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Messages - Luna FreeFaller

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I'm still alive but I'm busy too. I should be able to post though if the rp is still going.))

You'll have to skip me, sorry. I have exams))

This is going to be short sorry))

"Death is inevitable we can only prolong it."

Both Clark and Donald look at each other in worry. Donald goes to give Tonx a comforting hug but pulls away when she walks off. When she mentions the tactic that Clark had used earlier, the woman's eyes widen. "Hm... that could work." She mutters. But Donald was already busy. "Fine, and I'll go hot wire the car, I know how." He does what Tonx suggests and covers himself in the guts before heading out with his gun and Meg.

Skip me, sorry. I'm busy with tests))

Yeah, sorry you guys keep rping, Two-Steps and I will wait))

Skip me sorry ;n; ))


"Death is inevitable we can only prolong it."

"Where did they come from!?" Donald yelled, firing rapidly at the beasties as they tried -and failed- to barge through the fence into the parking lot. Clark stood on the roof of the car, her pistols out and Alma at the fence, snarling at the beasts alongside Meg. "I don't know! But I don't think they can get i-" she stopped in mid sentence, remembering something.

She had to watch the emergency exit but she had abandoned it shortly before the demon dogs attacked an she was drunk so... "Oh... F**K! THE EMERGENCY EXIT IS OPEN!"" she shrieks, leaping off of the car, jarring her ankles in the process. "WHAT!?" Doald screams at this news. But he couldn't do anything! There was too many of them at the gate!

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