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Messages - Star12

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Fereda clenched and unclenched her fists in worry, suddenly springing into action. "I didn't touch it last night, I thought it would be safe down here. I thought that no one came in here. I thought it would be safe." She said, her words barely audible due to her talking too fast. She walked around the room a few times, looking in every possible place where her bow could be. When she found nothing, she advanced towards the stairs and slipped up them, taking two steps at a time. She walked back into the room she and Derizon had been sleeping in, rummaging through her bag until her slender fingers finally touched the wood of the bow. She pulled it out, her expression turning from confused to shocked. The beautifully carved wood had a deep, splintering crack running down the length of it. It was still possible to use, but it was ruined. Fereda only managed to take a sharp intake of breath before sitting herself down on the bed, the bow on her lap. She stared down at it. "I didn't touch it. Someone else must have." She told herself in a quiet, shaky voice, but there was no point in pointing fingers. That wouldn't fix anything.

Taylor Livingston/Aile Noire

Aile Noire sat perched on her branch for a short time after her new friend had disappeared, she could hear the distant sound of shouting and 'battling' so her survival instincts told her to hide. She finally slipped down from her crouching position and onto the forest floor, her bare feet making no sound on the earth. A sound made her spin around to see two Bandits approaching, she instinctively summoned her staff, the sharp crystal facing the oncoming men. They hadn't noticed her yet, and were approaching the clearing where most of the fighting was taking place. She slipped into the cover of the trees and lowered down into a crouch, moving sideways until she was directly behind the Bandits. She was now close enough to hear their conversation, "For God's sake, Sam. Stop messin' around." The taller, and more muscular one addressed his acquaintance, who was frequently pointing up at the sky with a worried expression in his face. Aile Noire followed the gaze of 'Sam' and a small smile creeped up on her lips when she noticed a small gathering of ravens and crows circling the Bandits. There was about 5 of them, but they were getting closer with each beat of their wings.

The dark-haired woman waited until her opponents were far enough away from each other and burst out from her hiding place, leaping up and wrapping her slender arms around the tall one's neck. "What the-" She tightened her grip on the man's neck so that his airway was cut off, causing him to make disturbing wheezing sounds. Sam turned his head a fraction in their direction, but not enough to see what was going on behind his back. "What was that, Paul?" He asked, his gaze still fixed on the dark birds in the sky. The man that Aile Noire assumed was named Paul reached up to grab her arms, his sharp nails digging into her flesh. She winced but tightened her grip further, until his attempts of getting her off of him began to weaken. She loosened her grip slightly, letting him fall to the ground. Dead.

Aile Noire advanced towards Sam, who was beginning to back away from the birds that were just a few yards away from them. She grabbed ahold of his messy black hair and pulled it back, resulting in him yelling in surprise. She held her staff to the neck of the man, the sharp edge of the crystal digging into his neck. "Who are you?" He somehow managed to cry out, but the woman just smiled sweetly and pushed him closer to where the birds were. She finally gave him one last shove and he stumbled forward into the screeching crowd of black wings...


Nzuri nodded and repeated the name a few times in her mind to make sure she wouldn't forget it. "Nice to meet you." She said politely, the flirty smile still on her maw. She watched as Sam looked away and her gaze strayed to across the river, to where a gazelle was being hunted by another cheetah. "There sure is a lot of our kind about." She commented absent-mindedly, her bright amber eyes turning back to the male.


Fereda fluttered her eyes open to the sound of movement (*Listens to Sound of Music*) she blinked rapidly as her eyes adjusted to the light. She stretched her arms out to release her tense muscles and swung her legs around so that they dangled down from the windowsill. Her back was stiff and sore so she jumped down, cracking it and sighing. She rummaged through her back that she had collected earlier from downstairs and pulled out a small hairbrush, she ran it through her blonde hair a few times until the tangles were tamed and pushed it back into the side pocket. She slung it over her shoulder and followed silently out of the door behind Derizon, making sure to close it behind her with a soft click. She padded down the hall in her bare feet, pausing to chew on some mint leaves that she kept in her pocket. She slipped downstairs, pausing to briefly ruffle Derizon's hair with a teasing smile before making her way to where her bow was. She stopped and stared at the corner where her beloved bow had been propped up against the wall a few hours ago. "Where's my bow?" She asked in a soft voice, not taking her eyes off of the empty corner.


