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Messages - TouchOfMadness

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Game Discussion / Re: Groups Listed As "Nope!"
« on: July 18, 2015, 01:40:10 am »
Probably most of my group turn-offs are already mentioned, but allow me to add this one. I hate it when groups are "ranksy". What I mean by that is that the members of a group are very particular about ranks, and what a member's rank means for them both in and out of roleplay. I find this especially true in large groups, or groups with feudalistic ranks such as "lord" or "lady". Members might be exalted or excluded for their ranks, whether or not they earned them, and to me this displays a very narrowminded way of conducting what is supposed to be a relaxed, social experience.


Game Discussion / Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
« on: April 19, 2015, 04:08:42 pm »
I suppose it depends on the character. If it is a character I'm proud of or attached to I tend to write a very detailed narrative describing their life. If it's a character I made out of boredom or a fleeting fancy, Im decidedly lazy about the bio, typing out a string of basic information and perhaps a vague backstory. And of course random attacks of writer's block factor in occasionally. ::)

*crashes journal through the recent topics* Bump!

Hmm, interesting question. I don't think I'd get rid of Atlantis or Last Cave; I like going to those maps for a quiet place or simply a change of scenery. I think I'd remove Temple of Dreams. It is already rather buried in the vastness of Fluorite Plains, and to me it just seems like a tiny, extremely simplified version of what Sky's Rim is. But that's just my personal opinion.

Forum Discussion / When you post a new topic...
« on: February 24, 2015, 12:44:20 am »
After you post a new topic on any board, what do you do? Do you anxiously await the first reply, or do you just leave it for others to enjoy? If there are no replies after a while, do you begin to fear that everyone thinks your topic is stupid? *raises hands* Guilty. Posting a new topic for me is like shaking the contents of my mind out onto a billboard. In fact, I'm already wondering if this topic is stupid and a waste of time. Anyone else?

Forum Games / Re: Random Info About You
« on: February 18, 2015, 04:21:06 am »
Random: I think I have synesthesia. (Synesthesia is a disorder that causes one's sensory perceptions to "overlap".)

Forum Discussion / Re: FeralHeart Dictionary
« on: February 18, 2015, 12:30:55 am »
Glad you like the topic! I've one more to add:

Flail (verb)-To frantically wave one's appendages in an expression of overwhelming emotion.

Forum Discussion / Re: You in FH vs. You in the Forums
« on: February 18, 2015, 12:26:32 am »
Ooh, verrry interesting topic! Reading through the other replies, I'm surprised at the amount of the people with responses similar to mine. In the game, my personality differs depending on what character I'm on and who I'm with. For instance, one minute I can be prowling grimly among the shadowy trees as my stern character Nepenthe, or I could be flopping through the sky dropping pumpkins on people as my winged monstrosity Fairy Godmodder (Nope, I am not exaggerating). However, here on the forums I am more shy and tentative, probably because I am around more people that I have come to respect, rather than standing among anonymous crowds of random people. Knowing that such people are likely reading what I post is both exhilarating and nerve-racking (great, now I sound like a fangirl). Well, if you wonder why I'm such an awkward derp on the forums, now you know.

Forum Discussion / FeralHeart Dictionary
« on: February 17, 2015, 11:52:02 pm »
Every place has its own unique language, accent, dialect, and even individual words, and phrases. Our very own FeralHeart is no exception. There are certainly words and phrases here that you won't see anywhere else, and may appear absolute gibberish to the casual observer. So, I thought I'd start a topic where we can all enter any strange, funny, and absolutely crazy words and expressions we find on a regular basis throughout the wondrous lands of FeralHeart.

For example:
Floof (noun)-one who inhabits or is otherwise associated with FeralHeart. Variations: Floofy, Floofie, Floofer.

Let's keep the words comin'!

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