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Messages - GlaydrChyle

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Game Discussion / Re: Unsettling moments on Feralheart
« on: May 30, 2016, 01:22:21 pm »
Just yesterday I have to say! Just spending a wee bit of time down south of fluorite plains with my best buddy. We had both gone AFK as we were discussing a few pack idea's and exchanging funny comments when out of no-where this tiger-type character comes jumping around us and all over the place! tried to get a word out of him but all we got was. "Sup." before he ran away! It was one of those..."You had to be their to appreciate it moments." Type thing? however, funny to say the least. The unsettling thing about it was that neither of us knew the fellow; just an ol' troll looking for a game to believe.

Game Discussion / Re: Character Voices?
« on: May 29, 2016, 05:43:56 pm »
Ah dear, I've always thought Addinessence to have a soft deep voice with a wee little Irish tange to 'im. Kina like myself, he ain't to deep. Lil'bit of a fast speaker at times where his voice can get high pitched and raspy if he gets a lil' too excited.

Introduction / Re: Hi! Nice to meet you!
« on: May 29, 2016, 05:38:53 pm »
Nice to meet you, Sweetheart <3~ Enjoy your stay!

Presets & Markings / Some new presets (UPDATED 02/02/2016)
« on: May 29, 2016, 05:32:49 pm »
So Nothing is official yet, but I may start making presets! Depends on how these few turn out as I do have some on my mind. I made a preset for my common character Lady and it looks decent (For a complete Nub at this sort of stuff) I'm quite proud of myself.

But my self esteem and ego aside; I'd love it if I could gather some of your opinions? maybe even give me a few tips and tricks to help out! It'd be nice to receive some feedback. Don't be afraid to be harsh, as long as you give me a pointer to help me along my way I won't be hurt!  
                                              Toodlies! -Addy  ;D

Lady's Preset download:


Alpha Cyndigo's download:

( More to come, + Uploads released later)

Game Discussion / Re: What was your first character?
« on: January 02, 2016, 12:02:34 am »
Gosh.. ugh, going back a bit there. My VERY FIRST character I ever created was a white one... with black Celtic markings! I didn't have a mane for it, or any tufts because I remember that before that I had unrealistic colours.. (Light blue a pinkish colour? I just didn't understand the..slide...things....yup!) and I was told I was unrealistic and that I needed to change. So i thought the way to do it was have the basic black and white colours with no mane and tufts and the default eyes too. haha. Think I called him Frost I can't truly remember.

Is it creepy to say that I'm madly in love with this map of yours? <3

Finished Maps / Re: First Map > Ambree Forrest (Public)
« on: December 07, 2015, 05:44:49 pm »
I just hope the link works!

Finished Maps / Re: First Map > Ambree Forrest (Public)
« on: December 06, 2015, 07:17:49 pm »
Thank you so much! >w<

Finished Maps / First Map > Ambree Forrest (Public)
« on: December 06, 2015, 06:48:52 pm »
You'll have to let me know if the link works. Also, this is my first ever map so it'll be quite bad. I'm Sorry.
This map is intended for two different wolf packs. It was gonna be private but I'll make it public instead haha. I suggest downloading the map first and looking around to see if it works before anything.. (Sorry if it doesn't ;.;)

Here are a few Screenies:

Iknow it's not all good, but atleast it'll do for a few packs right? Ai?

So if you're wanting this map for your pack (Which will suprise me and make me jump around in joy) Please let me be in atleast one of them? :3 pretty please?

Pack1: ~BlackMasquerade~

(There are a few spaces on the map for rogue groups, there are two I think. But only for small rogue groups :3)


Swearing is allowed (Not overly excessive though)
Be nice
General feral heart rules really
Respect each other
If you're putting this up as a link in your website for your pack, Please credit me!

Feral heart Game designers
(These objects were not created by me, however the layout and height map was-

yes, this map may be used for such, however: Any gestures and words must be kept in the "Whisper" chat between the two characters who are "Mating" as such.
I do not condone or support the idea of rude behaviour in game however if you must and it is necessary to the plot then feel free. Just... do it somewhere private... please? I have secluded areas in the map, just go explore and hunt them out ;)

I think that's it.... If you need anything, PM me... Oh! One more thing

If you're requesting to use the map:

- State the pack name
- State what the map is for (Easy question)
-State how big your group is and if it'll grow
- There are two big grounds to choose from, the Mountain and inner forest (They'll be clearly visible in game ;) ) state which on you may potentially want.
- bare in mind that other people may be there just to chill, that's perfectly okay just don't go annoying the pack role-players. Some goes to the pack role-players, don't go annoying the one's just there to chill.

here's the link:

I hope you like it... Again, if there are any errors or if you want to ask something, you can comment here or pm me privately :3

just a quick note: I used the realistic Darkness and lightning mod to screenshot this. The two go really well together so credit to the creator of them.. really..

Well, I don't even think of organisation. c8 I rarely download stuff- only MMs, claws, items, and that's about it tbh, also make sure I want to download it all before I do it. I'm a very decisive person, and I never go without actually checking E V E R Y T H I N G more than 4 times.

I believe that's advice everyone should abide by if I'm honest. As seen by me yesterday who downloaded Tailgate's amazing Animations mod (The furry one I think?) instead of Golden Chocobos by mistake. Needless to say, I had quite a bit of fun last night!

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