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Messages - Owly

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I have no ill will against any of them. In fact, I have to say they have the most courage than anyone else on the game. [Other than our staff of course], but these guys go into a crowded map, that has a crap ton of chat spam due to the range of local and how many tons of people fill it, and basically help out people who are seeking for mates or parents. It's 100x's better than hearing the CONSTANT begging of people. Where they even spam the chat WORSE than the centers do. Plus, had the centers not been 'invented' [for a lack of better words] then the people who want nothing to do with mate begging would be targeted, it may have even pushed people to flood to other maps.

So when a mate/adoption center comes to fluorite. I have to back them up, they're just trying to do what they do in Bonfire, or heck, they may even be just chilling out.
I get so irritated at the people who toss around hurtful comments towards them, no wonder why they rarely get out of Bonfire.

Game Discussion / Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
« on: May 12, 2015, 02:27:37 pm »
I actually don't use the bios unless there's a preset attached to the character, and then I credit the preset maker. Sometimes, it explains who the character is. But it never goes into detail.

I always put the more detailed bios on the sites that the character belongs to. Sometimes my bios say something utterly random, but who knows what they all are anymore. Most of them I've long forgotten.

Game Discussion / Re: Gender Tags
« on: May 12, 2015, 02:21:34 pm »
I personally don't mind them unless they're kind of showing the 'stereotypical' unrealisticness in their character and posts. I'm like BerryMutt on this, I stay away from them. Since I'm a role play owner. I also don't allow them in my role plays. That is what bios are for. I know most of the previous post talk is from a mapless role play stand point, but to me it's more realistic to have to guess than to see the gender and/or species. Even if they're made up, it's still more interesting to learn. To my own view, most of the gender/species tags are obvious, because most of them make their characters look the gender/species. Of course there are the few where you just can't tell. But then again so has it in real life, and with both humans and animals, you know?

Again, I don't mind what others do to their characters. But I do enforce my role play strict guidelines that I don't allow gender/species tags in my role plays.

Game Discussion / Re: IC vs. OOC
« on: May 12, 2015, 02:12:02 pm »
I usually do a fair amount of both. However, when you see me in the plains. I'm 99% OOC. I am only ever IC in my maps.
If I'm IC in Fluorite, chances are I'm either demonstrating a character to someone, or I've finally lost it.

Having many different characters. Each that was set with a certain personality. Sometimes I change because I want to, or because one is showing a certain mood I'm in. Once again, it always changes, and it depends how I feel at the time.

But no, I am usually OOC on even my RP characters.

Game Discussion / Some Wacky Things In Maps
« on: May 08, 2015, 12:31:57 pm »
Hey guys, I had a random thought as I was doing some cleaning of my exports this morning. Since Hooligans linked me to a post on here, I decided to actually make a thread and ask this. Just to see what others have seen.

So. A lot of people download private maps, right? Some are amazing, others are still in their beginning stages of development. Well, I know a lot of map makers, and a lot of them have some form of wicked sense of humor. I'm talking about them putting random stuff in the map that would never be there in real life.

Examples are:

1: One of my map makers has put random sea animals in a desert map, she put them in tiny pools of water...
2: Same map maker put a creeper head in one of the leader dens, so it was watching them. To this day, I don't even think the leader saw it...
3: One of my older maps, a map maker put a dead body under my den and it made random moaning sounds when I went near it. Being still kind of novice at knowing what maps could do, I never slept in the bed because I thought it was an annoying glitch. Only to later find said body and when I F3'd near it, the sound got louder.
4: In Hunger City [Yes, Tearless's role play map] in her laboratory the canine meshes kept changing color for me. Later I found it was simply a glitch where the mesh mat file was reading another png with the same name, but still it was creepy.
5: In one of my newest maps, a map maker put a giant TRex so high in the sky that you would literally need to know it was there to find it.

So what are some of the insane things map makers have put in maps that you've seen?

Game Discussion / Re: How to make BETTER RP.
« on: May 08, 2015, 12:18:18 pm »
Also to add on to Hooli's statement. Don't be afraid to add silent thoughts your character may have, even adding in random things can spark a good role play. If you're in a role play where nothing's happening. Make something up that's harmless. Not everyone enjoys drama all the time, and certainly the leaders won't like dealing with it. However, a harmless hyper streak of your character running around like a nut and jumping over people can be enough to get at least a reaction out of everyone.
Also, if you don't know a spelling to a word, it is okay to not look it up and just post it. If someone knows they'll correct you so you know for the next time.
Role play is supposed to be about the creativity that you can pour into each character you have, so have fun with it. Even when your character suffers, if you feel for your character and others are too, then you know you've done an amazing job with them.

Not to mention also to kind of note that what ever "opinion" you may have it may offend someone or start a bicker. You don't have to start anything in the first place just as much as the other person doesn't have to reply. Both are at equal fault for partaking in it, but it really does fall on the person who starts it.

I agree with Hooli 100% on this. And it doesn't mean if you have set requirements for your group that you don't allow in a certain person. It's because they don't meet your standards. But don't pick on them about it either.

Game Help / Re: What code is FeralHeart written/created with?
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:17:28 am »

Well...what's so hard creating another source code?

Bro, making a source code from scratch is no easy task.

Trying to replicate one is even harder, because most coders have their own 'styles' of doing things.
Copying a style can be pretty difficult, plus, time consuming.

Yep, it's like they write their own language. Though, for things like the IT servers, AKA KITO, they have many threads that give you help because it's a well known source code to edit.

Game Help / Re: What code is FeralHeart written/created with?
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:13:14 am »

Well...what's so hard creating another source code?

Uh, a lot of things. I mean. Feral Heart is a unique game. Going by what I've been told over the years, the code for this game was created by KovuLKD himself to prevent people from hacking the game like they did to Impressive Title. So, it's kind of in the air. You would be better off making your own game at that point.

Game Help / Re: What code is FeralHeart written/created with?
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:06:18 am »
Who knows...maybe something happened in the past that got to him, and made him leave? Maybe we should send some apology letter? Or maybe see what made he leave? Or something?

Or, we make him more comfortable? I don't know.

Unfortunately, as Hooli said. Who ever has contact with him if they bring it up he goes silent. From what I have personally been told he won't ever come back. That's the end of it really.

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