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Messages - Cocopix

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
    Username: thunderfox98
    Character Name: Sheena
    Activity Schedule: I'm active, but I go to school, so I'm mostly online at the weekends
    Desired Starting Point: Just awoken
    Character Screenshot/Description: http://oi68BannedImageSite/2nlvm9i.jpg (Please let me know if items like Ear Ring Feathers aren't allowed! :) )
Yer accepted! And the feathers are just fine. I'll send you a message with further details ^^

Username: Jaghundlioness
Character Name: Jag
Activity Schedule Decently: I'm Active, though I have school that I have to attend to.
Desired Starting Point: A just awoken rouge
Character Screenshot/Description: If you don't allow presets, lemme know! :D
Character accepted! A message will be sent to you with details.

    Welcome to Enhanced.

    Literate - Semi-Realistic - Beautifully Mapped - Big Cat + Canine Roleplay - Active - Plotted with a Twist

    Enhanced is a detailed RP situated in Ignota Regni, a fantastical realm of the unknown, founded by Cocopix/Crystal Feather, ~DaggoreFume~ and Saevus.

    Map Spoilers!


    General Plot
    Our main plot revolves around our fantastical environment, and more specifically, the crystal tree, Eli.
    It is unknown as of how you arrive, as you simply wake up in a corner of the lands with no memories of your past life. But, guided by the light of tree, you make your way to your new home. It is there that you see a band of felines, as confused as you are, working together to survive and learn more of these unknown realms, Ignota Regni.
    However, the question is raised, are you truly alone here? Evidence of unknown inhabitants are scattered about. Are they friends or foes?

    How do I Begin?
    There are a few options as of how new members can begin their roleplay. You may choose to start from the very beginning, to wake up in the middle of nowhere, stripped of your memory, and make way to the tree. OR, if you so desire, can act as if you've already awoken, joined the band, and (over time) slowly retrieve your lost memories.
    A third option is to choose to be a native, either a loner or a rogue. You were born in these lands, and know more of it than anyone else. It is your choice whether to raise up arms against the intruders that disrupt your peace, or to teach them of the land and live in harmony. However, to keep things balanced, we will have limited numbers of these.

    Update - 16/02/16

    So far, the inhabitants, old and new, have adjusted well to the beautiful Ignota Regni. The lands are fertile, homes well built and welcoming and the weather never harsh. But what happens when Eli, the admired crystal heart, develops a conscience. A conscience, that forms a loathing for the infestation.

    It has been seen so far, the deemed impossible action, of revival. Long dead lives are brought back to the land of life, forever changed by their deaths as well as by other factors. Over time, their eyes changes to a chilling bright blue as a mark of their journey of death but it's a blessing, right?


    - While long dead characters have been brought back, it has been deemed that Eli is no longer capable of such stretches and twists in fate
    - Deceased characters in RP can be presented to the crystal, making a ritual for the hopes that the fleeting soul returns to its physical host
    - The elderly and newborns have a 99% chance of failure in this ritual, being too weak for the journey
    - After resurrection, individuals have a subtle change in persona. Something's always off.
    - Causes of death are healed in the process, or enough that they can be treated by outside factors
    - Side effect is that eyes change to a blue, similar to the crystal itself. (0, 255, 255)

    But there's always a dark side to miracles, isn't there?
    What if, this was an army.

    Enhanced Lives!

    Enhanced has been quite inactive as of late, but now we hope to change that. We deeply apologise to members that have been wanting to continue with the roleplay, but due to crowded personal lives, we've been needing to put the group on hold.
    But fortunately, we are now able to dust ourselves off and focus on growing our group. And now, we are proud to announce a new update:

    The introduction of Canines!

    Enhanced has been strictly a feline-only for as long as it has been run, but now we are pleased to announce that canines can now join in and start their own story in the mystical realms of Ignota Regni! Choose if you wish to work together with its current residents, or if you have ideas of your own...

    A second update we will be incorporating in the new-and-improved version of Enhanced will be a complete new element:

    The Metal Element!

    What this element will introduce is the potential for members to craft high quality armour, weapons, jewels and clothing. Who knows, you might have the honour of crafting a jewel-encrusted crown for the Nuemae!

    The resources used by those of the Metal element will need to be mined. Previously, there was nowhere to find any metals or precious jewels, but now we are happy to introduce a brand new portion to our beautiful map:

    Ignota Regni Mines

    The dark and mysterious series of twisted tunnels bear within them rich materials, such as iron, gold, diamonds, and many more metals and jewels! When mined and refined by a skilled Metal elemental, these resources can be used to craft amazing things!

    And lastly, a sort of a work-in-progress as of now:

    In-Game and Forum Trading Mechanism

    In addition to the new ability to mine, refine and craft items, you can now be able to trade and sell the items you acquire in-game on our forums for other items or crystals (our currency)! You can keep track of your hoard on the forums, with your own thread to record your items, what you are trading, and the amount of crystals you own (that you can use to buy other items).
    Things that you can buy and sell may include:
    Raw/Refined Materials
    And more!


    Wish to join? Reply to this post with the following details:
    Character Name
    Activity Schedule
    Desired Starting Point (Just awoken, joined the group, loner, rogue)
    Character Screenshot/Description

    For further information, visit our website:


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