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Messages - RedRedRose

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Human & Humanoid Roleplays /
« on: December 06, 2014, 09:11:16 am »

 Allanah Keirnan

No one looks back on their life,
And remembers the nights
That they got plenty of sleep.

Name: Allanah Keirnan
Age: 19 years old, she will be turning 20 in a few days.
Gender: Female.
Race: White- Irish.
Personality: A laid-back, carefree girl. Allanah is often seen as a danger to others. Her careless attitude often leads her to do daring things while under the influence of alcohol; but she isn't stupid. She loves to party and meet new people that tend to view her as a charming, likeable young lady that isn't afraid to have fun. She is more of a rule-breaker than anything else, if it says no smoking on deck then she will pull out a cigarette but she uses her charming way of words to get herself out of trouble. Once you get to know her, she does care more than one might think. She is severely loyal, gentle and a natural leader. She finds it hard to keep her opinions to herself, but they are almost always on the right side. Towards guys, she is flirty and sometimes even a little shy, but never changes herself to impress anyone else. That's probably what people love about her; she would change for no one but herself.

Crush: N/A, for now.
Boyfriend/girlfriend: N/A. Subject to change.
Allanah looks much younger than she actually is, so often needs her ID to buy drinks.
She is Irish, but most find her accent beautiful and she is relatively easy to understand.
She came with a large party of friends for her birthday.

Damien Lancaster

"Don't try to be what you're not.
If you're nervous, be nervous.
If you're shy, be shy.
It's cute."

Name: Damien Lancaster
Age: 23 years old.
Gender: Male.
Race: Caucasian American.

Personality: Much more withdrawn and quite than you'd expect, Damien isn't much of a party animal. He enjoys a good drink or two with his friends, but tends to avoid large, noisy parties. He is very gentle and sensitive, but many view him as boring when they first meet him. He is, actually, quite humorous and flirty when he wants to be. He knows how to get his own way when he wants to, but is too warm-hearted to be manipulative. Although he isn't one to take risks, he can't stand to be called a coward so is often seen doing stupid things to prove a point. He loves to smile or laugh, and is just genuinely down-to-earth guy.

Crush: N/A. Subject to change.
Boyfriend/girlfriend: N/A. Subject to change.
He uses the ship's jogging track every morning to wake up.
He came with only two of his closest friends.



She was behind schedule, way behind schedule. The speed of her walking pace had almost doubled in the past thirty seconds after she had glanced at her watch. She only had time for one more stop. This one was the furthest away, so far that Cassandra would have usually stolen a car if it wasn't for the seemingly endless amount of snipers out tonight. She had stuck to the very edge of the sidewalk, her shoulder brushing against the towering buildings. Narrowing her eyes, she scanned for the street signs until she found the right one. Only a few blocks to go. Surprisingly, her feet didn't hurt at all. She has grown so used to walking miles in her heels that she didn't even flinch when she twisted her ankle.

 "Well... If it isn't the famous Ghost."

The moonlight bounced off of one of the throwing knives, illuminating the dark smile on Cass' face. She recognised the voice immediately. This was him. The last stop. Her hand automatically lifted to the deep scar just above her eyebrow, dragged all the way down to her ear. After using a second of vulnerability, her eyes hardened and she turned. She didn't even hesitate before plunging the knife in the stranger's shoulder.

Pain. The only thing she could feel was pain. Her vision, clouded by the blood that streamed down her face like tears, faded as she slipped in and out of consciousness. A tall, dark figure that she loved and hated so much stood over her, brandishing something shiny and very sharp. The figure dropped down to his knees, right beside her head, and pushed back some of the blood-coated hair from her face. "Shhhh... Don't cry, darling. It will be over soon." His soft voice, so full of love yet so twisted, was the last thing she heard before losing consciousness with her lover carving her face.

The man staggered back, stumbling and falling onto the concrete. Cassandra took her time while stalking over, twisting the blood-soaked knife in her hand. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" At the pathetic begging, the young woman's eyes flared and she took one last step toward the fallen man. Crouching down, she slowly traced across his lips; drawing a thin line of blood.

"Shhhh... Don't cry, darling. It will be over soon." She cherished the look of shock on his face as she got up, walking away and leaving him to bleed to death.



