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Messages - tygrysek

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6
Game Help / Re: Alright... So
« on: February 03, 2013, 08:48:30 pm »
I'm not exactly sure what Hex rule is but, I do know what godmodding is, I've experienced it myself once.
Godmodding is something like this;
Person 1; -Rips person 2's heart out-
Person 2; - Re-grows heart-
P1; -Tears back open-
P2; -Breaks P2's windpipe-
And so on.
Godmodding is basically a player having control over another player in a role-play, to me.
Like once, I was roleplaying with my friend and they took over my characters thoughts .m.'

My suggestion is that, in role-play you should attempt to do something, for example;
Person1; -Attempts to bite Person2-
Person2; -Attempts to dodge Person1's attacks-
That's how I basically role-play with other's x3
Hope I helped ~

Game Discussion / Re: If you were one of your characters: who would you be?
« on: February 03, 2013, 08:39:45 pm »
I would be my main character Tetris, the Siberian Tiger / Panther hybrid with dragon horns, lol.
Mainly because, I would love to experience how it is to be a tiger in the wild xD better yet, I'd like to experience being my character in a FH map with all of the other players owo . And the other reason is because I like my characters design, it may seem un-natural but, meh ~
Here's a pic ;

I used to have a preset for her but, I lost it and I'm working on a different one.

Game Discussion / Re: The Funniest/Stupidest Things People Have Said
« on: February 03, 2013, 08:11:58 pm »
One day, I entered Ficho Tunnel and someone said ''OKAI BAI I'M GONNA EAT SOME MORE TAMPONS <33'' And I'm like ''o3o...wat.'' Oh and, this convo I had with a cougar and a zebra/horse yesterday;

Me; - Stalking some horses because I'm a derp -
[ A cougar approaches me ]
Me; o3o Hai
Cougar; - Has emote set as Rage -
Me; What's with the face?
Cougar; leave the horses alone
Me; Why?
Cougar; cause
Me; I'm just stalking them
Cougar; dont come any closer
Me; :I
Me; - Comes closer and starts poking the horses - BD
And then, after stalking them, a zebra/horse hybrid came to me and said;
Horse; you stay away from the horses
Me; I'm not doing anything :I
Horse; -neighs and rears-
Horse; apart from stalking them
Me; -Thinking; ''What's stalking gonna do to them? '' -
Me; Look, if you don't want me around, then just block me, it's just as simple as that.
The end ~

Game Help / Re: Mac won't let me play...
« on: February 03, 2013, 07:05:45 pm »
You could try, changing your rendering subsystem from OpenGL to Direct3D9 or from Direct3D9 to OpenGL.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Avatar
« on: February 01, 2013, 12:33:47 pm »
Cute x3

Game Discussion / ''Unborn'' cubs/pups. What's your experience with them?
« on: January 28, 2013, 10:23:38 pm »

*I don't know if there was a thread like this made before but, yeah
*Please note; I don't have anything against ''unborn'' cubs/pups in-game


That awkward moment when you're chilling with your friends, roleplaying or just stalking people in f3 mode...when suddenly, a wild unborn cub/pup appears! Your chat is being filled with ''adopt me plzz'' or with movies like ''unborn cub needing a mommeh, pls adopt'' . ( Not saying that all unborn cubs/pups are like this but, that's what I see whenever there's one around D: )
So, here's my experience with an ''unborn'' pup. It happened yesterday in Ficho. Also, I don't quite remember all of it, sorry ~

Unborn ; adopt me please unborn cub needing a mom (multiple times)
Me ; -Le pokes unborn cub - Olololol
Unborn ; Adopt me please unborn cub needing a mom
Me ; - Goes sit down somewhere else -
Some canine ; An egg. I shall sit on it. (Or something like that)
Unborn ; im not an egg!!!
Me ; Oh my God, it spoke.
Some canine ; I think it's hatching :D
Me; Lol
Unborn ; SC can you be my mom
Some other canine ; SC's a male!
Me ; Oh my God, it spoke again omo
And then the ''unborn'' ran down the waterfall

Note; I wasn't trying to be mean to it, I just like annoying people owo

Now, you can share your experience(s) : D ~ !

Game Help / Re: Crashing and beeping
« on: January 27, 2013, 09:06:43 pm »
Maybe you could try re-downloading the whole game?

Game Help / Re: Original media files?
« on: January 27, 2013, 08:28:04 pm »
Wait, my internet connection derped in the middle of the download, could you possibly put the files up for download again?

Game Help / Re: Original media files?
« on: January 27, 2013, 08:15:15 pm »
It's downloading, thank you very much.

Game Help / Re: Original media files?
« on: January 27, 2013, 07:00:29 pm »
That would be great, thanks.

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