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Messages - Cecilia~

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Forum Games / Re: The >^< Game
« on: June 14, 2013, 10:42:44 pm »
^ Not anymore, well, I don't go in-game now.

< Has art block.. *cries*

v Probably a coconut in real life

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: June 14, 2013, 09:58:41 pm »

Not really sure what's going on here, no offense.

If it ended 3 days ago, people wouldn't still be posting in it, haha..

Since the mods might not lock this thread anytime, can we all agree to just stop posting?

No snippy little comments, no replying to older posts, nothing. Let's just be quiet already and make believe the thread is locked. While I have no authority over anyone and I can't really force people, hopefully we can all agree that we need to just stop replying to this pointless thread. We aren't doing anything expect arguing and that's not really okay.

This is probably going to be my last post in this thread, and hopefully everyone else's too.

I hope this makes sense and also doesn't sound rude or anything.

Characters / Re: A psycho character~Vapor
« on: June 13, 2013, 11:21:40 pm »
I don't really like how you use the term psychopath.. Psychopaths aren't people who instantly murder or attack you if you even say "hello" to them, like this character apparently would. They aren't just always violent and killing people constantly and things like that.

Psychopathic/sociopathic means that you have Antisocial Personality Disorder. Not everyone/everything with APD acts like your character does. It just irked me that you use refer to this character as a psychopath when they are just extremely violent and mentally insane, I guess I would say.

While psychopaths don't feel remorse for hurting or stealing from others, they don't do it as soon as someone talks to them or things like that like your character does.

It's not a bad character or anything, I kind of like it; I just don't think "psychopath" is the correct term which is all I'm pointing out. It's not meant to be offensive at all.

I know I said I wouldn't post here anymore a few pages back, but, guys..

Can we all please shut the hell up (including myself) so that this thread finally dies down?

I can't see any reasons why it shouldn't be locked. People are just going to argue and sass each other and it's really pointless. Raz himself seems to have abandoned it so no one is going to get any clarification.

I mean, most of the last page was just people telling each other "STOP POSTING!!!!!" "dis should be locked" "SUPER IS FAKE THANKS RAZ!!!"

There is no point in leaving this thread open, to be honest.

Game Discussion / Re: Name-Stealers
« on: June 13, 2013, 10:13:05 pm »
I'm not sure if any name can be truly "copyrighted".

Obviously, names like Sky, Moon, Flame, or things like that are really, really overrated and popular so of course you would see them anywhere. No one is stealing anyone's name in this case.

However, it IS a bit annoying to see someone copy another name if it's really distinct or unique. Most of my characters have 'weird' names, that stick out, so I would probably notice if I saw someone running around named Yofiel or Sandalphon, both of which are names of my characters. They're unusual, so if I saw someone with them (and also having their in-game character look similar), I would know they copied.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: June 13, 2013, 06:59:55 pm »

Really nice photo, and the owls are also pretty cute.

Discussion Board / Re: Mediafire Help?...
« on: June 12, 2013, 06:56:38 pm »
You can put all of your files on an external hard drive OR a memory stick (like Larka said).

Forum Discussion / Re: Favorite Art Program?
« on: June 12, 2013, 02:13:08 am »
I.. have yet to meet a person who prefers their mouse over a tablet; until now, I suppose.

I could never really get used to Corel's and Photoshop's interface, so I just don't like them. Same goes for GIMP and probably anything else out there.

Discussion Board / Re: Bluescreens of Death.
« on: June 11, 2013, 11:08:21 pm »
I'm not sure what you mean by "they shouldn't be random", but they are and always will be. It's not like it's going to warn you if something goes wrong; it's always unexpected.

I think they can be a little annoying at times, though I don't get them on this new computer I'm using. On my older one, I would get them pretty often.

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