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Messages - Jessie Dagger

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Actually now that you've brought those things up Hurgf, I'm now very curious too x'D I seriously can't wait for this game, once it's done it'll be so cool!

I think this game will be very big, Especially among Warrior cat lovers. Also, I support you fully Moon ;). If you guys still need any mod help on ideas for the game I could help, I might MIGHT also be able to do texturing *shrug* never done it before but I can certainly try :P (if someone helps me that is ^^")

Is this active? If so I think I want to join, also about the map, well I could put all the files into one folder if you want ;)

Hmm we should really get online more :/ I'm sure the Rp would be really awesome if everyone got on at a certain time..

ALSO I use my mother webs account because I can and her name is Cynthia so if you see an account liek that don't freak out ^^"

Name: Katherine
Gender: Female
Breed: Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
Pups: None
Age: 3 years
Rp Sample: Katherine looked around the meadow. Nothing, not the faintest trace of the rabbit she was hunting, going through that river completely washed it's scent away. "Well, I don't think the Alphas will be too please that I haven't brought anything back..." She looked around, "Is there anything alive around here? Or did the forest die when I wasn't looking." She growled to herself. Then she heard the faintest crack, her ears perked. The rabbit was under a bush, next to her. She crouched and stalked towards it. Then she jumped into the bush, her jaws opened wide. A screech could be heard from the bush as she disappeared into it. The Wolf-dog emerged from the bush with the dead rabbit "Finally, got you." She smiled and then bounded back to the pack.

This is by far the shortest Form I have made for my characters xD

Oh okay. I guess there's no RP sample form to join, I'll make one then ... What ranks are open?

Finished Maps / Re: Race map
« on: April 14, 2013, 08:10:54 pm »
It's where if you run and jump up a wall and press prtsc enough then you glitch up the wall you were jumping and running up. It's basically cheating. It also causes A LOT of lag xD.

Other Games / Re: Bears Of The Forest
« on: April 13, 2013, 01:41:18 am »
I can't wait for this game! Aw it looks so awesome! :3 I hope it comes out soon.

This is really cool. I think it has a lot of potential.. I hope that you don't give up on it! :3 I wanna see the end product.

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