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Messages - iiAwshumGurl

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Art Gallery / Re: Elsypants Artroom
« on: October 30, 2015, 10:24:24 pm »
This is absolutely wonderful artwork! You are a huge inspiration. Thank you for sharing your wonderful artwork with us ;)

Site/Forum Help / Help me please!!
« on: October 30, 2015, 10:10:57 pm »
I was going to add a drawing of my character Eclipse to my signature and when I clicked post it came up:
An Error Has Occurred!
Hacking attempt...

I don't understand?
I was only posting a picture  :'(

Game Discussion / Re: People pointing out other's ''mistakes''
« on: October 30, 2015, 08:03:19 pm »
Mhm, my sister RP'ed as Kovu once XD That's the only Kovu I've ever seen.

Game Help / Re: is it possible/how to colour inside preset?
« on: October 30, 2015, 04:09:57 pm »
Your poor friend, don't hurt them by grabbing their muzzle please XD Be gentle

Introduction / Re: Backk
« on: October 30, 2015, 04:03:31 pm »
Welcome back!! :3

Site/Forum Help / Re: Has my account been deleted???
« on: October 30, 2015, 03:53:09 pm »
Dependent on the time you were gone, if it was rather a long time, it may be gone. I had an old account that I left for gosh.. must of been just over a year if not more, that seems to be long gone.

Luckily, back in June/July I caught the registration open and made a new account ready for when I could download FeralHeart again.

 If there's no hope as to getting your account back, I'd watch the registration to see if it opens again and you can then make a new user ;) I think that when it opens, it stays open for around about 2 hours? Maybe a little less.

Hope this helped!

Art Gallery / Re: My first digital drawing/s of my character, Eclipse!
« on: October 30, 2015, 03:44:38 pm »
Aw, thank you lovely <3 And yeah, I could start improving by taking requests ( in the future I think I might carry on with my art in the outside world so it'd help me with that too ) And I think it's my turn to help/do something for the community after everything everyone's done for me. :')

Characters / Skye: Character + Backstory
« on: October 30, 2015, 03:38:01 pm »
This is my character Skye and her backstory.
Please don't copy my backstory or character since it took me time and effort, if you'd like me to though, I can design one of your characters a backstory/re-write one for you :)
My character:


trust in humans again...

Feel free to ask me any questions! :D

Game Help / Re: Game download Help
« on: October 30, 2015, 03:12:43 pm »
Hiya, if you still have the problem, I was given a download that by PrettyReckless that I think skips all that, it worked for me and my laptop downloads nothing XD When you click the link below, cut out the bit that says adfly and some numbers at the start or just copy and paste the link into your search bar :)
Download link:

Link to the page:

Downloading the installer often requires utorrent, bittorrent or another program which can handle torrenting.
The installer is usually noticed by an anti-virus which tends to say that it's a virus and harmful for the computer, which is not the case.
However, if you don't want to go through the trouble of downloading a torrent program, to then download the installer.
Here's a link to the installer itself which I have uploaded to mediafire a while back.
I've used it myself when I came back to FeralHeart as I was indeed too lazy to make it possible for myself to download a torrent.

You can find the installer here.
If comes up, simply wait 5 seconds and then press the yellow button in the top right corner saying "Skip AD".

Hope this makes it easier for you. c:

Game Help / Re: Model/Texture Glitch?
« on: October 30, 2015, 03:09:05 pm »
Oh my gosh that is quite scary!
As Enoki said, check your rendering system and check what you've recently downloaded ( also look for strange things you can't remember downloading? ) maybe check the preset to see if everything in there is okay and if the problem persists, ask around or search the web for an answer :)

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