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Messages - TwistedProud

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Finished Maps / Re: Warriors Lake Territories Map
« on: June 23, 2017, 12:16:24 am »
This is a wonderful map, I love how you made it.
If I had a warrior cat group, I would use this map. Good job and keep the beautiful work, I am excited to see more form you one day.

Game Help / Re: Heightmap crash?
« on: June 22, 2017, 09:26:42 pm »
I am using grey tones, but for some reason the game crashes.
And as much as I want another program, all I have is stupid old MS Paint. :(
The dimensions are 513x513.

I don't know what's the MS Paint but I suggest you either take a look for tutorial on FH or download others program.
As an exemple, I use GIMP, which is a free program that work fine with height map~
Greyscale and 513x513 are not the only things you should look. Be sure there is no double layer| alpha chanel | and sometime, flatten the image.

Game Help / Re: My Custom Height Map
« on: June 22, 2017, 02:33:15 pm »
I suggest you remake a height map fully on GIMP to test and  be sure to have all of this.
-No alpha channel
-One, flattened layer
-No spaces
-mapnameTerrain.png is the name

You can change the name but since it's only a test, I suggest you calling it like that.
Be sure that you do all of this as I had the same problem as you and it seems I forgotten to do one even when I thought I did it.

Game Help / Re: My Custom Height Map
« on: June 22, 2017, 02:22:36 am »
Hello, I've created a heightmap for my custom map and the game still crashes when I try to put it in. I've set the image to greyscale, removed the alpha channel, and flattened the image. Is there anything else I can do? Can somebody take the file and edit it so I can put it in the game? Thanks.

First, is it the Mask or the terrain that make the game crash?
Telling us would help a lot.

Presets & Markings / Re: Annoyance |:| Version1 {Private preset.}
« on: June 20, 2017, 03:03:21 pm »
Ooooo I really like everything about this preset!! The colors work very well together. I'm especially in love with the mane, I love the way it looks!

Thank you my dear.
The mane is indeed, a beautiful touch and I had fun to find the color that work perfectly together!

Game Help / Re: Map Mask Not Working
« on: June 19, 2017, 07:54:33 pm »
I use Gimp, same as you. And it is fully blue, just blurred. I've made masks before that have even more blur, but I'll try it and see.

Update: Didn't work. Still seeing the wrong mask.

Strange. I don't know what to do to really help you then, mine's work perfctly fine. I suggest you remake one less complex, like two square, one blue one red, and go take a look in FH map maker to see if this one work fine.

Game Help / Re: Map Mask Not Working
« on: June 19, 2017, 06:59:15 pm »
I've tried remaking the terrain mask and it still has the same issue. This is the mask:

And this is what it looks like in game:

It's not anywhere close to how it's supposed to look.

I've been looking at the picture and I see nothing wrong in the mask itself but I suggest taking of the blur to see if it could help.
The blue-purple may also freak out the game, so I suggest fully blue.

May I ask what's the program you use?~

Game Help / Re: Map problem|:|
« on: June 19, 2017, 03:51:21 pm »
Hmmm...make sure to double check everything right before exporting.

-No alpha channel
-One, flattened layer
-No spaces
-mapnameTerrain.png is the name

I know it seems repetitive but those are the only things that could be causing your terrain to crash.
I don't know how, but it finaly worked. I will take a close look of what I do, as I may have forgotten to something in the list you made.
This thread can now be locked.

Have you tried a different heightmap?

I did tried 3 different heightmap. 2 created by me and one free on the forum. Anyway, it is solved and I shall try to keep it like this.
Thanks everyone for those advice, you shall see W.I.P map soon. Maybe a home for Annoyance?~

Presets & Markings / Re: Annoyance |:| Version1 {Private preset.}
« on: June 19, 2017, 03:07:08 am »
I saw this guy in game actually; the other day! I thought to myself that it was an absolute gorgeous preset and now I get to say it here to you! This preset is creepy yet stunning, great, great work!
+Nuzzle c:

Ah,yes. I saw you too.
I love creepy preset, those are the best I make.
Thank you my friend~

-Nuzzle back-

Other Games / Re: Reflection of Spirits | IT Server
« on: June 18, 2017, 10:51:36 pm »
Reflection of Spirits

Reflection of Spirits is a game like Wolf Soul. You hunt for items.

It's currently a small community and hoping to grow, I personally enjoy the look of the game and hope to watch it grow.
Myself and Kei are currently on the forums.

If you want to read more check out the forum, link above.
If you do sign up be sure you follow me because I'm fabu!<3

When the server is released good luck getting my "Sword of Vaillance".

I've been told it's not long now before the server is released they're just finish up items, markings and maps.

Hope to see some of faces around!

Oh, I've heard of this server and I have to say, it look amazing and I can't wait to be able to play it~
Thanks for the luck, Imma certainly try to get it.

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