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Messages - Karakuri

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 59
"Managing to pull off lying..then get embarrassed by yourself." Elluka teases, still smirking. "Eh, Noir's a little twitchier. He's been nervous since he was little. Just the way he is." Don't feel bad, Gilda. Clockworker's just tall. It's true you're short, but she's tall herself, so yeah.


[I was imagining she could "unmute" her dolls, and overhear Gilda talking to Lorencio. XD]

"Nice job." Elluka chuckles, not seeming concerned by this. Sure, Lorencio was called the Stupid Butler for a reason, but the boy was probably harmless if he wasn't sent here by his insipid sister or their mistress. No cause for alarm, Gilda imagining the biological anatomy of him. Wasn't her problem, yet.

[Woah! What are you imagining, Gilda? XD]

Elluka busts out laughing at the squeak. "I- I take that as a yes?" Chuckling, the witch tries to contain herself.


Now despite not noticing the words etched into the sand, she did notice the pink spreading across Gilda's cheeks, and a smirk passes across her face. "I think we did have a visitor, and you were very happy to see him?" Trying to wipe the smirk off her face and pass this off as an innocent question, Elluka fails horribly.

"Just reading your books? You didn't want to talk to anyone?" Curious, Elluka continues the conversation. Somehow, thankfully, the normally observant witch hadn't noticed the sand writing, looking around the deserted camp. The older woman didn't seem to be teasing her. Yet.

Elluka came back shortly after this occurrence. "Haven't you been bored, just sitting here all day?" She knew Lumi was still probably dragging her brother and their friend around the city, excited by being around a large (or relatively so) population of humans.

[TS again? To when the group gets back or MotG needs something?]

Once she was gone, Lorencio remembers his sister using Gilda's own hand to write. Picking up the doll gently, he takes the hand and writes "Sorry about that", before setting the voodoo doll down and going to his bed to sleep.

"I don't smell funny, what are you talking about?" Lorencio takes a minute to sniff his jacket, confused. He looks at Gilda's doll, pitying her at the moment. "Naah. I'mma just go to bed." Yawning again, he waits for his sister to answer him.

[Lol, imagine if she did that while Gilda was talking to Lorencio or something. XDD]

"Out taking a walk. Cleaning my nose off. That sort of thing." Was the boy's reply as he yawns. He flops on his own bed after his side of the room was as spotless as it normally was. "You seemed to have been keeping yourself entertained." He remarks, raising an eyebrow.

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