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Messages - Snoozysnore

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Presets & Markings / Re: Chipz Is Taking Preset Requests (OPEN)
« on: March 15, 2017, 04:14:08 pm »
Very nice!! I am really looking forward to any new presets you create!! I'm actually working on creating a few myself, and I might actually sit down and try on one later!

Feline or Canine: Canine
Reference sheet (with paw pads): Her pawpads are her nose color!

Eye type: Normal, but closest to on reference!

Personality: Spunky
Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Any extra Information you need me to know: She has large ears, that is not stylistic to the reference!

Thanks so much for the chance !

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before an admin/mod posts!
« on: March 15, 2017, 04:07:43 pm »

Introduction / Re: Not necessarily new...
« on: March 15, 2017, 04:03:42 pm »
Welcome to the forum side of FeralHeart, Snoozysnore!
I'm also a huge reptilian fan, and I'm sure some time we could have a chat about our favourite reptile and why it's out favourite, as a casual conversation. c:

A good idea before you go posting around, would be to check the
>Forum Rules< so you know what you can be posting and what you cannot. Enjoy yourself!

Thank you so much for the tip! And yes, I'd love that! I love talking about reptiles, and in fact, I'm in the middle of building a new tank for my Blue Tongue Skink that I'll be getting in the next month or so. Slowly but surly, it is getting done!

Welcome to the forums! I've seen you around a bit as of recent. Happy to see you're looking forward to being a part of the forum community. It can be really entertaining to browse and there is a lot of content to look through.
Thank you! And yes, trying to make myself known around here, haha. I love forums, always have, especially the relativity smaller ones. Love to know the community, get involved, make friends, and so and and so on.
As I've noticed! I'm so used to art forums, so finding a new kind of media like presets and game design is really refreshing to me. Looking forward to the time spent here, and the things learned here!

Game Discussion / Re: What would you like to see added in the game?
« on: March 15, 2017, 03:57:23 pm »
That is very helpful! That you so much for letting me know. Not really used to this type of forum format, so the more you know I guess!
And also, thank you so much for going through the effort of explaining in great detail, along with pictures too :0! You're very dedicated. I will for sure keep this in the back of my mind for any future instances, in case I need to contact a Moderator.
And it's a shame it can't really be added into feral heart too easily, because I agree it would save time for both the Moderator and the user, but sometimes we just have to do with, and be happy with what we have. Thanks again for the reply!

Introduction / Not necessarily new...
« on: March 15, 2017, 03:46:51 pm »
But new to the forums! Been on the game on and off under many aliases since 2012. Don't ask me, I couldn't possibly remember them all, lol! My previous account was named Chewith, if that helps anyone

My name is Ross! I am 16 (17 in April), live in the states, and have many interests, which are all listed in my about! To give you the gist, I love reptiles, cartoons, and music! If you'd like to talk about any of those things, feel free to shoot me a message or catch me on chat. I hope to have a great time while here, and I have no doubts that I will! Hello to everyone <:

I don't watch a lot of anime, but I really enjoyed Polar Bear Cafe! It's cute, and innocent as far as I can remember. Not many swears, if at all, and definitely worth checking out!
The episodes are free to watch here <:

Praise / Re: Congratulations Kynvuu!!
« on: March 15, 2017, 03:33:38 pm »
Well deserved! We are all so proud of you, and we're so lucky to have such wonderful staff on the team <:!

Nice names you got there!! I have such a hard time coming up with them, and often just use my already existing character's names, lol
I really like the names Oasi, Elilast, and Kiay! They are all very unique, and I've never seen them be used before <: talk about recognizable

Game Discussion / Re: What would you like to see added in the game?
« on: March 15, 2017, 02:58:18 pm »
Aside from more aesthetic driven changes, I've noticed that many times people will ask the chat if there's a moderator online?
It has always ticked me off that some sites don't really have a good way of contacting online moderators, including those that I have moderated on myself!
I think there should be a section added on to the friends tab that show moderators online, and the ability to whisper them/find their location. Kind of like, your friend tab was already friended to all active moderators on feral heart

One of them looks frosted, it must be a cookie! Judging by the poll, more Americans here?
If this were more like English scone, then I'd vote biscuit!

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