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Messages - FantasyDawn

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Adelheid Monika Klaus



Species(Human, Elf, Shifter, etc.)

Class(Assassin, Warrior, Peasant, etc.)
(she is actually a part of a familly of nobles,so not related to kings or queens,just in a higher rank than peasants,im not sure where to put her but if it's not okay,i'll change.)

Adelheid is your average tomboy-in-a-dress type of girl.In fact,you'll rarely see her wearing dresses or other sophisticated clothing.She likes living modestly and would rather choose to go on an adventure that includes fighting then rather staying locked in a house.She is friendly and would gladly help someone in trouble.However,you may find Adelheid as an arrogant person who can't help but just see and criticise other people's flaws.She's not gentle as a flower like every girl should be and her short-tempered attitude makes her snap easily.When angry,this girl doesn't care anymore if she says something rude to someone and she's less likely to apologise.

Just like any baby,she would either sleep in her crib or crawl around the corridors,looking for someone to play with.

During this time,Adelheid and her older sister,Elizabeth, spent most time together,learning to read,write and,of course,playing.Their father used to tell them stories about great kings,fairies and elves but Elizabeth never paid too much attention to them.

Now older,Adelheid's behaviour changed completely.After all the fairy tales she read,she started seeing herself as the prince who was meant to save the princess,this is why she would run around,dressed like a "warrior",pretending she was fighting with dragons.Meeting with the boys in the village was her favourite thing to do,seeing as how they were always competing on who can ride best a horse,shoot an arrow further or win a duel.Adelheid's parents usually complained on how they have a son instead of a younger daughter and Elisabeth would tease her,calling her "brother".Seeing her insistence,Adelheid's father started teaching her how to fight,ride a horse,and use a bow,useful for future soldiers.


Adelheid became more skilled in battle and aspired becoming a soldier.Her mother was rather dissapointed of her because she wanted both her daughters to be lady-like,not going out in the unknown,with the risk of getting killed.She tried convincing Monika by giving Elizabeth as a good example bu the girl wouldn't listen.Her once strong bond with her sister slowly vanished,mainly because Elizabeth became the most loved child in the family and not Adelheid.

Weapons(You may only have two)
A long,sharp sword and a dagger which she always carries around,to make sure she's safe.

Pet/Mount(You may only have one Pet and one Mount)
Asfaloth,a light-brown horse with golden mane.She is very fond of him.
4 years-Stallion-Achieved from:Father

She hates the name Monika,therefore she never uses her second name.
Her sister is 2 years older than her.

Roleplay Sample
The 10-year old girl couldn't sleep,not during this night at least.Shifting throught the blanket,a small smile escaped her lips.Swiftly,she got out of the bed and,tresspassing the darkness that filled the room,Adelheid soon found herself in front of the door to Elizabeth's bedroom.The door creaked open,revealing,as far as human eyes could see,another girl,sleeping peacefully.It would be a shame to wake her up from her dreams,but Adelheid didn't cared much.She advanced towards the bed,accidentally stumbling across a doll Elizabeth probably left on the floor.Her sister didn't played too much with toys anymore,but whenever bored,she would join her younger sibling's games.Monika tried pushing Elizabeth gently,hoping she would wake up without too much effort."Hey,sis,wake up!"she said,breaking the silence.She didn't received anything but a lazy moan as an answer.This time,she pinched her sister's cheek."Sis,wake up!"Elizabeth's eyes opened a little."Go to your room,Adelheid."she ordered her younger sibling.But she knew too well Monika's stubborness."I would,if I could sleep."Adelheid replied."So you have to bother me now?I'm surprised you actually made it here,without crying,because of the darkness."Elizabeth said,her lips curving into a smile."I'm a big girl now,I'm no longer afraid of the darkness!One day,I will be a great warrior,you'll see!



