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Messages - wolfsquad

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 654
Forum Discussion / Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« on: July 19, 2020, 12:27:53 am »
May I ask a question?

How is it that Razmirz can just do things without even talking to the other staff members about it? How is it that Razmirz can do things and not even the other staff members know about what he did until a community member notices it, makes a thread about it, and then a staff member has to directly ask Razmirz about it in order to give the community some weird answer?
It's not about this being his website. That doesn't grant him leeway to just do whatever. All of you are equal staff members with an important job to moderate the community and all of you should be working together and yes, this includes Razmirz. It should never be that only one staff member does something random on their own and the rest have to find out and when they do, they just sit and watch.

Why is there no communication whatsoever?

I really want to be a positive person and I don't mean to come back to Feral Heart and jump into drama, but it's been this way for a long time and the poor responses made by LordSuragaha and PrettyReckless in this thread really solidify it. My first notion was when I was shot down because I simply mentioned my mental health in a post I made a long time ago.
The community is not talking about it because we hate you guys, want to start drama, and see Feral Heart's downfall. We're talking about it because it's important, we care, and we want to see positive change. You guys have the power to change it so easily but right now you seem to care more about replying to us in defense for yourselves rather than just.... doing what you previously said you were gonna do.
But also, one administrator saying "We don't know why he did it and we will remake it" and then the other administration saying "He has a reason why and no, we will not remake it" later on in the thread.... the mixed signals and the lack of communication.... whew.
EDIT: I also have no idea what happened with FHU if someone can explain that to me? I tend to have inactivity periods where I don't look at the forums for a while just because I'm busy doing other things. I keep seeing FHU brought up but I have no context for why it's relevant and I'd like to understand the situation better.

Good luck Feral Heart.

Hi, I made this post in 2015 and I think this is thread bumping unless it's okay for the guides sub-board.
But I have a better guide over here that tells you where the Play button is.

It's in the navigation bar way at the top of the page and called "Play Game"
You login and keep the tab open while you play the downloaded standalone game.

Game Discussion / Re: How did you discover FH?
« on: April 09, 2020, 08:34:35 pm »
Discovered it in maybe mid-late 2011, but I was given this account in 2012 thanks a really kind player on Transformice! I either found it while on WolfQuest searching for other wolf-related games or because of BereghostGames (on YouTube) playing the game with his kids.
I remember being so into FeralHeart and desperately wanting an account, but registration was never open and I could never catch it when it was. Really dampened my spirits. I wish I could remember her username, but a Transformice player gave me this account when it was still xxhazelwingsxx and I love her forever for that <3

Game Discussion / Re: Different languages?
« on: April 08, 2020, 08:29:58 pm »
I'm so sorry you experienced something like that.
Of course, there are always bad apples around but usually, this community is really helpful and friendly and I hope that didn't ruin things for you.
I can really empathize with how you felt because I'm Thai and speaking English wasn't my strongest skill for much of my youth and of course, there were always people who mocked me and how I spoke. There were also people who mocked me when I spoke Thai and called me racial slurs, or asked me to say terrible things in my language.
The only thing we can do with these people online is to report and block them and not entertain them because racists only want a reaction out of you and we shouldn't dare grace them with one.

Everyone here has already answered you, but I'd like to add a bit more:
On the forums, we only speak English. This is simply to help staff with moderation.
In the game, you can speak any language.
You are free to speak any language with friends in DMs, whisper or group/party, though!

Leaving / Re: So... That's it?
« on: April 08, 2020, 01:18:55 am »
Though many have felt this same way before, I'm sorry about what you're experiencing right now :(
We don't have to know you personally to be sad to see you go, but we all hope nothing but prosperity and good luck in your new chapter.
Remember that you're always free to return and we will always greet you again with warm, open arms! :)

Stay safe, healthy and have an amazing day!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: 6 Item Limit?
« on: April 08, 2020, 01:10:11 am »
I'd love to have 6 slots, but there most likely is a good reason why there's just 4 whether it be coding issues, general work, lag, etc.

Introduction / Re: Howdy!
« on: April 08, 2020, 01:01:13 am »
wolfsquad: Thank you, I hope so, too! (Also, I love the gif in your signature, it's so pretty!)

Thank you!
It's from Episode 1 of the Life is Strange 2 game! :)

Introduction / Re: Howdy!
« on: April 07, 2020, 10:12:33 pm »
Hello and welcome back to the community !!!
Hope you have fun !!!

Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: April 07, 2020, 12:53:38 am »
L for Llama

Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: April 06, 2020, 01:23:58 am »
F for Fox

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