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Messages - Oreloki

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Post One: Index and news.
Okay okay okay. I've finally got the free time on my hands again to start working on some stuff. I'll  be posting my maps, presets, meshes, and other oddities here. So here's how it goes...

6/18/2015: Gutting this whole thread and doing something different and less... blugh. Clearly I haven't been around here in a while...

Post One: Index and news.
Post Two: Presets.
Post Three: Maps.
Post Four: Meshes.
Post Five: Slots for requests.

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Goldchocobo's Things *new stuff!*
« on: June 01, 2012, 10:12:26 pm »
Hey, just thought I'd let you know that the prehistoric download is missing dodobeak.mesh, demsail.mesh, doedectail.mesh, xenotail.mesh, and their corresponding textures.

Meshes / Re: Wearable Beak Item? -EDIT- DOWNLOAD IS UP!
« on: April 17, 2012, 06:45:09 pm »
I actually have been thinking about doing that, Josie. I agree it can look kinda clunky at times since it doesn't quite "sync up" with the expressions. I'll have to see when I can get around to doing it though, as I have finals coming up and a lot of other things on my plate--but thank you for reminding me! I'll post it in my thread.
another idea would be to just make the beak mesh for the top half only, then I could make a marking for the bottom of the jaw that you could color to match the beak. I don't think there's a bone for the lower jaw, so The bottom of the beak might not be able to move with the mouth anyways... I'm not sure so I'll check x_x
And don't feel pressured Aberguine xD I'm booked with school too. It's so hard to be productive as a FH contributor when the second semester is coming to a close! Talk about having a busy life! xD

*EDIT* There IS a bone for the lower jaw xD I've just never seen it used before. It's possible though :3

Meshes / Re: Wearable Beak Item? -EDIT- DOWNLOAD IS UP!
« on: April 17, 2012, 01:15:05 pm »
could you possibly make this two seperate items? upper and lower jaw? so it can talk?
Not sure :P You'd be better off asking on Aberguine's thread, as she's the mesher here xD

Meshes / Re: Wearable Beak Item? -EDIT- DOWNLOAD IS UP!
« on: April 13, 2012, 12:51:43 am »

Lol, as epic as I know I obviously am, please stay on topic to this thread. xD

Meshes / Re: Wearable Beak Item? -EDIT- DOWNLOAD IS UP!
« on: April 09, 2012, 11:42:38 pm »
*ehem* I am a girl -_-' and yes, let us please stay on topic. I might be making a new, more detailed texture for this. The one right now is kinda... blah.

Meshes / Re: Wearable Beak Item? -EDIT- DOWNLOAD IS UP!
« on: April 09, 2012, 04:07:21 pm »

If you know you're being hurtful, maybe in the future you could give some critique instead of simply screaming at us. Me and Aberguine made this for the benefit of the community, and I don't appreciate your comment. If you don't like it, don't say anything. You are being extremely rude and it is very uncalled for.

Meshes / Re: Wearable Beak Item? -EDIT- DOWNLOAD IS UP!
« on: April 07, 2012, 02:55:15 pm »
Where do I put the files?

Put them in Program Files>FeralHeart>Media>Items
And open the 'readme' file and follow the instructions to get them in-game.

Meshes / Re: Wearable Beak Item? -EDIT- DOWNLOAD IS UP!
« on: April 03, 2012, 02:07:47 am »
 ;D It's DOOOONE! Thank you sooooo much Aberguine! It is such an awesome mesh! I just hope my texturing job did it justice. Anyways, I sure hope to be seeing some gryphon rps really soon guys!

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