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Messages - KibaWolf73

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Game Discussion / Re: How was you introduced to FeralHeart?
« on: August 01, 2013, 07:40:02 pm »
Hm, let's see..
Like some of you, my story started with YouTube.

I was browsing some videos, when I stumbled upon a Impressive Title one. I watched it and thought, "Man, it's a must-download!", and googled it.

When I found out the game has been shut down, I was quite sad, and forgot about it whatsoever.

A long time later, I heard that IT had a successor, aka FeralHeart. I found the site, signed up and downloaded the game. I played it for one evening, until I got bored of it, and it was forgotten among my folders.

After a couple of months, I found the files, and since then, I never left FeralHeart again.

The end.

May I say that I'm in love with your maps?

I've downloaded most of them, and I must say they are really pretty and fun to explore, and just spend time in them overall.

Good luck with future maps owo.

Forum Discussion / Re: What Do You Post With?
« on: August 01, 2013, 02:11:01 pm »
I use my laptop, I'm just more familiar with it.
Also the fact that my ancient computer takes pleasure in arguing with me a lil too much doesn't help

Thank you, both. I was actually aiming for a short, clear tutorial. o3o

This game is one I support wholeheartedly and look forward to it.
The idea itself is brilliant. I mean, realistic, 3D warrior cats, the ability to change so many things on the model, and a custom meow. Couldn't have asked more.
I'll just.. Go and make an account on the forum and wait patiently for it to come out. And possibly squee to death.


Screenshots / Re: [:]Vanish's Photos of Randomness[:]
« on: July 29, 2013, 12:34:42 pm »
Thank you. Actually, Bellator just happened to jump in the screenie, it was nothing planned. Nonetheless, I like how it turned out.

Screenshots / [:]Vanish's Photos of Randomness[:]
« on: July 29, 2013, 10:47:01 am »
Although I'm not an expert "photographer", I still catch some screenies every so often that, to me at least, are funny or sentimental or the like. There's not much yet, but I'll try to keep it updated. Enjoy! :'D

"You Have Been Couched" "Triangle of Derpiness" "Unsuspecting Prey"
Usernames hidden just because I'm paranoid.

Game Discussion / Re: Your first character
« on: July 28, 2013, 01:03:49 pm »
I've found more 'First character..' thingies!

First character with a family. [Well, sort of.]

[Real life bestie and I]

First character to RP on. [Oh god she was so fugly. I thought she was gorgeous back then.]

[Luckily, she's been revamped, and is still being used nowadays.]

First character with a mapped RP. [And that's how I became literate!]

First character with a full story behind her. [Sniff, I miss that RP.]

[Sorry for image-heavy post ono; . God I had to dig through countless folders and pictures to find these.]

Game Discussion / Re: Your first character
« on: July 19, 2013, 11:10:38 am »
Although my first character is already gone, I think I still have a screenshot of her..
Ah, here it is.

This girl. She never really had a backstory or a personality, because I barely talked back then.

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