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Messages - Wolfcave

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"ALDUIN!" She yelled as he had fallen asleep and the weight of his head was crushing her ribs. He quickly got up from her yell, he jumped back seeing her weezing for air. "Jade? Verizorsentidoraf?" (JADE? Are you ok?) she rolled onto her side felling her ribs where almost crushing her lungs.

Alduin gently set his head on jades chest for comfert and to keep her from freezing threw the night knowing it was only the early afternoon, she ushily would sleep then to the middle of the day the next day.

She heard the boy cursing at his dragon and laughed through her bent elbow to block out the smell of his 'stank' she  took her arm away from her face  as the smell went away. "Gransetory alduin?"(what now Alduin) She asked looking at him "garoternzer vesar zaneten" (you have to face what you got us into) he said looking down at her. "Haroezt vensador" (your in this with me) she layed on his right leg closing her eyes slowly falling asleep.


She looked at Alduin as he looked down at her and grinned. "I know that look on your face" she growled as a waft of bad air came tword her when he moved his tail. "Ferizeng" (smell) he laughed pinning his rider so she couldn't get up.

Alduin had a sadish look on his face and knocked Jade over making her land In between his frunt legs "versendierwas zerintonvep Jade" (what have you gotten us into) he growled a bit "garoternzer fertinzent" (I'm just doing my job) she said looking up at him then to the rider again.

"Sounds fun, sence I ain't much of a city person" she laughed leaning on Alduin. He lowered his head to where his head was now on her right shoulder with his smooth scails brush agenst her soft skin. "Veners Von serno?" He asked looking at the boys dragon  a bit woried (where will I be?)

"Serosif vansero zentir jade" Alduin looked at his rider as it seems  he had a smirk on his face. "Versioen Alduin" she growled throwing a dagger at the boy hoping to hit him but the dagger cut a section of his blond hair. She laughed as it hit the ground, then heard Alduin laugh aswell.

Alduin looked at the strange girl and growled a bit befor laying down to get a better look at her. "Zeniserot" (translation- I would say so) he laughed a bit and looked at the boy. "Desornit" he laughed (blondie) then scooted Jade closer to him "Alduin sernios" she said pushing away from him

"Can't lie about that, you are a bit cute" she crossed her arms and laughed a bit. "Ya I'll come quietly" she smirked as a plan formed in her head and looked to Alduin who was looking at them. "Zeroisen vaselo" he laughed shaking his head looking at her.

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