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Messages - Nemena

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Forum Discussion / Re: You in FH vs. You in the Forums
« on: February 23, 2015, 05:49:17 pm »
As others have stated, I'm definitely more active in-game! With no friends who frequent the forums, I tend to only reply to discussion threads-- or topics I could potentially assist others with. Otherwise, my typing here's much, much more coherent than my in-game garble. If I'm honest, it looks like I'm typing with my face!  I'm a notoriously slow typist, so I usually forgo caps, punctuation, everything while trying to keep up with an OOC discussion. Mercifully, my RP's a bit more legible, but my forum conduct is definitely more 'professional' than my in-game shenanigans. :D

Game Discussion / Re: What's the Creepiest In-game experience you've had?
« on: February 23, 2015, 05:37:01 pm »
The only time I've been genuinely unnerved is when someone referred to me as a username I went by twelve years ago. I've absolutely no idea how they connected it to my current tag; it's been out of use for over a decade since it included my IRL name. Unfortunately, I've not managed to catch them online since-- I really, really want to ask how they found out. I'm so curious.

Game Discussion / Re: Are you a conversation stalker?
« on: February 23, 2015, 05:27:32 pm »
Yes! It's pretty much all I do in-game while lurking in Bonfire. It's almost akin to sitting by a cafe window and people-watching. Whether it's RP, OOC nattering or just general silliness-- everything's entertaining to read!

I've the awful habit of bursting into conversations uninvited, though; it's something I desperately need to rein back on. People tend to get a wee bit annoyed.

Game Discussion / Re: Different roleplaying styles?
« on: January 26, 2015, 08:08:58 pm »
A mixture of both. I've found that solely emotional roleplay that describes your character's internal monologue gives the other player very little to respond to. They can't read your character's thoughts; to them, it looks like you're sitting doing nothing. It often results in a whole lot of thinking-- with very little actually happening. It's a fantastic way to learn more about other peoples' characters, but it admittedly does fall short in terms of actual interaction.

Exclusively physical description does work-- and can work brilliantly, but combining them both to offer little snippets of your character's psyche often leads to the most enjoyable development and roleplay. Neither is wrong, but including the best of both styles works the best in my own opinion.

Discussion Board / Re: Are there any safe artwork sharing websites?
« on: January 10, 2015, 05:06:26 am »
Unfortunately, there's no sites I could name that are 100% safe; the internet, as a whole, is a terribly unpredictable medium. Things slip through even the best of filters.

I've found Weasyl relatively tame thus far with filters turned on. However, it has a substantial furry population-- so do be careful! Otherwise, the only other site I could recommend is tumblr. There's some incredibly toxic posts and imagery upon that site, but if you don't follow any people, do not click on blogs and stay far, far away from tags, you'll be unlikely to see anything obscene-- or anything at all. It often works well as a place to host your art, though it's definitely more crude than deviantART if you start interacting with others.

Otherwise, deviantART honestly is your best bet! It's not the friendliest community, but they don't allow anything too extreme upon their site.

Forum Discussion / Re: What's Your Biggest Feral Heart Fear?
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:48:01 am »
Being banned is a fairly common fear-- and one I admittedly share! I've came back from so, so many AFKs to find neons getting overly touchy-feely with my character. I'm always worried that I'd be reported for it.

Having all my characters, biographies, presets and maps deleted would be a bit of a nightmare, too. Otherwise, I've no reputation or friends (I know everyone from other games/MMOS/websites) to lose!

Game Discussion / Re: Memories ~
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:37:33 am »
I was originally going to type a long-winded, sentimental post, but-...

The most memorable moment I've had is when I joined a skype chat with a few friends whilst playing FH together. We'd all just installed an emote pack and, after diligently cruising through each option, came across the best one-!


Everybody was screaming for Britain. It was magical; grown men and women alike were reduced to tears.

Game Discussion / Re: Over-authorative players
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:23:11 am »
Some people really, really do let power get to their heads. Unfortunately, it's prevalent in many communities that allow guilds and groups. Even over at Warcraft, it happens at quite an astronomical scale! One of the groups I'm in completely forbids those with a 'low' rank from speaking/emoting during roleplaying sessions and events. You're basically left to sit there and meander about while the higher ups chat amongst themselves for a solid hour or two. I'm honestly still surprised by the group's staggering size and activity; it's still going!

I admit my own group (a hyena clan) is fairly strict, but there's a definite line between a polite request and utter nonsense. We generally forbid exploration of the map during our co-group's roleplaying hours because it's so distracting to have a hyena sprinting left right, up and down when you're in the midst of an especially dramatic session. Out-of-hours-- run about to your heart's content! It's a rule I've seen a few times-- but it's usually handled in a friendlier manner.

It's completely a-ok, and encouraged, to have rules and guidelines-- but when they, or the overly-authoritative 'staff',  begin to impose upon your members' enjoyment it's going a little too far for comfort. No one's going to respect a group's leader if they, in turn, do not respect their peers; a group needs members to thrive and grow, after all! Leaving really is the best option when faced with such behaviour.

Game Discussion / Re: Have you ever been stalked by someone in-game?
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:03:26 am »
A few times. I'm often poked and squashed in-game by folk I don't know-- which is fairly sweet! Sometimes it does go too far when I shift maps to Flourite and get interrupted mid-roleplay by a random follower. I'm all for chatting, but when I'm in a scene with my friends it's admittedly a little jarring.

The only serious stalking I've had is someone I'd barely spoken to expressing their romantic interest in me. They constantly spammed me-- and even infiltrated a private group's forum to grab our map download! So, so many personal questions were asked pertaining to my offline life; it was honestly a bit creepy-- and certainly not what I'd expect from FeralHeart. Mercifully, rigorous blocking has cut off contact after it went too far, but it was definitely an uncomfortable experience.

Game Discussion / Re: Roleplaying Style
« on: December 30, 2014, 10:42:28 pm »
It honestly depends on what I'm doing! When I'm with my group, it's generally gargantuan 10+ part posts. Then again, I'm often tasked with DMing the scenery-- which understandably requires a lot of description alongside your character's own actions. I avoid, and loathe wolfspeak, though don't shy away from complex terminology. In other roleplays, it's rarely more than two or three paragraphs; it's best to keep things flowing without unnecessary information-- eg, stopping to describe every nuance of your character's eyecolour in excruciating detail.

In Bonfire, I generally post a short paragraph and keep my vocabulary as simple as possible. It's an entirely different tub of potatoes! Don't really want to exclude anyone there.

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