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Messages - Tailgate

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Media / Re: How's my Anthro art coming along?
« on: June 20, 2016, 09:06:32 pm »
Wow! Awesome job! I recommend studying more humanoid anatomy and doing gesture drawings if possible. It really helps.
In your most recent drawing, the shoulders seem a bit thin. The pose is also kind of stiff, which can be solved by doing gestures!

Welcome back Tearless ;o;"!! I am in love with your mods and I was so upset when they got super hard to find haha.

I appreciate these so much, they're so lovely and especially well done! My favorite markings are the husky ones! I downloaded these straight away skjhgs

uhhh... the files are just .ds_store things

there's no .png files at all?

This didn't happen to me o: the .ds_store files were in the zips but there were markings/masks in the folders.

Game Discussion / Re: Future updates?
« on: June 18, 2016, 08:43:24 pm »
I'd love to have a campaign mode, and a campaign maker. You could make a campaign, and you could choose the story and objectives, and make the characters you play in the campaign, and even put it up for others to download and play. I'd also love an offline mode. And it would be cool if they added PvP and hunting. I know it's too much work though.

It's not that it's too much work. I'm sure if the mods were able to they would do something like this.
Unfortunately, they have no way of editing the game aside from the basic things. Stuff you've suggested requires the source code, which is something they don't have.

It would be cool, but it isn't something they really have any access to.

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