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Messages - ammy01

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Dx im soooooooooooooooooooo sorrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy TT-TT,
school was hard last weeks, my FH went down and i kinda have to re-texture everything ._.
because of this it may be a while until i finish the map, but i wont completely drop the project
i hope youre still patient :S

x3 what do you wanna see?

do you guys have wishes for screenies ? ^^

ill choose admins and beta-testers when the time comes,
and new species are always welcome^^

^^ thank you copper,
as soon as the map is finished ill post the rules,
then ill look for beta-testers and admins, but thats in the future :3

for first screenies you can visit my DA, the link is in the first post,
still have to think about the dragon thing...lets say maybe, first have to ask my friends if its ok to have another dragon roaming around there ^^

^^ im glad to hear that people want the map to come out soon

xD its ok, thank you very much for your help :3

have you already send the pm? cause i didnt got one

thats very nice, thx C:

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