The sky was beginning to darken, streaks of red from the sunset staining the usual blue like blood. After a short while of deafening silence, two short wailing sounds suddenly echoed across the streets, followed by one long one. A few screams could be heard from a distance, making Cassandra smile. The usual emergency broadcast message was read by the usual monotone voice. "Blessed be our new-founding Fathers and America. A nation reborn." As the speech concluded, Cass darted to the left of the street, where the roof of the buildings hung over the walkway. The siren wailed for what seemed like forever, officially starting the Purge. Already she could hear gunshots being fired, screams and crying.

"Let my soul be cleansed of the filth that lives among the streets that I live." A voice caused Cassandra's head to turn upwards to the oppisite side of the street. It took a second for her to register that it was coming from the rooftop. Just in time. Ducking her head and crouching down to avoid the stream of billets aimed at her, Cass whipped out a knife, and with only taking a second to aim she let it go. It sailed through the air at a frightening speed, hitting its target with a lovely scream. Right in the eye. The figure on the rooftop staggered then fell with a thud, letting out one last moan before the silence that could only mean death. Cassandra let out a soft chuckle, rising in volume to a loud, almost crazed, laugh.


If it's okay with everyone, I'm going to skip time to just before the start of the Purge, 6:50PM.))


The woman in the mirror looked unrecognisable. Beautiful, dangerous, deadly. Her long dark hair cascaded down her back in soft ringlets and her eyes were lined with black. She had a short, loose white dress that she wore every year. It was plain apart from the sequinned pattern across her chest. Her lips were painted with a dark colour, paired with a smirk. The girl wore black leather gloves reaching her elbows and the same heels as before. She wore the gloves to stop blood getting in her fingernails. Glancing at the ticking clock on her wall, Cassandra adjusted her knife-filled belt and headed towards the door.

Her first stop was just a few blocks away, this one earning her a thousand dollars. It wasn't much compared to the other two, but the job was an easy one. The job had been given to her by a seemingly pleasant old man that bought flowers from her shop every week for his wife's grave, it was to get rid of his daughter's ex-husband apparently because he had cheated on her four times; leaving her heartbroken. The story brought a smile to her face. People and their so-called love.

Locking the door behind her, Cass couldn't help but think back to her previous conversation with Lucifer. She was extrmely curious; so, without a doubt, she was going to the courthouse at midnight. That reminded her: she recalled two women, her age, that had been standing nearby, watching the scene unfold. She had also been curious about them, having never seen them before, but had decided to leave them be for the time being.

 Once again, the only sound for miles was the clicking of her heels against the concrete as she strolled down the middle of the street. A movement caused her head to snap her head to the left, meeting the gaze of a young man staring out of the window at her. Letting a devilish grin play at her lips, Cassandra shaped her fingers into a gun-like shape and pretended to fire at the male, chuckling as he shut the curtains fiercely. "Idiot." She muttered, starting to walk again.



Lucifer's words cut into her like a knife. Not that she was hurt by them, but just because no one had ever dared to talk to her like that. Cass remained standing, rigid in a casual pose. Her breathing was slow yet her heart was thudding fast thanks to unused adrenaline. Her cold, untrusting eyes followed the male as he strolled forward behind her. She didn't breathe as he leaned in to whisper in her ear, "But a classic, vintage one. One I find delectable.." No one had ever stood that close to her, and she resisted the urge to stick a knife in his eye. She found it hard to catch onto his words, but managed to understand what he was saying. The biggest thing that shocked her is that she didn't know what his next move would be. She had spent her life analysing people, knowing every thought that would be in their head. But for Lucifer... It was just a blank space.

"Lucifer!" Cassandra rolled her eyes, beginning to twirl the knife around her fingers once more as the conversation was interrupted. She memorised the place he described, letting his words echo in her head as he turned and left. "Predictable..." She muttered, ignoring the fact that the two figures now had their gun pointed at her. "I'm not predictable." She spat out, beginning to make her way toward the couple, her eyes focused on the knife in her hand. Once she was close enough to hear their ragged breathing, she finally looked up. "Do you think I'm predictable?" Just as the words came out of her mouth, a shot rang out, loud enough to hurt Cass' ears. A bullet-sized hole appeared just left of her head and she stared at it for a second. Slowly, a cold smile spread across her lips as she turned back to the figures, tutting as if she was their mother. "Naughty."

In the space of a few seconds, Cassandra crouched down and swiped her leg beneath the closest person, causing them to fall back. Their head hit the concrete with a satisfying crack, allowing Cass just enough time to drag her blade over the other figure's throat. They stood for a second, clutching the deep wound running across their throat, before falling forwards next to the first fallen figure. Letting out a deep sigh and pushing her hair back, Cassandra stood up straight, kicking aside the corpse as she made her way to exit the alley. Glancing at her watch, her pace quickened.

