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Messages - MadMoai

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Game Discussion / Re: How did you find out about feralheart?
« on: June 19, 2013, 11:26:33 pm »
I found out about FeralHeart when I saw a submission on Deviantart that was basically a collage of a bunch of different 3D wolf and cat characters. Since I love designing characters, this caught my attention immediately. Of course, when I asked what game the characters were from/made in, the person answered FeralHeart. :3

I then took a break in the summer of 2012 because of boredom, but I came back around December because I kept hearing Lion King songs and thus missing the game. |D

Oh gosh. I remember one time when I was making a preset and I accidentally attached the head texture/color to the body and it looked really weird. I thought I had a screenshot, but I looked and I guess I don't... I'll put it here if I find it though xD

Game Discussion / Re: Something that shocks me
« on: June 09, 2013, 03:00:47 am »
Well, you have well over 300 posts, and i see you post around a lot, so I'm not surprised people recognize you.~ I lurk more than anything, so I'm a bit of a ninja and nobody knows who I am. |D

I'm like that too. For some reason when I see a familiar name I get a surge of happiness. Maybe it's just the feeling that people aren't unique to one place that makes people excited. Seeing a random username on a random website is one thing, but knowing that the owner of the name moves around and is present in many places as a real person is, I guess is just the cool part.

Discussion Board / Re: Favorite Music Genre
« on: June 02, 2013, 01:57:11 am »
I don't really have a favorite genre, since it all depends on the song itself. I've heard R&B, country(ish), pop and heavy metal that I all like, and also those that I don't like.

If I can count Vocaloballad as a genre, though, can I mention that :D?

Game Discussion / Re: RP preferences. New or normal.
« on: June 02, 2013, 01:54:39 am »
I saw that advertisement too, and it actually sorta reminded me of my favorite manga series... I thought it was an interesting idea! Anyway, yes, I do agree with you, the same old cats/dogs/lions roleplays can get dull, so seeing something creative and out-of-the-ordinary is always nice. Given, cats/dogs/lions RPs can be awesome when done the right way, but they are sort of all over the place.

As for the person who said "eww that's weird why would you RP that, but don't hate me that's just my opinion" ... that's a bit hypocritical, don't you think? Well, I won't get into that or anything, but it's too bad that whoever was advertising had to put up with that.

I personally like multi-species roleplays. I personally don't have many characters who belong to a specific roleplay, but the ones that do are rarely canids or felids. My two RP-centered characters right now are a fur seal and an iguana. :3 I guess it's because it's nice to take a break from all of the cats and dogs running around in FH and just be something else...

The RPs for less common species tend to catch my eye more, too. Once I saw a shark roleplay being advertised, but I didn't act fast enough to investigate.

Discussion Board / Re: Your Favorite Animals!
« on: May 26, 2013, 03:18:05 pm »
Oh gosh, all of those birds... so cool o3o Well, I should probably introduce some of my favorite animals now.

First off, the tufted puffin.

from Steven Pavlov on Wikimedia Commons

Well, they're birds, they can fly sorta well and swim really well, and they make funny growling noises, and they're goofs, not to mention they're adorable. Puffins just don't get enough attention for how awesome they are. I emptied my local aquarium of puffin merchandise and it still only takes up a tiny fraction of a bookshelf :U

Sticking to the theme of birds, I'll put up the African scops owl.

I don't know why, but I think these guys are cute too. Those giant eyes. They just have such great camouflage as well... I mean, imagine trying to find that right up next to a tree trunk. Oh, and they're really soft. Owls are really soft and fluffy in general.

And then, to keep this post short, I'll wrap it up with the marine iguana.

from Elizabeth Crapo on Wikimedia Commons
Look at this thing - it's no wonder it inspired Godzilla. I think it's really cute and unique, though. They're really clumsy on land, like other reptiles, but a quick Google Image search will get you images of them in the water, and goodness they are such good, graceful swimmers. They're one of those animals that are sorta weird and unattractive on the outside, but they have an awesome hidden talent (in this case, swimming). They can dive for up to half an hour, which is pretty amazing considering they're just lizards.

And I'll end it here so I don't have some weird long list of images.

Game Discussion / Re: There's No Such Thing as Evil Animals
« on: May 24, 2013, 10:11:19 pm »
This is interesting. :3

Yes, there's no such thing as 'evil' animals... others have already gone over lots of points supporting that, so I won't ramble or anything.

What I think is most interesting is that people think snakes are evil, but a lot of times snakes actually represent healing and recovery. You know that symbol for medicine that's basically a staff (stick) with a snake coiling around it? Yep, that's one example. Snake venom is also good medicine, in some cases.
If you have one animal you think is evil, some culture in the world is going to disagree with you and have decent evidence to back it up... yeah, no such thing as evil animals, ehehe.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Cat Idea
« on: May 23, 2013, 11:15:51 pm »
Eeh, I've considered this before. I only have two feline characters, so I don't have much of an opinion, but Hugrf has a point; the lion model is easy enough to manipulate into a cat. I like the way it looks, personally. The only thing that's bothered me was that the muzzle can't get small enough to look like that of a domestic cat, but I guess that's just a 'design element.' |D but yeah, lions are already cats, so...

..i'll be quiet now or else I'll ramble.

Game Discussion / Re: Sparkle F Wolf Teen.
« on: May 09, 2013, 09:55:51 pm »
I usually don't, since in my opinion it just clutters up the name. All but one of my characters have just their name (and I don't ever use the exception anyway so I'm just going to delete it). For example, my main character's name is "Reithe," not "Reithe M Wolf," and another of my characters is "Hourglass," not "Hourglass M Deer." Somehow I don't like the way the gender and species looks... I guess it's like when I write my name, I write "MadMoai," not "MadMoai F Human." |D

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