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Messages - kululupuppy

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Game Discussion / Re: RP samples?
« on: February 06, 2015, 01:24:38 am »
I agree that roleplay samples aren't all that bad, but the people who take them very seriously give them a bad reputation. Instead of asking players to give me roleplay samples, I try to actually roleplay with them and get a feel for their style of story telling and flow. It takes more effort, but I love it when high ranks in groups do this; especially when they help new players by giving them tips and pointers on how to improve their skills! Not only is it encouraging for the possible recruit, it sends them a good vibe about the group they're possibly about to join and it gives them a spot in the roleplay itself, so they don't have to feel nervous about jumping in later on. It also shows how comitted the high ranks of the group are! Now, of course it's hard to do that for every single recruit, but it's definitely worth taking the time to do.

Edit: Whoa, didn't realize this was old. ^^;

Game Discussion / Re: What was the first custom map you downloaded?
« on: February 03, 2015, 05:41:31 am »
-What was the map that you downloaded?
The first map that I ever downloaded was ThaBlue's (I don't know if that's their FH user or not, but it is their DA) WolfQuest inspired Slough Creek map. You can check it out here:

-Does the map still exist?
As far as I'm concerned, it is. The download link still exists and I still see the portal, but I'm not sure how active it is. It's been a while since I've last visited it.

-Who made the map?
ThaBlue on DeviantArt.

-Where did you find the map? Did a friend tell you about it or did you find it while browsing the Feral Heart map board, DeviantArt, or other source?
A friend first told me about it. He had Google searched FeralHeart/WolfQuest inspired maps and had stumbled upon it.

-What about it interested you enough to download it?
WolfQuest! It was fun to look back at the old days, but see it on a new platform. Both my friend and I had originally come from WolfQuest, so it was quite the experience to see Slough Creek in FH form!

-What did you use the map for? Was it a calm escape, a place for friends to socialize and play, or a map used for roleplay?
We used it to mostly hang out on privately, since not a lot of players went there. I roleplayed on it once with a group of fantasy canine characters of all things. Hh.

-If you roleplayed in the map what memorable adventures did you have?
Not a lot of good memories made on that map specifically, but it did bring back old WolfQuest memories that were super fun to remember.

-What was your favorite thing about the map?
How nostalgic it was to go there and see how close it was to the original Slough Creek. And it was just magical to be there with such amazing fellow friends.

Game Discussion / Re: Most secret place you know
« on: January 21, 2015, 01:39:04 am »
Perhaps inside that mountain thing on cave island or inside the walls of one of the caves at the N? I've been inside both of those before. cx

And Sura, I've never even thought of the Watermill map! That's really sweet.

Game Discussion / Re: Most secret place you know
« on: January 19, 2015, 10:49:12 pm »
Oo! Oo! I think I know that one too! Jump onto the rock next to the den where the TLK players hang out, and then jump at the den. You'll glitch inside the side.

Game Discussion / Re: Most secret place you know
« on: January 18, 2015, 10:34:51 pm »
In 2012/2013, my friend and I named an island in Last Cave "Ducky Island". It became our prime hangout spot for us and our floofy friends. I think we only saw other players there two times, and then a small pack on a nearby island.

Emrysthemay, is it the place behind the portal, where you can glitch into the cave?

Game Discussion / Re: Worst Group You've Ever Joined
« on: January 18, 2015, 10:09:33 pm »
All of you have made very good points to why I disliked certain groups in the past. However, I can remember one specific group I joined where none of the players were close. No one was encouraged to socialize outside of the roleplay, or even get a feel for one another's roleplay chemistry. No discussion of plots, rules, or character development was spoken of.
It doesn't sound like much, but here's a list of what spawned from the above points:

- All character relationships were taken seriously. In the roleplay, my character was instantly hated by another character because she, quoting him, "had a weak build". So, anytime I came online, that guy was stuck in character and would continue to hate me for one silly reason.
- There was no "welcome online", "welcome back", or "goodbye/goodnight" to be mentioned. This might not bother many, but it bothers me.
- New members were often scared away after joining, because the member's happy aura would turn into one that was insensitive and hurried.
- The roleplay was fast paced and if one went offline for more than half an hour, something major would have happened.

The leader of the pack was very ignorant to what was going on, since they too were stuck in character. I stayed for two days, because I had met a nice player who was very good at roleplaying. They were actually the reason I left, and their short-term group was a very nice change of environment!

So you were the Life Alert running around!

Game Discussion / Re: Your In-Game Username?
« on: January 18, 2015, 02:11:48 am »
My forum name was Llama for a looong time, but I changed it back to kululupuppy, my in-game username, after I decided to become active on the forums.

I'm very active in-game as Lament, typically around the N/Z den in Flourite Plains, Bonfire Island, or right outside of BI in Ficho Tunnel. If I'm not on Lament, I'm usually always on my strictly ooc character, Llama.

Game Discussion / Re: How do you 'balance'?
« on: January 16, 2015, 08:52:20 pm »
I've always found it hard to keep track of more than two characters at a time, and I usually stick with one group for both of them. This usually allows me to easily keep up with what's happening and stay true to those characters. If I get involved with more than that, I've bitten off more than I can chew.

When actively playing a small amount of characters, I feel as if I have to find new ways of developing them as quickly as possible, or else they become monotonous to play. In my experience, it's easier and more intriguing to play open, excitable, or flamboyant characters.

I always try to get creative when balancing out my characters' personalities. Sure, it's nice to have an incredibly "good" character, but having a broken or negative one is often more satisfying to play. For example: Lament is a vivacious character who is good at leading and incredibly close to her family. However, she's hotheaded, has close to no morals, and often lets curiousity get the better of her.
This is a good discussion topics!

Sammi, I'm not sure what you think of somewhat mature and violent wolf packs, but *.:Cannibal Canine Chaotics:.* is always open to those who are interested. We typically hang out on public maps, but we do have a map for our members to roleplay at whenever they'd like. We've been around for almost a year now, have a rather active and long-term group of welcoming tight-knit members, and accept just about every type of roleplaying style as long as it is understandable.
I'd give you the link to our site, but I believe it's under maintenance right now. Feel free to shoot me a message here or whisper me in game @ kululupuppy. If you can't get ahold of me, Frost Night, the current owner, is always welcome to be whispered; as well as TreePalmz, stevie97, and BloodOnTheDanceFloor. You can usually find the pack  at the N/Z den in Flourite Plains, so feel free to come check us out any time! C:

Apologies for any grammatical or spelling errors. I'm on mobile currently.

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