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Messages - KnifeKnut

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Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Re: Signatures for free :3
« on: November 27, 2012, 05:59:22 pm »
Under the Floof-O-Meter is the word "Nuzzle" you can click that :) And you saw I was a girl that's just awesome (and might be a first haha) *nuzzle*

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Re: Signatures for free :3
« on: November 27, 2012, 02:37:31 am »
Awesome, thanks. I'll put it in my sig soon.

I'll sign up momentarily. :)

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Re: Signatures for free :3
« on: November 26, 2012, 05:22:25 pm »
Can you have this Confederate flag background with a pair (or one) of bowie knives sort of superimposed over it?

"If someone finds him, they'll think that dogs killed him. Which means they'll probably start hunting dogs down," Taossul explained. "And nobody is going to be able to tell a dog from a wolf. So, if anyone sees us as wolves they might start shooting at us. Bounty hunters working for the nobles are bad enough, I don't need everyday citizens trying to kill me."

"My name is Taossul. Used to getting shot at, huh?" Taossul asked. "Nothing new for most of us." He saw Kaze and raised both eyebrows. "Look's like there's a pack of us. We'd better get rid of this idiot somehow," he suggested, nudging the man's body with the tip of his shoe.

Other Games / Re: Gierra: Land of Free hearts (UPDATED: Accepting help)
« on: November 25, 2012, 06:38:32 pm »
Can't wait for this to be available! It looks like a really cool game. Will it require an internet connection to play or is it a game to download?

Taossul went back to human form and pulled the gun from the dead man's hand, turning the safety on so it wouldn't fire and sticking the barrel between his jeans and his belt. Maybe it could be useful later. "Where are you hurt?" he asked Yume. He had heard her yelp, but he didn't know for sure that she had been shot, that was just a very probably suspicion. "I can take you somewhere to get your wound taken care of, maybe."

Introduction / Re: Returned!
« on: November 25, 2012, 03:26:16 pm »
Thank you, Shallow! :)

Taossul ran forward to help Yume, switching to wolf form. He snarled at the man, snapping at his arm. Nobody shot a wolf while he was around and got away with it. Finally seeing an opening, he bit down hard on the man's arm and held on.

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