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Messages - Squee

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Game Help / A little preset question
« on: March 09, 2013, 07:13:39 am »
Hi there. c:

I was planning on doing a Velvet-Purple Coronet inspired preset, and was just wondering that when you use the metallic code to add that metallic sheen to your preset can you blend? Because not all of that area should look plain metallic. It needs a feathery look and a blend from purple to blue to green etc...

Thanks. ^^

- C  R  O  S  S  W O  R  K

Art Gallery / Re: TheMiles art~
« on: March 05, 2013, 07:10:47 pm »
Ohmai. I LOVE YOUR ART! <3

Game Discussion / Re: Your Craziest Character
« on: March 05, 2013, 07:10:19 pm »
I won't really add a picture because what good will it do, the character didn't look crazy, her personality was. xD

Recently I've been jumping between fursonas.

My most recent being Crosswork who has adopted some of the personality traits of Birdy who was my previous fursona.

Basically, my characters (canines) have this odd habit of hanging around in trees. Crosswork likes to act like a possum and hang on a branch by her tail. She's slightly insane and has multiple backstories but her original story will always prevail when she doesn't have to 'change' to suite an RP because she has powers. :I Yes, powers. I don't understand how people can be so sceptical about them, especially Crosswork's. THEY ARE PATHETIC! She's like a goddamn fairy. xD Anyway. Craziest trait about my characters is their obsession with trees. Yes, they love to hang upside down from trees. And in OOC mode, they love tazers. (Run. I suggest you run) and shock collars. o3o


C  R  O  S  S  W  O  R  K!

Discussion Board / Re: Childhood Memories
« on: March 05, 2013, 07:03:34 pm »
I had thee most adorable little cat toy, it was about the same size a centimetre and a half in height and a half a centimetre wide. I absolutely LOVED that toy and it was given to me by a friend I can never see anymore. When we moved I lost it. It was in the very top of my cupboard then it was gone and I have searched, I even checked the inside of our vacuum looking for this little cat. 7 years later, still lost. xD

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / The CHALLENGE
« on: March 05, 2013, 06:56:36 pm »
I understand that the forum has a 'competition and events' board. And every so often there are contests presented like the recent Art contest etc.. And the preset contest is there most of the time.

I know that this is more in the hands of judges etc...

My idea for the forum is a little something called 'The Challenge'

The Challenge is basically when all forms of medium related to Feralheart (Map maker, preset maker, object maker) are able to be chosen. Like with the Preset Contest a theme is chosen or this is what would be called the challenge.

For Example:


Now all the users who feel like they need a challenge or just need a map idea can come and challenge themselves according to this theme. They can chose to create a map or preset or object etc.. relevant to the theme.

These challenges not only provide something fun for members but also an oppurtunity to learn more about their abilities! :)

The voting system can be like that of MOTS. Users suggest a limit of their more favoured inventions and a poll is created where the winner is determined from the amount of votes.

Prizes for winning can be donated Arts or something if people really actually think prizes are needed.

The idea is vague. Very fuzzy. But somehow had to be explained in a way. Like I've said. I suck at explaining.

Anywho that's my forum idea. xD

I'm not sure if this is in the right topic or anything. So really sorry if it isn't. ;n;

C  R  O  S  S  W  O  R  K

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Fur textures!
« on: March 05, 2013, 06:34:10 pm »
Hello! :D

My suggestion for the game is sort of a fuzzy idea but people can pick up where I'm getting at.

I'm basically suggesting a widened variety of fur textures. c:

I understand that people can download texture MODs and stufflez BUT... that fur is used on ALL your character models?

So what if I wanted to go and create a hairless dog (just generalizing here) and I don't want it to look like it's from Impressive Title and I don't want to go make a preset because even then not everyone can see your character how you see it. Nor do I want to go and download a fur MOD that'll make it have a detailed bald-like look, because again like the presets, not everyone sees your character like you do?

Why not offer a viarity of fur textures, like how markings are offered, so people can choose what shading and texture their character will have. :) We can make cats with the illusion of looking fluffy (I know some warrior cats are meant to look like the Ragdoll breed which are rather fluffy cats etc... So this'll be useful for them) or canines with shorter-looking fur texture (for Pitbulls etc...) and more scruffy looking textures for those more unkempt characters (An old wolf or snow leopard with matted fur?) also with the realistic fur MODs. :)

Everyone sort of understand what I'm getting at here? I suck at explaining things.

That's basically my idea.

To have an option for more fur textures for characters to give them just that extra touch of amazing! :)


~C  R  O  S  S  W  O  R  K

Meshes / Re: ~A Few Meshes~
« on: December 29, 2012, 05:56:59 pm »
When I try and download them it says the files belong to an Invalid account. D:

Game Help / Re: Map Trouble
« on: December 18, 2012, 06:49:02 am »
I remade my heightmap, I attempted to retest it and it didn't work yet again. I will try what you have said, Sura and see where it gets me otherwise I'll have to scout for other options like maybe a new programme on which to make them. :)

Game Help / Re: Map Trouble
« on: December 17, 2012, 08:55:54 pm »
I always flatten them. What I don't understand is it works for some of my maps and it doesn't for others. But it used to work for some. I wanted to remake a Savannah map I was working on. I loaded the .png file into my FHmaps folder and tried it in game. I crashed. Then I added another one and it worked! All the same images, went through the same process and I don't understand what is going wrong... Thanks though Ress.

I looked through that post Sura and it doesn't show any new problems that I don't already know the map might have... Thank you for sharing it with me though. I might just have to reinstall FH, see if it helps or start all my heightmaps from scratch again. :)

Really appreciate the help. <3

Game Help / Map Trouble
« on: December 17, 2012, 03:09:31 pm »
I think it counts as a game problem?

I use GIMP to make my heightmaps. And recently my heightmaps haven't been working in game? I make them in grayscale, 513x513, save them as a .png image in my Feralheart > Media > Terrains > FHmaps folder. Everything I'm meant to do! When I attempt to test the heightmap out ingame, my Feralheart window closes the second I type in the name of the file.

Please help!


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