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Messages - Mxter

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"Just because I need you doesn't mean I trust you."

Felix thought Daciana was probably right. It didn't look like shouting at each other in the middle of the street had done them a lot of good.
    He had waited to see if the cat felt the same way, and right in the middle of walking away, she had stopped.
    And she had told him her name. Ilirhaeya.
    An odd name, but he wasn't going to say that. He recognized a truce when he saw it.
    It looked like apologies were worth more than he thought.
    When Ilirhaeya spoke again, though, it was to Daciana, not him.
    She was right. The light growling in the distance was a sign that some kind of action was needed.
"Where are we going, though?"Felix piped up. As the growls became slightly louder, he padded over to Daciana, plopping himself down on the asphalt a foot or two away from her. He made sure to stretch out nonchalantly.

   I don't think anyone blames you. : )
    Also, I have to apologize about how weird looking this post is. My phone threw a tantrum.

    I'll post by the end of tomorrow if Lourdis doesn't.


It's chocolate Jim, but not as we know it. :D

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: May 26, 2015, 04:52:30 am »



"Just because I need you doesn't mean I trust you."

   As the female started backing away from him, Felix could see a flicker of hurt cross her face.
    She quickly pulled herself together, becoming the aggressive warrior again, but her pained expression shocked him to his core.
   A moment ago he would have happily taken a swipe at her. And she knew it.
    And yet, somehow, in the midst of all that unexplainable anger,  he had hurt her without ever lifting a claw to her.
    It was such a hollow victory.
    All his anger drained away, replaced by a cold, watery feeling in his middle. A shameful feeling.
    Flattening his ears against his head, and awkwardly hunching, he backed slowly away from her.
    He felt...sorry.
    He wanted to say he was sorry.
    But sorry didn't really mean anything. It was only a sound. It wouldn't fix anything.
    He would try anyway.
    "You were very brave," he admitted to her, looking down at the asphalt of the street.
   "I don't think a lot of cats would have jumped into that fight like you did. I don't think I would have. So I guess some mysterious white knight with no name is a much better cat than me."
    Felix looked at her out of the corner of his eye, waiting for her response.

    Poor Ilirhaeya! I'm starting to feel very ashamed of Felix. Maybe it would have been better for everyone if he had been neutered. :D


"Just because I need you doesn't mean I trust you."

   Felix bristled and arched his back, hissing at the female as if her words had been made of scorching fire.
    She had thrust herself upon his vision and puffed her dusty, bloodied fur out in an attempt to look frighting. Well, he could play that game too.
    She had disappointed him in some strange, unknowable way. And then she had insulted him. It was almost too much to stand!
    Through an angry haze of red, he tried to care about retorting with a scathing remark and not just swiping at her with his claws out. It was hard to care that she was twice as big as big him, or that he had never been one to pick a fight. He would have never even have thought of fighting a mutant, but he knew he wanted to fight her.
    He glared into her eyes, her unmatched eyes, one the color of a dying sun, and the other of a soggy puddle. He let his mind cool a little, until he was sure he could speak coherently.
    "I," he said, holding his head up as if the female didn't matter at all,"am Felix. I might have not been fighting alongside you, but that was because someone-," he gestured coldly at Reima,"had to be with her. I'm so sorry I didn't just start clawing the mutant's eyes out and leave her all alone on the sidewalk."
    He gave her a tight little smile.
    "Thank you anyway for your 'help', although I'm sure Daciana could have handled a few dozen mutants. Now you've helped out, and you know my name, (although I don't known yours and don't want to) you can just move on and go help someone else."
    The harsh words made him feel powerful, and he relaxed slightly, raising his tail like a banner of victory.
    A thought wormed through his smugness.
    Why was he willing to turn away a cat from safety and a place to call its own?
    Why am I acting so awfully?
   I don't know.  

     And after he infects them, he'll have his muscled mutant henchman toss them in a burlap sack and drag them to the streets to the Fortress of Felix! When they wake up they known the mutant blood is in their veins...can they survive?! Find out in the next episode! :D

   Thanks! And don't worry, I wasn't planning on revealing an earth shaking plot twist or anything like that.

Do you think it'd be alright for me to post now? Or do you it'd be better to wait for Taylor?

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