     Nerissa stood up,still holding Fionna in her arms."Hello?Anyone here?Anybody?the crying of a woman could be heard nearby.The witch looked in the direction the sound came from.A human figure cold be seen in the distance,trying to make its way throught the thick bushes."I say we greet our friend!"Nerissa smirked,and,in the blink of an eye,she teleported right in front of the human,leaving nothing but specks of red dust in the spot she once stood.The human was surprised by her sudden appearance and fell on her back.This made Nerissa giggle."You called?"she asked,gently petting Fionna's head.The traveller was a young woman,dressed modestly.She didn't say anything but looked at her like she has never seen another human being.Judging by the almost dry tears on her cheeks,she has been crying a lot.The witch decided to break the silence.
     "Oh,where are my manners?"she said,laying her cat on the ground and helped the woman get up.Her new "friend" finally gained the courage to speak."Please,help me!Me and my companions set a camp and I went to find some mushrooms to eat,but I got lost.I'll never find my way back."Nerissa thought that it's been a long time since she's been the good girl,therefore she decided to help the woman."A camp,you say?Well,it will be kinda hard,now that it's getting dark.Were there any specific flowers or trees near your campsite?she asked."Well...there were tall blue flowers everywhere.The witch smiled,now knowing the right way."Those flowers glow at night.They also grow in one area only in the entire forest.Follow me,and make sure you don't get lost.she said,walking ahead,shortly followed by Fionna and the traveller."Thank you!the woman said from behind.



       A small,shadowy figure was running across the beautiful yet dangerous forest,going unnoticed thanks to its dark fur that helped it hide in the shadows better.The black cat stopped only when it found itself in front of a young woman who was sitting on the trunk of a fallen tree.Her slim fingers gently plucked a blue flower and after staring at it intensely,she started playing "Loves me,Loves me not".The cat walked closer,as if to get her mistress's attention."Thought you'd never come.I was beginning to worry you know?The witch finally spoke after leaving the flower without any petals."Sorry for my tardiness"the cat replied,its golden eyes looking straight into the witch's blue ones."But there were some recent events I had to keep my eyes on."This caught Nerissa's attention.The witch picked up her beloved Fionna and put her in her lap,gently petting her."Tell me then."
      "Another traveller with great hope in her heart has decided to make the impossible journey in order to get a blessing,but foolishly entered Brookstone Forest without having any idea what lies ahead.So,she found death instead,killed by a vampire.Nerissa couldn't help but let a small smile appear on her face,such was her nature."Poor thing."she said,showing fake remorse."In the end,an elf buried her."the cat continued but was soon interrupted by its mistress.These kinds of news are getting boring,don't you think?"the witch giggled."It's been months since I actually got to meet another traveller.Unfortunately....the creatures dwelling here are becoming more and more relentless."Nerissa frowned.


Good or Evil:Can be both.
-Caring(only to people she warms up to)
History:She can't remember very well her past,therefore it lies in mistery.The travelers that pass nearby her home are usually afraid of an encounter with her because she's known to often "guide" them to their own death for her own enjoyment and only those who possess great luck may convince the witch to show them the right path.

Fionna,Nerissa's black cat.It is often seen with her mistress or sometimes freely roaming around,informing Nerissa of strangers nearby.
Which Land do you Live In/Traveling To?:Brookstone Forest


"My life has never been all rainbows and sunshine,but you know what?I don't care!"

Name |Lavinia Dragomir
Gender |Female
Age |17

"Never judge people by how they look like,that's all I'm going to say."[/b]

