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Messages - Kieva

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Miscellaneous Tutorials / Re: Missing FeralHeart Files? Look Here!
« on: August 15, 2011, 07:33:53 pm »
more specifically, it says this:

OGRE EXCEPTION (4:ItemIdentifyException): ParticleSystem Template with name 'Bonfire' already exists. in ParticleSystemManager::creatTemplate at c:/OgreMain/scr/OgreParticleSystemManager.cpp (line 273)

and the slashes are going the other way
You may want to ask the uploader of the map you downloaded that.
Here's the cg.dll file.

It's fine, just because you can't make it to a meeting doesn't mean I'm going to kick you. I would do an activity check to see if members are active. Meetings are for members to group up and get to know each other, do ingame roleplays, and discuss things. :)

Remember, Pack Meeting today! 4pm Central Time! <3

Forum Games / Re: Slap Your Keyboard :D
« on: August 04, 2011, 10:50:03 pm »
egh Eagle Goes Haywire. xD!

Screenshots / Re: Bouquet's Screenshots!! (Updated 8/3/11)
« on: August 04, 2011, 05:23:00 am »
Wonderful pictures! x3 Good luck with the pride.~

srry name is martynas
Martynas accepted.
When your character speaks, put a comma, "Then put what he says here." c: Also, please do not double post, there is an edit button that you can use to edit your post. :)

Atsuko has been accepted. C:

You have been accepted, but I'm waiting for a picture of your character. c:

Please give me a picture... of just, one of your characters. XD
Also, just a suggestion, try to put a comma before your character speaks.
Example, Few would attempt to leap at a wolf. Her hooves sharp and head ready to bash, "Try attacking now, you wolf!" she cried, preparing to hit it.
If you use commas more, you can make your sentences longer, with not as many abrupt stops.
xD Just a suggestion.~ <3

Ribbons has been accepted! Remember everyone, to download the map and message me if you have any problems.~
Pack meeting on the 8th, at around 4pm Central time. C:

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