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Messages - toasterkitty

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Game Discussion / Re: First FH preset?
« on: August 16, 2015, 12:34:44 pm »
well i did have this fennec fox preset which i remade due to mess up on colours XD ill edit this post with screenies if i find any

Species / The Azymzail (custom species)
« on: August 05, 2015, 10:37:06 pm »
the azymzail are canine-like winged creatures that wander the lands
they come in different varients shown here: purple, blue, orange, black, white, grey
[screenshots of varients]
they do have different numbers of tails (1-4) 1 tail is most common along with two but 3-4 tails are VERY rare
azymzail will eat stuff such as berries and occasionaly small creatures such as mice
they are very small and are the size of a puppy and the younger ones being the size of a young rat
their markings can vary as they have small spots/stripes along their back with more on their tail while their faces have a stripe going from the muzzle to the top of their head. their eyes are like the feral hearts pupilless/orb eyes
tribes and stuff: azymzail prefer to live in tribes but some do tend to prefer the life of a a loner
(well thats all i guess... these creatures i may develop a bit more but for now this is it)

Stories / ServerFH10 (fh fanfic creepy thingy)
« on: August 03, 2015, 08:25:31 pm »
IM NOW DONE (and didnt even need multiple posts -.-) FEEL FREE TO COMMENT and hope ye enjoy my (rubbish) fanfic!
i do plan on making at least a preset for FH10 (or FH10 for short or simply server) i will post download link so ye can see it when its done... can someone pm me with original fh feline fur texture? i kinda replaced mine...
all characters used for staff belong to the staff themselves c: this is a thing based on an (non existant) addition to the game i completely made up

PROULGE (basicly an intro to this now glitched feline c:)
The black/grey feline sat by the docks... she was asigned to this space by the staff of feral heart as she was there to show newcomers the basics of the game... she basicly acted as the tutorial and the docks were where new players would start... the feline hadnt been given a name by the staff as there was actually a competition going on to decide the name of the "tutorial feline" as she was oftenly called ... the map was very new just as new as feralheart was at the time... the idea was that players would "have been found on the shore" by her and she would show them the basics such as how to fly (if the player didnt have wings on the character the player would end up taking control until the game switched back to the player character and the tutorial would end after the tutorial cat had shown them the portal to lonely cave) the map would occasionally glitch out every now and then but the staff had always been able to fix it... untill something happened...

CHAPTER 1 (im using chapters but this might not be that long ._.)
it was a normal day by the docks.. and the dark grey feline with the green eyes and feathery wings was sat by the bridge waiting for a player to arrive, it never happened that often with the opening/closing of the registration but she always was prepared incase something happened.
a black canine character had arrived with the username: 666 and character name: ERROR she asumed it was some kind of fan character as players often made them.. so she went to go through the normal tutorial, the canine was dark grey (same grey as server as i will call her) but parts of him were black (like 0.0.0 black) with red numbers that server couldnt read... she just asumed the character had found out how to make a preset through youtube or whatever them people called it... she walked up to him but the canine stared at her with dark red glowing eyes.. the bridge started turning black and yellow like missing textures were.. she stepped off the bridge as the canine did a strange smile... it frightened her a litte bit but then the sky turned to night like it sometimes did only that the moon and stars had an eeiree red colour to it  and the water along the shore turned red and had black letters/numbers going across the texture... the canine lept at her and she dodged but then strange black cracked looking marks appeared on the ground... they had green numbers in them and she ran falling into the water... she could no longer see anything

Red was hanging around in lonely cave he had nothing to do so he went through the portal that led to the docks to check for any glitches... he saw the ERROR wolf and the glitched ground... only now  it was even worse... more "cracks" were in  the ground and the sky was completely black with red numbers going across it... server had managed to climb out of the water now concious again only this time one of her eyes were glowing much like the strage wolf only green and she too was covered in patches of black with numbers on them only they were green... this was her own coding red realised and the wolf must of been some kind of virus that had affected the place...  he told server to get in the portal to lonely cave and faced the demonic creature that had infected the place... red realised he wouldnt be able to save the docks but he had an idea.. he began opening up the programming for feral heart with all its code... he had no choice  but to do this... (lets just say the whole coding thing was like how that guy messed with the code in the film wreck it ralph only it all happened in reds mind ok? XD he has POWERZZ obviously it would just be red editing the game but this isnt supposed to be all basic like that XD) he found servers codeing and copyed the "where she was supposed to be" to the list of players... she would be seen as another player even though he couldnt fix how she looked... he went back to the coding for the docks... it had numbers in there that shouldnt be there... it was all simply replaced with 66655666655666566555 which continued it took up all of the codeing that was supposed to be the docks... red deleted all of it but then it all went black... an evil laugh sounded "you... cannot...!" the canine appeared and dissapeared... red looked up the creatures name/code in the folders and found it...
username: 666
list of characters:

he heard a loud growl as he ripped it all apart deleting every single part of it... he then teleported himself to the lonely cave..

server is still her corrupt self but now she wanders feral heart freely mainly sticking to bonfire as that place reminds her of the docks where she used to live.. the staff decided to make lonely cave the new default for players and that nobody else would be there other than the player  and now server can be found around feral heart and may even share her story if you ask nicely other than that she is happy to help people who ask

(I terribly apologize for late reply, I am currently in a handful.)It does? It must be that I accidentally deleted it then or it got deleted. I don't have the file anymore so if someone does, they can reupload it for me.
oh thats ok  then >.< (i was really excited about going on this map too XD)

hey softee the seond preset i posted (not the australian shep i mean the canine with the scrolling texture) you dont have to do that one as ive recently learned how to make scrolling presets XD  (it will be less for you to do too!)

yes! the film home! i loved that film and ive watched it loads of times on my laptop XD its quite new also :3
also heres another suggestion: oliver and company

Presets & Markings / Re: Coco's preset shop~ {OPEN}
« on: July 19, 2015, 05:52:50 pm »
mind if i request?
Username: toasterkitty
Preset #: i dont mind
Canine or feline?: canine
Wings?: nope nope nope c:
Mane?: yeah but mainly just make it the main body colour
Two sided?: i guess because of the eyes
Eye color(s):  one eye is yellow other is a quite light blue
Type of eye: just like the normal fh eye
Male or female?: female
Email(For downloading purposes, I can also send via PM): would rather you sent through pm c:
Reference: if this aint enough you can just look up bat eared foxes on google images >.<
Anything else?: hello

its a very nice map but the download link dosnt seem to work

Game Discussion / Re: Biggest "Why" moment ever?
« on: June 28, 2015, 09:38:12 am »
i got a zebra item and named my character RAK THE DERPY ZEBRA but due to limit of space it became RAK THE DERPY ZE

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Afkinz emotes of.... weirdness! :D
« on: June 26, 2015, 07:54:52 am »
thanks x3 i do hope i get that second one sorted soon >.<  im most likely gonna make stupid emotes similar to the first one ._.

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