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Messages - bluemushrooms

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For everyone thats going to join my Roleplay, meet in Cape of Distant Worlds, near the Fluroite portal at April 10, at 5:00 EST, ill go and recruit everyone there soon!

Finished Maps / Feralheart Impressive title map
« on: April 09, 2013, 02:02:45 am »
I made a map for Feralheart like Impressive title! I has a tiny weather cycle too!
Warning to people who lag with the cherry tree mesh, dont download this map if you do!
This is a small map, and if you want it to look like IT the most, take off Water Reflection!
Heres some screenshots!
Heres a picture of the cherry trees.

Heres the portal!

Do you remember seeing the floating grass bunches at the edges of the maps sometimes? Well i did this on purpose for it to look like it!

Its not supposed to look professional, its a decent and bumpy map, heres the download! Follow the instructions in the ReadMe!
The maps name is called
Greenyplace c:

Screenshots / Re: Whats wrong with this screenshot?
« on: April 07, 2013, 10:30:47 pm »
The water near the far end is black when it shouldn't be? That's an awesome sky mod there btw 8l
Thats one, you get a floof c:

Screenshots / Re: Whats wrong with this screenshot?
« on: April 07, 2013, 05:34:12 pm »
Nope, lol
Hm..there's a green aura in the right corner of the snapshot but there's no one that's wielding the aura?
Actually, my friend Collision is wielding it, it just looks like hes not lol, but nice guess though c:

Screenshots / Re: Whats wrong with this screenshot?
« on: April 07, 2013, 05:11:23 pm »
It's the chat box and things from Feral Heart, but it's an IT server?
Nope, lol

Screenshots / Re: Whats wrong with this screenshot?
« on: April 07, 2013, 04:53:54 pm »
Um, the bunny is kinda flat o3o
Did I get it right?

Screenshots / Whats wrong with this screenshot?
« on: April 07, 2013, 04:42:35 pm »
So, I took a screenshot of something in-game, whats wrong with this screenshot? List in the comments!

Finished Maps / Easter Map
« on: March 31, 2013, 04:42:31 pm »
I made a map for easter, it looks like a normal map right? But i wanted to do a easter hunt today.
I wanted to ask people who wanted to be the eggs, and they will hide somewhere they choose, but they cant move very much.
But I need a little help finding people to be the eggs, like a Chocolate Bunny, a Easter Egg, and a Vanilla Wolf.
But heres the map i made for it! It looks like a simple forest and stuff.

Heres the portal, its in the middle of the map

A cave is here, to make it look normal.

And lastly, some trees here, like a forest

Thats all, you can PM me if you want to help! Sorry i couldnt do this sooner! I totally forgot about it..

Finished Maps / Re: Rainbow Beach
« on: March 30, 2013, 02:04:28 am »
It's so beautiful :3!!!! I would definitely like to warm my paws there ;3 I shall try out this map it looks so relaxing. You did a fabulous job thanks for sharing it :D The name is a little deceiving though xD I actually thought it was going to be rainbowish or have a rainbow... It's like the missing bonfire in Bonfire Island >.> lol. You should add a rainbow in the updates :D
Agreed, i think ill try to find a rainbow or something for more updates
And yeah your right, when i first joined i thought bonfire islands grass would burst into flames when i went there, because theres no bonfire lol

Finished Maps / Re: Rainbow Beach
« on: March 30, 2013, 01:54:21 am »
Forgot to add in it, roleplays are allowed, just no public mating and no personal drama

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