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Messages - GigglesTheHyena

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Nothing has helped at all. Sorry. I didn't know there was a leaving thread section, so I must've posted in the wrong place. Idk if I should post a leaving thread there or just not because this thread is basically already a leaving thread, but idk..

UPDATE: I have officially quit the game. I will keep the accounts and see if this update works, but until then I have to quit. I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY, CONNECTION! Ruining FH for me.. The only reason I even get on anymore is just to see how long it even lets me stay in WHICH IS FIVE FREAKIN' SECONDS AT THE MAX!

Simple trick that hopefully hasn't been overlooked ^^ This may have been suggested already but have you tried to reboot your router?
Unplugging it and letting it sit for about a minute before plugging it back in?

It's not the router. When it was having problems before, we tried that, and that didn't help, but this time, it's not the router causing this. The internet could be working perfectly fine, and I STILL keep getting kicked. Like I said, we tried EVERYTHING. Sometimes, it may be the router, and I understand, but I wouldn't be on the forum if it was the router. Rebooting the router doesn't work. No matter what I do, I STILL keep getting kicked every time I try to get in. I see those same connection errors every single time I try to get on, and it's mostly when I'm about to start roleplaying with my friend, and when my connection isn't kicking me, it's kicking him! It's like it won't let me roleplay with anybody! A lot of times when I get on with no one to roleplay with, it starts straightening up! It has a mind of its own! I really, REALLY, hate to quit, but I have to. There's no point in getting on just to see those same connection notes popping up. I could just take screenshots if I wanted to look at that all day. Either way, it isn't my laptop because I tried it on my brother's computer. I even tried on BOTH accounts I have!

I have no choice.. I'm just gonna have to quit.. I've been having this problem for the longest, and everything I tried didn't help. Just the thought of this stupid connection winning just makes me want to smack my computer! But I can't, cause I don't wanna break it like I did the others. I'll still keep my accounts, though.

Game Help / Re: Bad Connection/Can't Stay In!
« on: August 07, 2018, 07:07:19 pm »
Feel free to lock this thread, I have made a 'goodbye' thread to replace it. If you see it, you'll know I have tried everything, and all that's left is to give up.

I'm sick and tired of this connection kicking me out every five seconds. I can't even get on to roleplay with my friends anymore! It's to the point that all I even get on to see every day is or or and even ! That's all I even get on the game to see! I tried everything. I tried checking the wifi (in which sometimes, that's the case, but most of the time, it's fine when I try to get on FH), I tried reinstalling it (I have the setup file saved), I even tried disabling the firewall and enabling cookies, but IT'S NO USE! It's time to quit before I end up breaking an almost $300 laptop out of anger! I just can't stand it anymore! I'm having the same problems with Dragons Den, so I have to quit BOTH games! AAAAGH! THERE'S NO OTHER HELP WHAT SO EVER! I tried every suggestion, but they have no effect! I even tried it on my brother's computer (his is an all-in-one desktop, while my laptop is a Lenovo Ideapad), and it STILL continues to kick me out! I was so excited at first about the upcoming update, but now it doesn't even matter anymore! I won't be able to get in the game to see it anyways! >:(

I still want to keep my accounts just in case a miracle happens, though. Sorry if I seem mean right now, my anger is directed at not being able to stay in the game to roleplay with my friends. Worst of all, I'm the only one who's problem will NEVER be solved! I appreciate and respect the staff and other users for trying to help. It's been a pleasure playing FH for idk how many years, (maybe since I was 12, and now I'm 18) probably 6 years. I hate having to leave one of the best roleplaying games I've ever played, but I can't even get in the game anymore. The program is just on my computer for nothing. All I get to see is the login page most of the time now. Maps, only for a second until I get kicked. I ended up in fits of anger because I didn't want to have to leave this game, but now I have no choice but to raise the white flag. This is posted in "game help" in case there was any option other than to simply just quit. I can try to see if it'll work on another computer, but if that doesn't work, then, it's time to say 'goodbye'. [/

Game Help / Re: "Failed to connect to map server. Retry?"
« on: August 06, 2018, 04:54:32 am »
Recently I've being trying to play FH, but it doesn't work..I log in into the page, enter the game, but when I try selecting a character, it loads until it says "Failed to connect to map server. Retry?". I have reinstalled FH, reseted home and go home with all characters, tried loggin in into other browser, but it still doesn't work...Am I the only one having these problems? ;-;

Nope. I'm having the same problem. When I get in the first time, I get kicked out of the map instantly, and when I try to get back in, it says "Failed To Connect To Map Server. Retry?", and after about 4 tries, I finally get back in just to get kicked out again! I tried EVERYTHING. I'm glad to finally find that I'm not the only one suffering this problem.

Site/Forum Help / Re: Signature Gif Doesn't Work!
« on: August 06, 2018, 02:10:01 am »
Now if only my connection problem could be fixed..

Site/Forum Help / Re: Signature Gif Doesn't Work!
« on: August 06, 2018, 01:59:23 am »
^ You know what, try with Giphy instead. That works. I posted this one with this:
Code: [Select] I just took a random gif from the site to test it out.
Try and upload your gif to instead of imgur... I mean, it works for me, so. :P


Site/Forum Help / Re: Signature Gif Doesn't Work!
« on: August 03, 2018, 09:54:28 pm »
I went to imgur, posted the gif again, and on imgur, it moves, but when I select the BB Link for forums and message boards, copy it, and paste it here, it doesn't move. I don't think gifs even work here. I think it's only images that can be posted.

Site/Forum Help / Re: Signature Gif Doesn't Work!
« on: August 03, 2018, 07:17:47 pm »
STILL doesn't work.

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