Mariah Philips
Mariah shifted uncomfortably as voices echoed in her head, sounding strangely like the word 'girl'. She groaned and fluttered open her beautiful blue eyes and blinked rapidly as they adjusted to the dim light of the room. "What happened? Where am I?" She questioned in a sleepy voice, raising her hand to rub her forehead. Hunter scrambled up on top of her, digging his claws into her wounds. The blonde winced and glanced down at her chest, arching her brow perfectly as she noticed it wrapped in bandages. She slowly sat up, keeping her focus on the guy that had answered the door and not on the pain that was ripping through her torso. She looked around, dazed for a moment until her eyes focused to meet the gaze of a woman munching in some chips. Mariah immediately noticed that the woman's tummy was slightly swollen, so she guessed that she was pregnant. "Now you're jumping to conclusions." She reminded herself, tearing her gaze away from the woman to the other that was sitting on the couch. The other woman had the same skin-tone and eye color as the other, but her features seemed more mature.

Sorry I haven't been able to post, I've had school and clubs and stuff. I'll try and post really soon!

Animal & Non Human Roleplays /
« on: September 11, 2013, 08:10:27 pm »

A dark brown tail swung lazily to and fro from a low branch in one of the trees. The owner of the tail was lying down on the same branch, her head resting on her paws and her eyes closed. She was motionless except for the faint rising and falling of her chest as she breathed. Kai awoke with a sharp intake of breath as a cold breeze ran through her long fur. She slightly shuddered before opening her eyes to an opaque fog surrounding her. She hated fog, it made her feel very claustrophobic. She blinked the sleep out if her chocolate brown eyes before slowly getting up and stretching her stiff limbs. She slid down the trunk of her tree using her claws as grips on the rough bark of the wood.

As she landed on the forest floor, a few branches snapped underneath her paws and she winced at the loud sound but continued onwards towards the hidden cove she had found a few days ago. She weaved in and out through the dense vegetation until she reached the open shore. A movement caught the corner of her eye and she turned to see Meko hiding behind a bush. Kai followed his gaze to where Tasha was and a pang of jealousy stung her, but she ignored it and sat back in her haunches, feeling the forest begin to wake up. She relaxed her paws, letting her claws make small dents in the soft, damp sand beneath her.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays /
« on: September 11, 2013, 07:15:12 pm »

Name: Kai

Gender: Female/Bitch.

Breed: Australian Shepherd.

Sub-breed: None, pure bred.

Age: 2 1/2 years old.

Personality: Kai is very shy and sweet, but funny in her own little ways. She is quite independant, preferring not to rely on others. She is quite caring, but you have to earn her trust to see her full personality. All together, she is a sweet, funny, and optimistic dog.

Background: Ask her...

Crush: She has a small liking towards Meko...

Mate: None.

Pups: Sadly, none.

Other: She lives in a pack, but wants to leave as she prefers to be alone.


Nzuri flicked her tail curiously, her ears perked and slightly twitching to keep the pesky flies away. "I'm Nzuri. May I ask your name?" She introduced herself, her voice even, unthreatening and formal. Her amber eyes blinked a few times as she awaited an answer from the male, she kept her head cocked slightly to the side and the trace of a smile on her lips. A movement caught the corner of her eye and she moved her head to the left a fraction to see a cheetah stalking some nearby Gazelle. Her tongue poked out the corner of her mouth as she licked her lips, although she wasn't hungry.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: ~;.Amnesia.;~ [Open & Accepting!~]
« on: September 11, 2013, 05:58:27 pm »
As the other's attention was diverted, Robyn slipped away into a run-down building. Once she was sure that she was out of the small group's view, she let out a sigh of relief and made her way around the building. There was way too many people there, she had been glad to see survivors but it had been making her feel uncomfortable. She rounded a sharp corner to reveal a staircase leading up to the second floor. She cautiously walked up them, wincing every time the wood beneath her groaned.

"Steady." A low whisper was heard in Robyn's ear as she neared the end of the stairs. She smiled lightly to herself, not bothering to turn around as she knew who it would be. Robin hovered anxiously behind her, watching out for any dangers. She dug her hands deeper into her pockets as the cold breeze brushed past her face. She took another step forward to reveal a messy rubble towering over the ruins of the city, she was standing on top of it in clear sight but she didn't care. Robyn liked it there because she could see what was happening from every angle, she peered down to catch a glimpse of the group before her but quickly took a step back to avoid them seeing her.

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