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Messages - Goldchocobo

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 43
Modding & Meshing Tutorials / Re: Goldy's FH animation tutorial
« on: November 14, 2015, 03:04:26 am »
I'm sorry- I accidentally deleted it when I was cleaning up the videos on my channel >< I've remade it though- the first video I was ill and stuffed with a flu, so I sounded gross, but I'm all better now so I sound a lot better. I'm sorry about that.

Finished Maps / Crescendo Forest and Cave of Requiems
« on: November 11, 2015, 10:33:44 pm »

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Alphabet's Game/Mod Ideas
« on: November 11, 2015, 05:41:12 pm »

Modding & Meshing Tutorials / Goldy's FH animation tutorial
« on: October 18, 2015, 11:25:24 pm »

Updated with feline (domestic cat) animations, have fun!

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Goldchocobo's New Poses and actions
« on: August 03, 2015, 09:31:20 pm »
I love this and I tell anyone who does not have it to get it. Also do you use a shaders pack? And if so. Mind giving me the link?
Sorry I can't remember what shader I use ^^'
the EMB mod was taken down by it's owner a few months back though :(

Thanks for all your lovely comments~!

first of all: thank you.
I found it extremly hard and frustraiting to understand Hammy's tutorial but you simplified it, now I can make items and objects for FH (which I've always wanted to do)

however I've come into a problem where I can't for some reason re-size items. I tried to in blender and made the actual mesh much smaller than I originally made it, but for some reason the converter doesn't recognize the change at all, I'm wondering if you have the solution to this, as I've goggled my problem, but no one has the answer.

Finished Maps / Re: Kelpies Marsh Unicorn's Folly
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:10:06 pm »
Nice job with these maps! :)

However, I have one question.

Is there a way we can download just one of these maps? Thanks!
Well, you don't have to go in BOTH maps... there's no one forcing you too.

Finished Maps / Kelpies Marsh Unicorn's Folly
« on: February 26, 2015, 07:51:07 pm »

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