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Messages - Satsuki

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I must say, I'm interested in a couple of these characters and their roles o.o I'll definitely get back to you on them, I'm more interested in:
Adohan, Michiwa and Brute

I might also have a friend interested... >.> I'll tell her to come and take a look and see what she thinks xD If she's interested, you may just have two new people to help you out ;)

The more people the merrier. ^^ I would be honored if more join, that way I can go ahead and work on the intro for the series. :) I hope your friend and you consider joining.

Which character you wish to role as?: (Note: Some characters are taken so not every character is available.): Sota.

1.Why do you think you are the perfect match for this character's role?: That is somewhat my own personality... and I can do well at roleplaying characters such as this.

2.Are you a very patient person?: Yes.. I am always patient. Very rarely can anything succeed in angering me.

3.Are you busy on the weekends?: No. I'm never busy... I have no life. |D

4. Are you above the age of 13? (if I find out that you are not 13 years old or older, then you will not be allowed to work in my series): Yes.

5.Are you active on Feral heart?: Yes.

6. What is your GMT= your time zone?: EST.

7. Do you have a skype?: Yes, I do. PM me for it.

8. Can you download maps?: Yes.

9. What was the last thing I had said in the topic before moving onto the Auditioning?: Your character will be basically expressing his or herself through various emotes/actions... Maybe even lip syncing... so there might be a bit of role playing in this.

Rofl no one still has not gotten that last question right so far... well here is a hint for others. It is the fourth sentence  of the last paragraph BEFORE the survey questions.

Game Discussion / Re: Problem with mate
« on: September 15, 2013, 05:37:29 pm »
I am guessing this is dealing with in a role play in the game and not in real life, seems to me you do not want a pup and it seems she does want a pup. Nine out of 10 on this game your mate would eventually would want to start a family on feral heart, that's the point of getting a mate in the first place for "most" people anyway.

That's because you had problems in the past does not mean that same problem will pick up in the future, with you and your mate. Unless you do not wish to have a family outside of the role play. If you have only told her that you have just a "problem" and not have given her the full detail on your problem then you should actually tell her why you do not want to have a family period. If you two still cannot meet on agreements with each other, as brutal as it is, I think it would probably be best if you two went your separate ways.

Art Gallery / Re: ~Raven's Art~ Updated 9/13/13 Requests CLOSED for work
« on: September 14, 2013, 03:30:26 am »
:o wow your art is so lovely.  I would love to have a request done by you. xD! Do you think I could get a slot on the wait list? *_*

Videos / FeralHeart- Don't judge me
« on: September 13, 2013, 01:35:35 am »
Finally done, please watch it in 1080ps This took 3 days, which usually I take more then a day to make a GMV. Oh well, I do hope you enjoy. I do not know if I should have post this in thehowlsync thread due to probably double posting, but if this one gets locked due to the constant threads I have been making then I totally understand.

Please do not STEAL any of these characters You see in this video, this is actually why I use a lot of effects and mods on feral heart so no one will try to steal any of my characters, since I been hearing rumors people characters are being stolen. Feedback is always appreciate it, and please sub to see more videos in the future.

-Fail for late response.- you are welcome. Still looking for people to join... I wonder if people do not like the ideal. u_u

Game Help / Re: I need some help (Map making)
« on: September 12, 2013, 04:35:37 pm »
^ Mostly the problem. You need to check the collision button, that should let you walk, stand and not let you go through some items/objects.

Videos / Re: TheHowlSync videos
« on: September 12, 2013, 04:23:47 pm »
Beautiful videos! I just might join HowlSync, looks fun! I really liked those videos, you're really talented. c:

Thank you! :) We would be very grateful if you would join the studios. Just please No slideshow videos... We also do not care that much for windows movie maker like other studios on youtube does not as well... But however We will let a exception on this, due to the fact that not everyone can buy expensive programs or do the "other" thing if necessary. Just give the studio an e-mail with an example of your video work, or P.M me on here with your YouTube channel and one of your recent and best video you made.

These are some well-edited videos, iHolly, they are really good. I particularly love the moonlight in the first video and the controls of the toons in the second one. Well done, keep at the videos. ~ 
Thanks I appreciate the comment! I will keep making feral heart videos until I actually give up making videos for feral heart. :P I am trying to put out as much videos as I can. ^^

Videos / TheHowlSync videos
« on: September 12, 2013, 06:34:20 am »
You know what? Since I am going to be basically spamming the media thread with countless videos. ::) I will just decided to go on ahead and make thread for the studio's videos.  TheHowlSync is a studios, that focus on music videos of any genre music focusing on Feral heart or any animal related game. There are currently three people in the howlsync... But hopefully our small little studio will grow.  TheHowlsync does not refer to wolves only, so basically any animal can join The studio. However if you wish to join our crew You must p.m our youtube inbox... And we can take it from there.

Anyway I have already posted one video from TheHowlSync... Which is this one:

Now here is a preview of the second video that is being in the work. Please refrain from criticizing until the project is actually FINISHED. Enjoy the preview and watch in 1080ps HD please. The video is being processed right now but it will be up shortly. Those who live in germany, don't bother watching it. The video has been blocked in your contury and I am too lazy to actually edit the audio, I am sorry. :c

Game Discussion / Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« on: September 12, 2013, 05:36:29 am »
I never seen this in game and to be honest I am happy I did not meet someone who actually did speak wolfspeak... If you ask me.  The stuff that you just wrote down, looks nothing but just plain neatly gibberish.  However I do not think all of us should not be bashing on those who use wolf speaking... Even though hearing about the way they speak seems very VERY confusing. Bad enough the"floof" got to a lot of us. You will not be seeing me using Wolf gibberish anytime soon.

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