Personality |An adventurous girl that knows no limits,Lavinia is exactly the opposite of how many people think she is.She doesn't care at all  if she hurts someone,bringing him or her on the verge of tears,she will just quickly go over it.In everything she does,Lavinia wants to show she isn't less better than anyone.Even if she can't get something done right,she'll just continue trying untill she succeeds.Feelings like sadness,mercy,fear and love,those are things Lavinia would rather not show.If anything bad happens to her,she just tries to forget it and carry on,but there are still memories that one cannot simply erase.Talkative,this girl will never hesitate to join a conversation and laugh along others.She is also that kind of person that doesn't believe anything one says untill she sees it with her own eyes.
Appearance |Standing around 5'5,Lavinia has short,blonde hair and green eyes.As a result of her tomboy personality,she is rarely seen with make-up.She usually wears a blue shirt and black leather jacket along with black jeans and brown boots.
History|Raised in the countryside,Lavinia loved since she was a child the nature.Without her parents permission,she would sneak outside and run into the forest,where she would walk along the river nearby and practice shooting with her bow.At the age of seven,Lavinia's parents divorced and so,the girl stayed with her mother.This didn't bode well for the young girl,since she never got along with her mother,especially since she was restricted from seeing her father.Years passed,Lavinia never becoming the calm,responsible girl her mother wanted her to be,and she managed to leave the country,hoping for a change in life.
Relationships?|-Her mother and father,Elena and Mihai,now divorced.Lavinia hasn't talked to them in a while now.
-She had a boyfriend,but they quickly broke up when Lavinia found out he was cheating on her.
Strengths |Archery,close-combat and well-organised.
Weaknesses |As much as she denies it, she has trypanophobia,or else known as fear of needles.
Nationality |Romanian
Sexuality |Straight

"Supernatural creatures?Yeah,right...."


Her faithfull companion,Russel,a husky.She loves him to bits since the day she found him as a pup.
Car |
Other?|Whenever she swears or doesn't want to be understood, she speaks in romanian.
Rock is her favourite music.
She loves beer,this is why she tends to drink too much without even realizing it.

     When the girl woke up,her stepmother still hasn't come back home.Maybe I can go outside for some fresh air she thought.Dariya climbed upstairs and picked up her beloved music box and then put it into a small bag.She dragged the bag on both of her shoulders then stepped outside the house.The weather outside was nice,perfect for a walk around the neighbourhood.Wandering around.Dariya stopped at the sound of meowing.She glanced up,her gaze meeting a cat who was stuck in a tree.Since she was little,the girl was pretty good at climbing trees,so she decided to help the poor animal,especially when there was no one around.She left her bag next to the tree trunk and proceeded in climbing up the tree.The cat wasn't moving away when Dariya was approaching it,perhaps because it has stayed long enough there.The girl grabbed it as soon as she got to the branch and carefully climbed down.Dariya noticed that the animal was starving.It wasn't a surprise,seeing how it was stuck for probably days up there,this is why she dragged from her bag a sandwitch she made herself before leaving.Of course,cats are very picky on their food,this is why Dariya gave it only the meat in it.

Forum Discussion / Re: Distracting Forum Signatures :D
« on: October 20, 2013, 08:16:36 pm »
Whoa, that's a lot of Hetalia gifs...
I final your signature distracting like the gifs...

Why thank you! :D 

And Abomine,i find you signature really distracting for some reason.


Adriana Evans

WIP,feel free to continue posting(sry for being inactive btw)

      Adriana quickly shut the book when she heard someone stepping inside the room,fearing that it might be a guard who will soon question her of her presence here.But,lucky for her,it was just Peter,who apparently watched her casting the spell.The boy offered to take her to a certain room full with books of all sorts and the girl gladly accepted.Adriana always had a passion for books,no matter of their kind.Following him,the two walked throught a series of corridors guarded well and finally,they reached their destination.It was a large room filled only with bookcases and a couple of chairs.But it wasn't the furniture in Adriana's mind now,but all the books,resting on the shelves.

    The girl who seemed to be japanese left,shortly followed by another blonde girl with a scottish accent.Amalia thought it'd be nice of her if she was to warn them about the group of wolves she encountered earlier so they wouldn'thave to deal with them and risk getting killed."Just so you know,there is a pack of wolves not far away from here,so unless you're able to take down all of them,without getting  killed of course,I reccomend not getting near that area."she said,pointing towards the direction where she came from then wandered off towards the cabin.The girl had to give one more try for finding some prey to eat,she had to check the traps she set near the cabin.Once there,she found a rabbit,trying its best to get out of the trap.It wasn't much but any food was acceptable in her condition.She killed the rabbit ,using a knife to rip it in pieces.Amalia made a small fire afterwards,enough to cook the meat,adding occasionally a few branches.

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