured by his elders often, to not follow curiosity to its extent or there would be consequences. Tobias listened for years, but was never satisfied with the small patch of desert to explore that was populated with jackals of his kind. So, he set out and eventually came in contact with the many humans who lived around the perimeter of his old territory, which is where it all began.

One summer's evening he was eating the left over scraps that a meat vendor was handing, as he was starving, weak, exhausted. Little did he know that he was the prey, the meat the bait, and the vender the predator. The meat had been injected with a medicine that would temporarily put Tobias to sleep, which it did and the next thing he remembers is waking up on a cold metallic table, tagged with the name 'Subject 18'. His identity was gone, just like that. And soon enough he began to forget who he even was.

Many years have passed, and 18 has been tested on so many things that not even he can recall what he has been used for, unless someone is able to go into his files. With more and more deaths and testing,18 only wants to be free and away from the the tester's grasp. All he needs is a perfect chance for a get away.

((When I have the time and patience, hopefully a preset will be made so I can provide a screenshot.))

@Tangle: I believe I'm free next week. I really do hope others will be available as well.  :D
( Both the Dalmarn and Night call RPs look muy interesante :3)
(They both have my interest, so to say. I especially love how you used the AC voice scene for Subject 16 in Dalmarn's video. It suits it perfectly.)

@Tangle: Well its good to hear that this RP will continue on. I've missed it greatly.
Just let me know when the next in game RP takes place so I can see if I am able to go on c:

"Woah... Hey-," the tom began to say but was soon cut off as he felt liquid soak into his pelt. Duststripe began to hopelessly tread water as his paws only collided with the nothingness that was beneath the water. Sudden laughter filled his ears as he finally managed to reach shallow water. "Ha, ha." The tom stated sarcastically narrowing his ember gaze at the apprentice who sat at the bank of the stream. "How about you teach me, instead of scaring the owls away with your laughter." Still the apprentice continued to laugh. "Alright..." A slight smile emerged on his face as he splashed the apprentice, aiming for her face.

A small sullen light drifted into Brackenstar's den as he finally awoke with the sound of Dappleleaf's voice. Dappleleaf. His brave trustworthy friend who had been through it all with him since the mere days of apprenticeship. "Please, do come in." The dark golden tabby backed further into his den making room for his clanmate as she padded in through the entrance. "What is it you wish to tell me?" His tail twitched curiously, listening to what she had to say.

(Hrm, for some reason this isn't show up in my "updated topics"...)

Anyways, (late--) welcome back Tangle!
My golly has it been awhile. Hopefully this Rp is still up and going.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP)
« on: January 23, 2013, 09:32:22 pm »
(I presume that it is alright if we may apply now, since they WIP was taken down.
If not, I am sorry and you may pm me what you want to put in this post so you don't have to recreate it.)

Name: Thorek BlackBlood

Thorek is a tall dark-haired muscular male with a light tan and dark hazel eyes that are often hidden behind a mask that made up of an animal's skull, believed to be a bear. Several scars line his back, similarly his arms as well. He never wears too heavy of an armor, and often sticks to just a shoulder bandolier, armored plated pants with deer skin boots to help silence footsteps, and light gauntlets. His weapons varies in an array of daggers/knives along with bow & arrows. Thorek also carries a side pouch for gold and other little things such as poisins and other craft-able smoke bombs for a quick get away.
Type: Human
Gender: Male
Social class: Mercenary Assassin
Reason for going to Gehana: As a Mercenary Assassin, traveling is very common because of contracts people make are usually assassination targets in different locations. Thorek has been tracking his latest assassination contract who has stopped in Gehana recently for an reason he is bound to discover. He is also searching for a follow up contract once he is finished with his current contract.
Strengths: Stealth, thievery, archery, agility, and persuasion.
Weaknesses: Over drinking as it tends to make him reveal information, a sucker for pretty females, unknown new locations.
Likes: Riches(Gold, gems, rare items, etc.), good entertainment, reckless actions, those who can agree with him.
Dislikes: Over concieded people, people who rip him off for a deal made, being followed with out his consent.
"Hail Akavi!"
(Credits to the owner of the image.)

"Good, good." He sat beside the apprentice, ears perked incase someone unexpected had decided to follow. "Ha. Well at least you can blend with the surface of the streams, and the boulders that line the shores," he said, offering a slight smile turning his gaze to the stars. "You know, sometimes I wonder what its like to swim, and feel the water lick your pelt."

(WOW--- Super Extra Short!)



The wound on Otto's leg stung as he returned to the beta's side. Oh well, there goes that plan. The mountain cats began to slide down the faces fo the rocks, inching closer to the two dogs. His head was only filled with thoughts of retreating, but yet his body stayed put. The first cat on his left took an enormous swipe to his his face, just missing by an inch. Ducking on instinct, he darted between the mountain lion's legs and attached his jaws to its hind legs, causing it to cry out in pain. Pride began to sure in him, but was soon lost as he watched the limp figure of Dark fall to a heap, obviously dazed. "Aw no...," muttered the apprentice dashing over to Dark.

It had taken him several scratches to the shoulder and loss of blood to the leg inorder to pull off what he did. When the mountain lions turned their backs and began to snicker, the young male had grabbed the beta's scruff and dragged him backwards with all his might. Of course one of the cats had noticed, sending sharp claws into his shoulder. But still, the dog continued until he reached a small breach in the rock, just large enough for him and Dark. Shoving the beta and himself in the rock he watched the entrence swarm with a frenzy of claws as the cats could not enter. "Forget them. Their as good as dead anyways." One of the mountain cats had hissed, walking away from the entrence. A large sigh escaped Otto as he looked at the beta who lay below his paws. "If you can hear me Dark... we're safe for now. I think we should rest and leave as soon as possible incase they decide to come back." He slumped to the cold stone floor, letting sleep wash over him.

Duststripe tail swished below him as a slight smirk appeared across his muzzle. He sat high in the shadows of a thick pine branch staring at the clearing below. The apprentice from the gathering from the gathering had now entered and was waiting, as if she had not seem him. "I'm guessing you didn't dare to look at your surroundings," he called from above making his presence announced. He leaped from the tree and landed on all fours, striding over to Morningpaw. "And you weren't followed, correct?"

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