Time to get ready.



The voice coming from the shadows in the alley did not shock or startle Cassandra. In fact, the young woman did not even bother to turn her head as the voice addressed her with her Purging name. As the stranger came into view, Cass tilted her head lazily towards the woman as she pulled out one of the blades resting against her hip. She began weaving it in and out of her fingers as the strange woman started to talk, the tip of the blade just inches from the delicate flesh of her fingertips. The ear piercing bang of a gun firing caused her hand to slip, slicing a shallow cut down the palm of her hand. Restraining herself from swearing or showing any sign of pain, she pushed herself up from her leaning position on the wall and peered into the shadows at where the bullet had come from. She could already suspect that it was one of the Fallen, no one else would take a risk like that so near the Purging hours.

Her eyes briefly darted to the body lying in a crumpled heap just a few feet away from her and she arched a brow in annoyance. That woman had offered her a lot of money to team up. Too late now. Another voice, deeper, clearly belonging to a male, came from the shadows where that woman had been only seconds ago. "Disgusting, aren't they?" Cassandra's mouth twitched in amusement, but she otherwise stayed emotionless and silent as the man continued talking. Her stance remained guarded but her cut hand was dug deep into her pocket, out of sight for the time being.

As the man stepped into view, her grip on the throwing knife tightened. Surprisingly, she was not even the slightest bit scared. Just intrigued. "The name's Lucifer, you may call me Luce. And I, have the offer of a lifetime..quite literally. " Cass stopped herself from saying 'I know', this was a bad time to be sounding creepy. "Cassandra." She replied, not even nodding in greeting. This was also a bad time to 'play nice'. She took a second to take in the apparel of Lucifer. She had been told that he dressed smartly, but she hadn't been told that he was handsome. Or this young. Taking a step forward, she allowed her lips to spread into a confident smile. "You're younger than I thought you'd be. And shorter." She announced. Her tone was neither insulting or complementary, she said it as if stating a fact. Cass knew she was being dangerous, but he had a proposition for her and that must mean that he, for now, did not want to kill her.



The soft clicking sounds of high-heeled boots against a stone floor grew in volume, bouncing off of the parallel walls. A slender being, merely a shadow blending into the darkness of the alley, was walking with effortless confidence despite the fact that she wore a leather belt holding many sharpened throwing knives. The deafening silence was very abruptly interrupted with a shrill tune that could only belong to an out-dated cell phone. The young woman continued her journey through the alley, pulling out her phone with an exaggerated rolling of the eyes. "Speak." The one word, so sharp and clear, would send chills down any normal person's spine. The muffled, incomprehensible voice of the stranger on the other side of the line was clearly rushed, causing a sly smirk to appear on the woman's face. "Done. He will be brought to you as soon as possible." A sweeter, less threatening voice escaped the same woman's lips. A short beep could be heard as fhe female ended the call and dropped the phone on the ground without a second glance.

Case didn't exactly know where she was going. She had received yet another anonymous phone call earlier in the day telling her to meet with someone just outside of 'The Pitt'. It was dangerous, yes, but she could manage quite easily alone during the Purge, never mind in broad daylight where anyone could see her. She did have suspicions on why she was here, but they didn't fase her in the slightest. The only thing she was worried about was Lucifer. There was not one person that lived in the Town that hasn't heard of him. Being notorious for killing without hesitation outside of Purge hours, leaving people to starve to death or kill themselves, driven by insanity. Anyone would be lucky to be shot in the head if they ever met him. The young woman placed an unshaking hand on one of her knives as her steady pace slowed to a halt outside of the burnt aviary. She didn't dare sit down on one of the available ledges, so leaned casually against the nearest wall.

It was easy to miss Cassandra. Her clothes were particularly unnoticeable, all black leather, hugging tightly to her skin and threateningly tall heeled shoes that would take years to learn to walk in, never mind fight. Her hair was left tumbling down her back, stopping just below her ribs. She would tie it up later. Her throwing knives, all painted black, were hung neatly on her belt, hidden from view with the large black coat she wore that reached down to her knees.

NOTE: Feel free to be the anonymous person she is meeting if you would like, if not I will just make the person an NPC.

@Phrogress; I completely understand what you're saying, but I do not want the Roleplay to be overrun by female characters. But, since you did ask nicely, feel free to start roleplaying. I will be posting in the morning :3 <3
@?????????; Accepted! I'll be updating the characters section ASAP ^^

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