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Messages - Laughless

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Luxin told the innkeeper, that no he was not sharing the room, and he won't need one. "Won't be sticking around." Luxin drummed his fingers against the counter.

"This young lady needs a room." The ruffian spoke, tapping his hand against the counter. Steadily, he reached down to his belt, and pulled a pouch off. Easily, he slipped out a few gold coins (rather expensive), into his palm. "For however long is needed." Luxin spoke, goofy smile on his face. The dark-haired lad was actually familiar around these parts, but only barely. And mostly at the taverns, which the boy easily managed to escape tabs from. Though, he wasn't entirely sure if he had gone to this town, yet. The 16-year old, looking rather grungy and..not particularly one of those people you'd let stay in your inn, wasn't expecting that he can get a room. The innkeepers usually took one look at the boy with gold coins, expected he was some kind of thief, and made some lie that all rooms were full. Not that he cared. Lux had to go find some horses anyways, one for the lass and one for him. The Welsh-accented boy was actually wondering if he should get one for Mordred as well.

Luxin grinned at her, before turning to the counter. " Hello? Anybody home?" He called, waiting for the keeper to appear, so he could get the mute girl a room.

Luxin gripped her shoulder, to keep the girl steady. "Let's go, Hoppy." He grinned at her, and slowly made his way to the counter, supporting Gwen so she wouldn't fall.

"Thanks!" Lux called back, to the hunter. He glanced at Gwen. "You think you can walk? I'll help you ofcourse. Just gonna be hard to pay while holding you." He laughed cheerfully, eyes twinkling with amusement.

Luxin threw Grayson a thankful half-smile, still carefully holding onto Gwen.

Luxin glared sharply. "She's no whore. She's an injured women, in need of rest." The man snapped at the wife. He would have said more, but they did need someplace to stay.

Luxin nodded, and sped up. He glanced down at Gwen, and smiled. "Good Morning, Sunshine." He chirped, rather cheerfully. Lux kept on down the road until they reached the entrance. "Excuse me!" He called to a random civilian. "Do you know where I can find an Inn? My friend is injured and needs to rest." The two talked for a bit, before the towns person pointed him to a building down the road. He thanked him, and headed off to the inn.

"No clue about the muteness. Hasn't made a sound the entire time. And ya, I did. Used some healing magic yo, but I'm not that great with those. We were kind of frazzled to, and I was still tired from the thugs. I could probably do better later" Luxin explained rapidly, barely stopping to breath as he explained everything to Grayson. His accent, which wasn't to thick, did make it hard to understand what he was saying occasionally.

"I'm a traveler. I saved Mordred from some thugs, and I don't know about the two lasses." Luxin replied. The young dark-haired man continued walking, not pausing once while talking. "Gwen got her foot caught in a bear trap, and we got her out." He gestured towards the injured leg.

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