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Messages - Sammim123

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Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: July 23, 2011, 08:47:30 pm »
um hello?

i replied back to you asking you for more specific details.

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: July 22, 2011, 04:53:11 am »
ok i heard bout u from another peep could u please take my request? id appreciate it! its in another topic. title of topic: "Up for the challenge? preset wolf with moving textures!" thx for making it happen! :D

willing to give it a shot. I just need as much information as you can give. You stated the orange is a moving texture. How exactly? PLease be as descriptive as possible, i am pulling another all nighter working on these,  should have them all caught up to yorus by tomorrow night.

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: July 22, 2011, 04:51:25 am »
Im glad i did not request the hard request i wanted to ask for yet sammi XD when your down to only one or two left ill request her if you will let me

working on fifteen final ones tonight, actually only fourteen because i need a bit more info on the fifteenth.

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: July 22, 2011, 04:34:08 am »
Hmm. I still haven't gotten it. I think FH forums or just messages are messed up.
Try sending it to me on DeviantART?

sent on there.

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: July 22, 2011, 04:33:55 am »
yes i will be doing it. But i am currently very backed up because of a more complicated design i have been wrking on. After this one gets done the rest are very simple and i should be able to get most of them done in  a very short time,  am currently on serenity, who is all the way back from about page 3.. So please just be patient and give me time <3 Your design is rather simple so it should not take me long to do it.

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: July 21, 2011, 09:27:30 pm »
i have photoshop, not gimp. fur texture cant be changed, its the original fh template that i use. Im no good at making fur textures myself, especially not realistic ones. Idk, i hope i can get this done, its really holding up my other requests -,-

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: July 21, 2011, 08:03:37 pm »

Sammi, If you havent started mine, could I change my request to:

Her other side, make it tortoiseshell as well,  just not the exact same. And could you make her face less half/half?

-is very embarassed of this screenie- Im trying like ungodly hard... Any advice you can give me?

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: July 21, 2011, 07:20:18 pm »
Beautiful presets Sammi.

thanks, i just wish i made it a bit more complicated to be able to get a preset by me XD i have a list of 46 between this forum, friends, ingame, and deviantart.

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: July 21, 2011, 09:41:05 am »

for the owner of striker. pmed the files btw

Oh it's so pretty. <3 Thank you so much. ^^ 

And I'm so sorry if I sounded so pesty. OTL;;;

Edit: I think the forums or something are messed up. Idk, but I don't think the PM went through. D;

tried to resend itt, let me know if you get it yet!

Presets & Markings / Re: Taking Preset Requests -free-
« on: July 21, 2011, 09:04:00 am »
Im not nagging, but is that black character with the white markings on the list mine? and with the collar, can you actually put little spikes on it, so it looks like dog teeth? (my character has a dog tooth collar). Im so sorry, im just curious. oh and the characters name is Scourge.

gosh darn it i have yours done too, i forgot that i finished a number of them whie i was at anothe rhouse with no internet, so i never got to upload them, i however did not put the color on. I cant render a 3d collar, but i can make it a flat image if youd like.

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