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Messages - LittleBlackMoon

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Game Help / Re: Cannot see friends preset
« on: August 28, 2015, 06:27:46 pm »
Not saying it's for certain that this "is" the problem.

But something that can happen quite often is the preset creator exporting their preset with the wrong capital letters or capitals where there should be none. To explain this further I will use myself and my username as an example.

My username is "redlinelies", this is what the server sees it as and even though I can log in as "Redlinelies" with a capital "R", what the game sees me as, and friends and users sees me as is still "redlinelies". If I'd export my preset after/while being logged in with capital R, only I would see this preset and no one else. In order to fix this the user at hand must export the preset and with the correct capitals or small letters as other users see them, otherwise it will not work. In some cases this can cause issues for people so check with your friend in-game how THEY see their username, and compare with how you see it, they'd want to export their preset the way you see their username.

If not that, and it's only you out of a group of users that cannot see the preset, it's more than likely that you didn't install their preset properly because everyone else would get the same preset as you. Do make sure that you place the exported preset that is your friends in the correct folder of the game.

I also want to remind that if your friend has a lot of odd symbols in their name instead of a more plain one with just letters, it could cause issues for users to see them properly. Try to stick only to a-z usernames to be on the safe side.

I re downloaded the preset and put it in Feralheart>presets and replaced it with the original one, and I still have no luck. The preset name is WannaFly._5.fhp everyone else in the group can see her preset. Her username .WannaFly. (I asked her permission if I was able to mention her name)

Game Discussion / Re: Mate Centers Opinions
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:45:47 am »
To be honest, I think MC(Mate Center) is just another name for "One night stand" You meet the person and decide, she's nice. Roleplay a bit and then when one of you say "I gotta go," You never see each other again. xD
Personally I enjoy MC and think that there is nothing wrong, although when MC get's super busy in Bonfire I get really laggy, probably like everybody else.

Game Help / Cannot see friends preset
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:42:15 am »
Before I made this topic, I searched "Feralheart cannot see friends preset" I clicked the links, but non of them told me how to fix it.
I knew that I shouldn't be commenting on a 2 year old post so I decided to make my own.

I recently downloaded a friends preset, the .fhp file was put into Presets. When I logged on to go check her preset, I only saw her default character. Other people could see it, but not me. Any way to fix it? There is nothing wrong with the preset file, everything is correct, so I don't think I need to rename it.

This means a lot! Thanks. :3

Game Help / Re: Item pack
« on: August 21, 2015, 10:07:30 pm »
Try going into your items.cfg file in your main Feral-heart folder and deleting the codes. You can also delete the texture files that came with the items in the textures folder, although removing the coding from the items.cfg should remove them the items from character edit section. That should do it for you. c:

#head, neck2, neck1, spine1, spine2, spine3, spine4
#tail1, tail2, tail3, tail4, tail5, tail6
#shoulder.L, arm1.L, arm2.L, arm3.L, arm4.L, (also .R)
#hand1.L, hand2.L, hand3.L, hand4.L, (also .R)
#finger1.L, finger2.L, finger3.L, finger4.L, (also .R)
#hip.L, leg1.L, leg2.L, leg3.L, (also .R)
#foot1.L, foot2.L, foot3.L, foot4.L, (also .R)
#toe1.L, toe2.L, toe3.L, toe4.L, (also .R)
#mouth, jaw, chin, forehead, nose1, nose2, toplip, botlip, tongue1, tongue2, tongue3
#toplip1.L, toplip2.L, toplip3.L, botlip1.L, botlip2.L, botlip3.L, (also .R)
#retina.L, eye.L, eyelid.L, cheek.L, brow1.L, brow2.L, (also .R)
#cochlea.L, ear.L, (also .R)
#Canine only: face.L, face.R

#offset_f: position offset for feline
#offset_c: position offset for canine
#rotation_f: rotation for feline
#rotation_c: rotation for canine


 So I should delete everything starting from ===Head===? The coding is too long so I only put the head.

Game Help / Re: Item pack
« on: August 21, 2015, 09:34:08 pm »
Posted an Edit

Game Help / Re: Item pack
« on: August 19, 2015, 06:59:30 am »
I do hope this is the one you're looking for, Legendary Items. It should contain Pawesome Pack v5.
Hopefully with this, you'll be able to have the chain collar show up in your Equip box. There must have been something wrong with the code for that particular file in the v3 pack. Are you sure you haven't missed it somehow or is it genuinely missing? Regardless, I do hope this helps!

I did everything I was supposed to, like put all the stuff into the items, and item.cfg went into feralheart. I'll try and see if this works. :) Thanks for the help

Game Help / Item pack
« on: August 19, 2015, 06:05:08 am »
Hey Feralheart
I currently have the v3 items pack, but I would like the link for the v5 and the most up-to-date  items pack there is! The only reason I am asking is because I have the cool chain collar on some of my char's, but when I go to my items I see a whole ton of stuff, just not the collar! Even though I can see the chain collar's on other users and mine, it won't show in the Equip section of Edit character.
Please and thanks!


Alrighty. Well, I have another problem. I deleted my items from the Feralheart>media>items and I restarted Feralheart. The items on my characters were gone, so I thought that I could have a fresh start with items, but when I went into edit char and to the Equip tab, I saw all the items from before even though I deleted them, and when I equipped the items, they wouldn't
show up, because I didn't have the download. If you understand what I'm saying, but I want to know how I can get rid of the items in the equip tab. I'm not sure what the item download is called, but I know that it said
Legendary Items 2
And there was sections for body parts

Anything sound familiar?


FIXED IT! Thanks for your help! <3 <3

Discussion Board / 5 W's
« on: August 17, 2015, 03:38:01 pm »
Just copy and paste and write your own answers!

What was the last thing you ate: cheese stick wrapped in meat
What is yor favourite large animal: horse
What is your favourite medium sized animal: wolf
What is your favourite small animal: dog
What is your favourite food: don't have one
What is your favourite time of day: night
What is your favourite season: winter
What was the last thing you hugged: my dogs
What was the biggest surprise you ever had:  getting another dog
What is your greatest accomplishment: can't remeber
What is your dream job: actress
What is your goal job: equine vet
What was your very first Feralheart character name: nessy
Who did you last text: my best friend
Who did you eat breakfast with: my mom
When did you last eat at any fast food place: 2 years ago?
When was the last time you went to the movie theatre: 2 weeks ago
When was the last time you went out of the country:
When was the last time you went to a Carnival/Fair/Rodeo: in spring
Where did you go travelling: Japan
Where do you want to live when you grow up: not sure
Where is the next place you want to travel to: Easter Island
Why did the chicken cross the street: to get to the other side

Game Help / Re: Feralheart crashes when loading character
« on: August 17, 2015, 03:12:10 pm »

Game Help / Feralheart crashes when loading character
« on: August 17, 2015, 09:02:09 am »
Alright, I am going to get right to it. I recently downloaded a map, and when I went to cape it was there, so I entered and then it said "feralheart.exe has stopped working" I went to the user panel and reset the character I was having issues with, but even if I reset the character it still says "feralheart.exe has stopped working" It is only for the one char, and this is the first time it has happened. I would like to know how to fix it. :3



So I made a new character and I tried to enter the map, and the same "feralheart.exe" popped up! I understand that it is the maps issue, any way to fix it?

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