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Messages - Jacoby

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Game Help / Preset Help
« on: September 23, 2018, 04:33:48 pm »
I've been making presets for almost 2 years now, but I've had this everlasting problem with them and It's the reason I could never really do detailed presets. But the problem is with the characters legs. Let me explain; When you draw a line on the leg of the preset template thing. It looks straight right? But when you save it to the files and load it in game, the line becomes all over the place on the leg. You understand what I mean by this? Like the inside of the leg, with the line on it goes a different direction, and behind the leg the lines never meet. One is either above or below the other.

Something else to, how do people get the character models onto a program? Then do the preset and it shows up on it? Anybody know what program it is?

Art Gallery / Re: Group/Clan Flag Requests! (OPEN)
« on: September 23, 2018, 04:09:14 pm »
You're work is absolutely stunning!

I'd be interested if my role-play was up and running, but it is yet to be.

Art Gallery / Re: Taking Requests for Signatures (OPEN)
« on: September 23, 2018, 03:59:07 pm »
I'd love to have one c:
Title/Words/What I'm looking for: Dizzy
Font: I'm not sure what font would go best, I apologize.
Colour Palette: The background, I'd just like it to be transparent. But the actual colors I'd like are; Dark red, or just shades of red. c:
Extra Details (OPTIONAL):
I'm looking for something that looks tribal? So maybe like tribal parts on the text I'd love. Also would adore to have some sort of wolf skull on it to. I know this is graphic but could I also get some sort of blood image behind the text? c:
Like these images;

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a Member of the Season posts!
« on: September 23, 2018, 03:48:22 pm »

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: September 23, 2018, 03:43:59 pm »
0/10 I've never seen you, I apologize.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / An Upcomming Role-Play..
« on: September 23, 2018, 01:12:56 pm »
You're laying on the cold, wet terrain. Somewhere you don't exactly know, nothing is familiar to you, no one is familiar. Not even the thick vegetation you recognize, not even the abundance of leaves that cling on for dear life against the root of a tree. The sent that corrupts your nostrils you've never smelt before, a strong husk odor, one could say it smelt like a combination of; rotting flesh and fecal matter. Not exactly the nicest smell you've smelt before. You're fur what looked to be covered in one to two day old wounds, some even fresher than that. The pain that withdraws from them every time you try to move is horrifically excruciating, like being burned with a metal rod over and over again.

A couple hours pass by and you begin to lose hope, as blood continues to pour down your back, legs, flank, everywhere the eye could see, almost saturated in old disgusting rotten, filthy blood. Nothing anyone can do for you at this point, you've lost so much, too much. What you once called hearing begins to fade into what you can best describe as if you were underwater. Everything was muffled. Even the voices of two fellow strangers that stood above you, including a couple who stood to your sides. Just staring at you. Piercings lined their faces and dark colored paint covered their fur. Each peace of paint was shaped like each other, but every one of them had a different symbol that burned on their shoulder. Your forced to gaze upwards, towards whoever it was. What looked like a rough wolf pack would certainly turn out to be more, you notice but a lion. Who to is covered in tribal markings. A lion and wolf standing together was never seen before, never mind even being heard of.

The feline hunches down to your head height, just looking at you, intimidatingly.
"Hello, canine. Might I introduce you to the ______ Tribe?"

Anyway, hello. This 'tribe' is a work in progress but I thought we'd tease it a little. Said to be released in December or sooner. We look forward to anyone who is interested. We will have multiple maps, have ceremony's, traditions, sacrifices, have tribal markings, require tribal piercings, require for you to chose our made up religions, and have some tribal ranks. But most of all, we will have felines and canines working together. Remember this is just a few of the details.

In better detail our plot line resides around two religions that attempt to work together, felines or canines can chose either one. Yes at times we will have small fights, reason why we've decided to include a battle arena especially for your spars. You want to challenge someone? Challenge accepted. The religions are as best as I can describe it like; God and Satan. You have those who treat the land properly, who care for one another. Then you have those who ravish the land of everything good. They tolerate each other to a certain extent and share the same camp, those are aloud to breed together but the offspring are a whole other discrimination within the tribe. (But In reality we all love each other <3)


Site/Forum Help / Re: Floof-O-Meter
« on: September 22, 2018, 11:40:52 pm »
Yep, Valar.Morghulis got it right for ya! :3 And no question is dumb, ask away and we will help you as fast as we can! c: Here is a quote I found that will tell you more about it :)
The Floof-O-Meter.. Is like "Karma". When you do something good or whatnot, another member can "nuzzle" you to show their appreciation. You can start nuzzling people once you have hit 25 posts.
It doesn't change your forum experience at all, so it's not really all that crucial. But, it's a nice little meter thing.~

Thank you again. cx

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a Member of the Season posts!
« on: September 22, 2018, 11:12:52 pm »

Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: September 22, 2018, 11:10:50 pm »
H for Harvest

Site/Forum Help / Re: Floof-O-Meter
« on: September 22, 2018, 11:06:01 pm »
It’s basically a “nuzzle” to someone when they do something good and you want to give them appreciation for that or for whatever else. You can do nuzzles after you hit 25 posts I believe. And you can do one every 24 hours. :)

Thank you. c:

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